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 Names meaning Powerful

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List of Names that means 'Powerful'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
Abd-Al-Aziz  (عبد العزيز)ArabianServant of the PowerfulBoy
Abd-Al-Qadir  (عبد القادر)ArabianServant of the Capable; PowerfulBoy
Abdul AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; PowerfulBoy
Abdul MuqtadirIndianServant of powerfulBoy
Abdul QadeerIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul QadirIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul-AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; The powerfulBoy
Abdul-AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; PowerfulBoy
AbhibhavaIndianOver powering; Powerful; VictoriousBoy
AbhibhavaIndianOverpowering; Powerful; VictoriousBoy
AbhisriIndianSurrounded by glory; Shining; PowerfulGirl
AdalricusGermanAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
Adbul QawiIndianServant of the most powerfulBoy
AdiraArabianStrong and PowerfulGirl
AdiraHebrewNoble; Powerful; StrongGirl
AkbarIndianHonorable; Great; Bigger; PowerfulBoy
Al Qadir (القادر)IndianThe All Powerful
AlaricoSpanishPowerful; Ruler of allBoy
AlaricusGermanAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
Al-AzizArabianTo Be Cherished; PowerfulBoy
AlericEnglishAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AlericIndianAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AlerickEnglishAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AlerickIndianAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllaricEnglishAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllaricIndianAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllarickEnglishAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllarickIndianAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllericEnglishAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllericIndianAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllerickEnglishAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllerickIndianAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllricEnglishAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AllricIndianAll Powerful; Ruler of allBoy
AlrekrNorsePowerful; Ruler of allBoy
AmandlaAfricanPowerful; StrongGirl
AmaudFrenchPowerful EagleBoy
AmoFrenchPowerful EagleBoy
AngadIndianOrnament; PowerfulBoy
ArmannoItalianWarrior; Eagle; PowerfulBoy
ArminoItalianWarrior; Eagle; PowerfulBoy
ArnGermanPowerful EagleBoy
ArnaldoItalianWarrior; Eagle; PowerfulBoy
ArnaudFrenchPowerful EagleBoy
ArnaudeFrenchPowerful EagleGirl
ArndtGermanPowerful EagleBoy
ArneGermanPowerful EagleBoy
ArnoldGermanPowerful EagleBoy
AzamIndianPowerful one; OffspringBoy
Aziz  (عزيز)ArabianTo Be Cherished (Or Powerful)Boy
BalbeerIndianImmense Strength; PowerfulBoy
BalrajIndianMighty; Powerful; StrongBoy
BalvanIndianPowerful and mightyBoy
BalvantIndianImmense Strength; PowerfulBoy
BalveerIndianImmense Strength; PowerfulBoy
BalveerIndianPowerful; Strong; MightyBoy
BalvinderIndianPowerful; Strong; MightyUnisex
BalvindraIndianImmense Strength; PowerfulBoy
BalvindraIndianPowerful; Strong; MightyUnisex
BalwantIndianImmense Strength; PowerfulBoy
BalwantIndianPowerful; Strong; MightyUnisex
DhirenIndianStrong; Powerful; BraveBoy
DickEnglishPowerful ruler; BraveBoy
DickGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
DickIndianPowerful ruler; BraveBoy
DickieEnglishPowerful ruler; BraveBoy
DickieIndianPowerful ruler; BraveBoy
DickyEnglishPowerful ruler; BraveBoy
DickyIndianPowerful ruler; BraveBoy
GualterioSpanishStrong and powerful warriorBoy
GualtieroItalianStrong and Powerful Warrior; Ruler of the ArmyBoy
GutierreSpanishPowerful RulerBoy
ImeldaSpanishPowerful FighterGirl
ImranIndianPowerful; ProsperousBoy
ImranaIndianPowerful; ProsperousGirl
IshwarIndianPowerful; Supreme GodBoy
IshwarIndianPowerful; The Supreme GodBoy
Jabbar  (جبّار)ArabianMost Powerful; Mighty; StrongBoy
JelaniAfricanMighty; PowerfulBoy
KaimanaHawaiianPower of the Ocean; PowerfulUnisex
MahaaveerIndianMost powerfulBoy
MahadevIndianLord Shiva; Most powerful godBoy
MansaAfricanA King; PowerfulBoy
ManuelIndianPowerful; StrongBoy
NakhtiEgyptianName PowerfulBoy
OorjitIndianPowerful; StrongBoy
Qadir  (قدير)ArabianCapable; PowerfulBoy
QadirIndianBrave; Courageous; Able; PowerfulBoy
RanaldScottishWise Ruler; PowerfulBoy
ReggieGermanPowerful RulerBoy
ReginaldGermanPowerful RulerBoy
RhisiartWelshPowerful and braveBoy
RhonaScottishWise Ruler; PowerfulGirl
RicardFrenchRich and powerful rulerBoy
RicardaGermanRich and powerful rulerGirl
RicardaItalianRich and Powerful RulerGirl
RicardaLatinPowerful and BraveGirl
RicardaSpanishRich and powerful rulerGirl
RicardoGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RicardoSpanishPowerful and BraveBoy
RicardusLatinPowerful RulerBoy
RiccardaItalianPowerful and BraveGirl
RiccardoGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RiccardoItalianRich and Powerful Ruler; Powerful and Brave; Home RulerBoy
RicciardoItalianRich and Powerful Ruler; Powerful and Brave; Home RulerBoy
RichEnglishPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RichGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RichIndianPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RichardEnglishPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RichardFrenchRich and powerful rulerBoy
RichardGermanPowerful and braveBoy
RichardHungarianBrave; Rich and Powerful RulerBoy
RichardIndianPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RichardTeutonicPowerful and braveBoy
RichardaEnglishPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichardaIndianPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichardineEnglishPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichardineIndianPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichardoFrenchRich and powerful rulerBoy
RichelleEnglishPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichelleIndianPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichendraEnglishPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichendraIndianPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RichieEnglishPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RichieIndianPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RichmondGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RickEnglishPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RickIndianPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RickardGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RickenaEnglishPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RickenaIndianPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RickertGermanPowerful and braveBoy
RickeyEnglishPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RickeyIndianPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RickiEnglishPowerful and brave rulerUnisex
RickiIndianPowerful and brave rulerUnisex
RickieEnglishPowerful and brave rulerUnisex
RickieIndianPowerful and brave rulerUnisex
RickyEnglishPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RickyIndianPowerful and brave rulerBoy
RicoGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RicoItalianRich and Powerful Ruler; Powerful and Brave; Home RulerBoy
RicoSpanishRich and powerful rulerBoy
RikEnglishPowerful rulerBoy
RikIndianPowerful rulerBoy
RikardGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RikardHungarianBrave; Rich and Powerful RulerBoy
RikertGermanPowerful and braveBoy
RikhardFinnishPowerful and BraveBoy
RikkiEnglishPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RikkiIndianPowerful and brave rulerGirl
RikuFinnishPowerful and BraveBoy
RiocardGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RiqueFrenchRich and powerful rulerBoy
RisaCzech & SlovakRich And Powerful RulerBoy
RisteardGermanRich and powerful rulerBoy
RitchieEnglishPowerful rulerBoy
RitchieIndianPowerful rulerBoy
RonaScottishWise Ruler; PowerfulGirl
RonaldScottishWise Ruler; PowerfulBoy
RuiseartScottishPowerful and BraveBoy
RyszardGermanPowerful RulerBoy
RyszardPolishRich and Powerful RulerBoy
RyszardaPolishRich and Powerful RulerGirl
SachisthIndianMost powerful; HelpfulBoy
SachisthIndianMost powerful helpfulBoy
Saddam  (صدّام)ArabianOne Who Confronts; Powerful RulerBoy
SagmaIndianPowerful; Mighty; StrongBoy
SahasanIndianPowerful; MightyBoy
SahasinIndianPowerful; MightyBoy
SahishtIndianStrongest; Most powerfulBoy
SakshamIndianAble powerfulBoy
SamarthIndianPowerful; Lord KrishnaBoy
SamrathIndianMighty and powerfulBoy
ShaktiIndianGoddess Durga; PowerfulGirl
ShaktiSanskritThe powerful oneGirl
ShaktidharIndianLord Shiva; PowerfulBoy
ShaktikIndianPowerful; MightyBoy
TaraswinIndianBrave; Powerful; StrengthBoy
TaraswinIndianBrave; Shakti ka rup; PowerfulBoy
UllaFinnishPowerful and ProsperousGirl
UlriikkaFinnishPowerful and ProsperousGirl
UlrikaFinnishPowerful and ProsperousGirl
VaibhavIndianGlorious; Powerful; Prosperity; RichnessBoy
VaibhavIndianGlorious; Powerful; ProsperityBoy
VaibhavIndianRichness; Prosperity; Glorious; Powerful; Born of moonBoy
VibhuIndianAll pervading; PowerfulBoy
VikrantIndianPowerful; BraveBoy
VikrantIndianBrave; Powerful; StrongBoy
VikrantaIndianPowerful; BraveBoy

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