Surname | In Local | Meaning | Country |
Aaron | | Light Bringer | English |
Abaid | | | Lebanon |
Abbadi | | | Jordan |
Abbasi | | | Iran |
Abbasov | Abbasov | Son of Abbas | Azerbaijan |
Abbot | | Abbot, Father, Priest | English |
Abbott | | Abbot, Father, Priest | English |
Abdallah | | Servant of God | Turkey |
Abdoo, Abdu | | | Lebanon |
Abdul | | | Afghanistan |
Abdul, Abdalla, Abdullah | | | Lebanon |
Abe | 阿部 | Section Nook | Japan |
Abel | | Vanity, Breath | English |
Abella | | Bee | Spanish |
Abendroth | | Red evening | German |
Abercrombie | | The mouth of a river, Marshy ground | Gaelic |
Aberdeen | | The mouth of a river, Marshy ground, Place where streams meets | English |
Aberdene | | From the mouth of the river Don | English |
Abernethy | | Dangerous confluence of two or more rivers | Gaelic |
Abernithy | | Dangerous confluence of two or more rivers | Gaelic |
Abney | | Like Albus, White | English |
Abood, Abud | | | Lebanon |
Abourizk, Aburizk | | | Lebanon |
Abousamra | | | Lebanon |
Abraham | | Father of a multitude | English |
Abuladze | აბულაძე | | Georgia |
Abuzaid, Abouzaid, Abozaid | | | Lebanon |
Acheson | | Son of Adam, Inscription, Memorial | English |
Ackart | | Oak Like, Firm hearted, Unyielding | English |
Ackerley | | Oak Meadow | English |
Ackerman | | Oaken Man, Hard, Unyielding Man | English |
Ackers | | Oaken Man, | English |
Ackland | | Oak Land | English |
Ackman | | Oak Man | English |
Acksheugh | | Hilly land covered with Oaks | English |
Acton | | Oak tree settlement | English |
Adair | | The ford of the Oaks | Scottish |
Adaire | | The ford of the Oaks | Scottish |
Adamson | | Son of Adam | Scottish |
Adbelkader | | | Jordan |
Adcock | | Little Adam | Scottish |
Addison | | Son of Adam | Scottish |
Addison | | Son of Adam | English |
Adee | | Earth, Red, Red Earth | English |
Adkins | | Child of Adam | English |
Adlam | | Noble Village | English |
Adlar | | Eagle | Dutch |
Adnet | | Earth, Red | French |
Adnot | | Earth, Red | French |
Adrei | | | Israel |
Adrian | | From Hadria | English |
Affleck | | Hill Stone | English |
Afridi | | | Pakistan |
Afton | | From the river Afton | English |
Agan | | Force, Violence, Strong Handed | Scottish |
Agar | | Gladness, Joy | Scottish |
Ageda | 上田 | Upper Rice Field | Japan |
Aglionby | | Eagle's Nest | English |
Agnew | | Lamb | English |
Ahern | | Lord of horses | Irish |
Ahmad | | | Iraq |
Ahmadi | | | Afghanistan |
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