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 Names meaning The Sun

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List of Names that means 'The Sun'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AadithyaIndianLord of the SunBoy
AadityaIndianThe SunBoy
AahanaIndianFirst rays of the sunGirl
AashmanIndianSon of the sunBoy
AbhirucIndianThe sunBoy
AchiengAfricanBorn when the Sun ShinesGirl
AditeyaIndianAnother name for the sun; Son of 'Aditi'Boy
AditeyaIndianAnother name for the SunBoy
AditeyaIndianThe SunBoy
AditeyaSanskritAnother name for the sun; Son of 'Aditi'Boy
AditiIndianMother of Gods; Earth; Nature; Radiant like the sunGirl
AditiIndianMother of Gods; Radiant like the sunGirl
AdityaSanskritThe sunBoy
AdityanandanSanskritSon of the sunBoy
AdityanandanaIndianSon of the SunBoy
AftaabIndianThe SunBoy
AftabIndianThe SunBoy
Aftab; AftaabIndianThe SunBoy
AineshIndianThe Sun's gloryBoy
AnamitraIndianThe SunBoy
AnshuIndianThe SunBoy
AnshumaanIndianThe sunBoy
AnshumanIndianThe SunBoy
AntimanNative AmericanCondor of the sunBoy
AntinancoNative AmericanEagle of the SunBoy
ArkaIndianThe SunBoy
ArunIndianMythical charioteer of the sun; DawnBoy
ArunIndianSun; Mythical charioteer of the Sun; DawnBoy
ArushiIndianDawn; Red sky in the early morning; First rays of the sunGirl
AryamaIndianThe SunGirl
AryamanIndianThe SunBoy
AshmanIndianSon of the SunBoy
AsitaAfricanThe SunBoy
AviIndianThe Sun and AirBoy
BhanudasIndianA devotee of the sunBoy
BhanudasIndianDevotee of the sunBoy
BhanupriyaIndianThe Sun's belovedGirl
BhaskariIndianRadiant like the sunGirl
ChitrarathIndianThe SunBoy
CirinoItalianLike the SunBoy
CiroItalianLike the SunBoy
CyEnglishLike the SunBoy
CyIndianLike the SunBoy
CyraEnglishLike the SunGirl
CyraIndianLike the SunGirl
CyraLatinLike the SunGirl
CyrusEnglishLike the SunBoy
CyrusIndianLike the SunBoy
CyrusLatinLike the SunBoy
DakshinayanIndianSome movement of the sunBoy
DeeptanshuIndianThe SunBoy
DeeptanshuSanskritThe sunBoy
DeevakarSanskritThe sunBoy
DhatriIndianEarth; Goddess Parvati; A solar deity; Representative of the sunGirl
DhatriSanskritEarth; Goddess Parvati; A solar deity; Representative of the sunGirl
DhinakarIndianThe SunBoy
DinakarIndianThe SunBoy
DinakarSanskritThe sunBoy
DinapatiIndianThe SunBoy
DinendraIndianLord of the day; The SunBoy
DineshSanskritThe lord of the day; The sunBoy
DinkarSanskritThe sunBoy
DivaakarSanskritThe sunBoy
DivakarIndianThe SunBoy
DivakarSanskritThe sunBoy
EleadoraSpanishGift of the SunGirl
EliodoroItalianGift of the SunBoy
Helia  (Ηλείας)GreekThe SunGirl
HeliodoroPortugueseGift of the SunBoy
HeliodoroSpanishGift of the SunBoy
HeliodorosGreekGift of the SunBoy
HeliodorusLatinGift of the SunBoy
HimaghnaIndianThe SunBoy
Hinata  (向日葵 / 陽向)JapaneseSunflower; Facing Towards The SunUnisex
IndiraIndianRadiant like the sunGirl
IndiraIndianRadiant like the sun; Goddess LaxmiGirl
JimutaIndianOne of 108 names of the sun godBoy
JivanaIndianOne of 108 names of the sun godBoy
JyotiIndianFlame; Light; Lamp; The light of the SunGirl
JyotiSanskritFlame; Light; Lamp; The light of the SunGirl
JyotiraadityaIndianThe resplendence of the SunBoy
KabalikrutIndianSwallower of the sun; Lord HanumanBoy
KabalikrutIndianSallower of the SunBoy
KabalikrutIndianSwallower of the sunBoy
KaikalaHawaiianThe Sea and the SunGirl
KhorvashIndianLike the sunBoy
KhorvashIranian (Persian)Like the SunBoy
Kira  (Кира)RussianLord; Master; Like the SunGirl
KishorIndianThe Sun GodBoy
KivarIndianThe SunBoy
KoroushIndianLike the sunBoy
KoroushIranian (Persian)Like the SunBoy
KurushIndianLike the sunBoy
KurushIranian (Persian)Like the SunBoy
KyraEnglishLike the SunGirl
KyraIndianPrincess; Like the SunGirl
Kyrillos  (Κύριλλος)GreekLord; Like the SunGirl
KyrosGreekLord; Like the SunBoy
MeherdadIndianGiven by the sunBoy
MehrdadIndianGift of the sunBoy
MehrdadIranian (Persian)Gift of the SunBoy
MehrnazIranian (Persian)The Sun'S GloryGirl
MehrzadIndianOffspring of the sunBoy
MehrzadIranian (Persian)The Offspring of the SunBoy
MihiraIndianFeminine form of Mihir - The SunGirl
MihiraIndianFeminine form of Mihir the sunGirl
MitraIndianFriend; The SunBoy
OchiengAfricanBorn when the Sun ShinesBoy
PrabhaIndianLight; Glow; Shine; Radiant like the sunGirl
RaEgyptianThe SunBoy
RavindraIndianThe Sun lordBoy
RaviprabhaIndianLight of the sunGirl
RohitIndianRed; The sun's red light; First rays of the sunBoy
RohitSanskritRed; The sun's red light; First rays of the sunBoy
SamsonEnglishLike the SunBoy
SamsonIndianLike the SunBoy
SansonHebrewOf the SunBoy
SansonSpanishOf the SunBoy
SauraIndianCelestial; Sacred to the sunGirl
SauriIndianSon of the sunBoy
SavitashriIndianLuster of the sunGirl
SavitendraIndianThe SunBoy
SheedehIranian (Persian)Bright; Luminous; the SunGirl
ShidehIranian (Persian)Bright; Luminous; the SunGirl
SonikaIndianDaughter of the Sun; GoldenGirl
SourenIndianOf the sunBoy
SulwenScottishBright as the SunGirl
SurajIndianThe SunBoy
SuryaIndonesianThe SunBoy
SuryaSanskritThe sunBoy
SuryabhanIndianThe SunBoy
SuryakantIndianLoved by the SunBoy
SuryakantIndianLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelBoy
SuryakantSanskritLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelBoy
SuryakantaIndianLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelGirl
SuryakantaSanskritLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelGirl
SuryakantamIndianBrightness of the sun; Loved by the sunGirl
SuryakantamSanskritBrightness of the sun; Loved by the sunGirl
SuvanIndianThe SunBoy
TapatiIndianThe Sun's daughterGirl
TejeshwarIndianThe SunBoy
ThinakaranIndianBrilliant like the sun; IntelligentBoy
UshakantaIndianThe SunBoy
VibhavasuIndianThe SunBoy
VikramIndianThe Sun of velourBoy
VivaswatIndianThe SunBoy

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