Names for Boys and Girls |
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Name | Meaning | Region | Gender |
Alo | He looks up | Native American | Boy |
Alodia | Foreign Riches | Spanish | Girl |
Aloin | Noble friend | French | Boy |
Alois | Famous warrior, Famous in battle | German | Boy |
Aloise | Famous Warrior, Famous in Battle | Spanish | Girl |
Aloisia | Famous warrior, Famous in battle | German | Girl |
Aloisia | Famous warrior | Latin | Girl |
Aloisio | Famous warrior | Portuguese | Boy |
Aloisius | Famous warrior | Latin | Boy |
Alojz | Famous Warrior | Czech & Slovak | Boy |
Alojzy | Famous Warrior, Famous in Battle | Polish | Boy |
Alok | Brightness, Light, Cry of victory, A man with lovely hair | Sanskrit | Boy |
Aloli | Grapes | Egyptian | Girl |
Alon | Oak tree | English | Boy |
Alon | Oak Tree | Hebrew | Boy |
Alona | Oak Tree | Hebrew | Girl |
Alona | Light | Spanish | Girl |
Alondra | Defender of mankind | Spanish | Girl |
Alonsa | Eager for battle | German | Girl |
Alonsa | Noble and Ready, Eager for battle | Spanish | Girl |
Alonso | Noble and Ready, Eager for battle | Spanish | Boy |
Alonza | Eager For Battle | Italian | Girl |
Alonzo | Noble and ready | English | Boy |
Alonzo | Noble and Ready | Italian | Boy |
Alonzo | Brave | Spanish | Boy |
Aloys | Famous warrior | Latin | Boy |
Aloysia | Famous Warrior | German | Girl |
Aloysius | Famous warrior | Latin | Boy |
Alp | Brave | Turkish | Boy |
Alpertti | Bright, Noble | Finnish | Boy |
Alpha | First letter of the Greek alphabet. | English | Unisex |
Alphaeus | Changing | Latin | Boy |
Alphaios | Changing | Greek | Boy |
Alpheaus | Changing | Latin | Boy |
Alpheus | Changing | Latin | Boy |
Alphoeus | Changing | Latin | Boy |
Alphonse | Noble | French | Boy |
Alphonsine | Noble and ready | English | Girl |
Alphonsine | Noble | French | Girl |
Alphonsine | Noble | German | Girl |
Alphonso | Ready | German | Boy |
Alphonso | Noble and Ready | Italian | Boy |
Alphonsus | Noble and ready | Latin | Boy |
Alphonzo | Noble and ready | English | Boy |
Alphonzus | Noble and ready | Latin | Boy |
Alpin | White | English | Boy |
Alpin | Attractive, Fair, White | Scottish | Boy |
Alpina | Blond | Scottish | Girl |
Alpine | White, Swiss Alps | English | Boy |
Alrekr | Powerful, Ruler of all | Norse | Boy |
Alric | Rules all | German | Boy |
Alrick | Rules all | German | Boy |
Alrik | Noble Leader | German | Boy |
Alsatia | From Alsace | French | Girl |
Alsoomse | Independent | Native American | Girl |
Alta | High | Spanish | Girl |
Altagracia | High | Spanish | Girl |
Altair | Flying Eagle, Bird | Arabic | Boy |
Altair | Star, The Bird, The Flyer | English | Unisex |
Altair | Star | Greek | Boy |
Altaira | Bird | Arabic | Girl |
Altan | Red Dawn | Turkish | Boy |
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