Name | Origin | Meaning | Gender |
Aali (عالي) | Arabian | Lofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted One | Boy |
Aaliyah (عالية) | Arabian | Lofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted One | Girl |
Aarit | Indian | One who seeks the right direction | Boy |
Aaron | Hebrew | Exalted One; High; High Mountain | Boy |
Aashita | Indian | One who is full of hope | Girl |
Aashritha | Indian | One who gives shelter | Girl |
Aashutosh | Indian | One who fulfills wishes instantly | Boy |
Aayush | Indian | One with long life | Boy |
Aayushi | Indian | One with long life | Girl |
Aayushmaan | Indian | One with long life | Boy |
Aayushman | Indian | One with long life | Boy |
Abd Er Rahman | Arabian | Servant of Merciful One | Boy |
Abdalrahman | Arabian | Servant of Merciful One | Boy |
Abdul Afuw | Indian | Slave of the one who pardons | Boy |
Abdul Ahad | Indian | Slave of he who is one Allah | Boy |
Abdul Awwal | Indian | Slave of the first one | Boy |
Abdul Baith | Indian | Slave of the one who raises death | Boy |
Abdul Haleem | Indian | Servant of the forbearing One | Boy |
Abdul Haseeb | Indian | Servant of the reckoned | Boy |
Abdul Khabir | Indian | Slave of the one who is aware | Boy |
Abdul Mani | Indian | Slave of one who prevents | Boy |
Abdul Musawwir | Indian | Slave of the fashioner | Boy |
Abdul Waahid | Indian | Servant of the one | Boy |
Abdulrahman | Indian | servant of the merciful one | Boy |
Abdul-Waahid | Indian | Servant of the one | Boy |
Abdus Sattar | Indian | Slave of one who conceals faults | Boy |
Abhicandra | Indian | One with a moon like face | Boy |
Abhicandra | Indian | Moon like face; One of the seven Manus of the Svetambara Jain section | Boy |
Abhicandra | Indian | With a moon like face; One of the seven manus of the Svetambara jain sect | Boy |
Abhijeet | Indian | Victorious; One who has conquered; Lord Krishna | Boy |
Abhijeet | Indian | One who is victorious | Boy |
Abhijeet | Indian | Victorious; One who has conquered | Boy |
Abhijit | Indian | One who is victorious | Boy |
Abhimaaninee | Indian | One who possess pride | Girl |
Abhimanyu | Indian | Son of Arjun; Heroic; One with self respect | Boy |
Abhiramana | Indian | One who delights | Boy |
Abhrakasin | Indian | One with clouds to shelter; An Ascetic | Boy |
Abimanyu | Indian | Son of Arjun; Heroic; One with self respect | Boy |
Aboyo | African | One who Saunters | Girl |
Abul Khayr | Indian | One who does good | Boy |
Ace | English | Number one | Boy |
Ace | Indian | Number one | Boy |
Acelin | English | Little Noble One | Boy |
Acelin | Indian | Little Noble One | Boy |
Aceline | English | Little Noble One | Girl |
Aceline | Indian | Little Noble One | Girl |
Acer | English | Number one | Boy |
Acer | Indian | Number one | Boy |
Acey | English | Number one | Boy |
Acey | Indian | Number one | Boy |
Achan | English | One who troubles | Boy |
Achan | Indian | One who troubles | Boy |
Achar | English | One who troubles | Boy |
Achar | Indian | One who troubles | Boy |
Achyuta | Indian | Indestructible; One who is firm | Boy |
Acie | English | Number one | Boy |
Acie | Indian | Number one | Boy |
Adalstan | German | Noble Stone | Boy |
Adalsteinn | Scandinavian | Noble stone | Boy |
Adeel | Indian | Judge; Honest | Boy |
Adhrit | Indian | The one who don't need any support but supports everyone; Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Adhrit | Sanskrit | The one who don't need any support but supports everyone; Lord Vishnu | Boy |
Adil (عادل) | Arabian | Fair; Honest; Justice | Boy |
Adisa | African | One who is Clear | Boy |
Advaya | Indian | One; United | Boy |
Advaya | Sanskrit | One; United | Boy |
Adway | Indian | One; United | Boy |
Aethelstan | Anglo-Saxon | Noble stone | Boy |
Afeefa | Indian | Honest; Upright | Girl |
Afifa | Indian | Honest; Upright | Girl |
Afuw | Indian | One who pardons | Boy |
Aghigh | Indian | Stone | Girl |
Aghigh | Iranian (Persian) | Name of a Stone | Girl |
Ahan | Indian | One who is of the nature of time itself | Boy |
Aharon | Hebrew | Exalted One; High; High Mountain | Boy |
Ahlam | Indian | Witty; One who has pleasant dreams; Imaginative | Girl |
Ahtunowhiho | Native American | One who lives below | Boy |
Aidith | Anglo-Saxon | Seasoned warrior | Girl |
Ailith | Anglo-Saxon | Seasoned warrior | Girl |
Aimee | French | Dear one; Darling; Beloved | Girl |
Aino | Finnish | The only one | Girl |
Aithbhreac | Scottish | New Speckled One | Girl |
Aja | Indian | One who is self existent; Unborn | Girl |
Aja | Indian | One who is self existent | Girl |
Ajaipal | Indian | One whose caretaker is the lord | Boy |
Ajar | Indian | One Who Is Not Old | Boy |
Ajatashatru | Indian | One who has no enemies | Boy |
Ajatshatru | Indian | One who has only friends and no enemies | Boy |
Ajatshatru | Indian | One who has no enemies | Boy |
Ajitabh | Indian | One who has conquered the sky | Boy |
Ajitabh | Indian | Victor; One who has conquered the sky | Boy |
Akalank | Indian | One who has no blame on him; Pure | Boy |
Akalnivas | Indian | One dwelling in the eternal realm | Boy |
Akalpreet | Indian | One who loves the timeless being | Boy |
Akalsharan | Indian | The one taking shelter in god | Boy |
Akalsimar | Indian | One remembering the eternal god | Boy |
Akane | Indian | One for whom you cannot stop loving | Girl |
Akane | Indian | Someone you cannot stop loving | Girl |
Akash | Indian | Space; One of the Panchastikay | Boy |
Akhurath | Indian | One who has mouse as charioteer | Boy |
Akhurath | Indian | One who has mouse as his charioteer | Boy |
Akhurath | Indian | One who has mouse as his charioteer; Lord Ganesh | Boy |
Akhuratha | Indian | One who has mouse as his charioteer | Boy |
Al Baqi (الباقي) | Indian | The Everlasting One | |
Al Batin (الباطن) | Indian | The Hidden One | |
Al Ghani (الغنى) | Indian | The Rich One | |
Al Hamid (الحميد) | Indian | The Praised One | |
Al Hayy (الحي) | Indian | The Ever Living One | |
Al Latif (اللطيف) | Indian | The Subtle One | |
Al Majid (المجيد) | Indian | The Majestic One | |
Al Matin (المتين) | Indian | The Forceful One | |
Al Muqsit (المقسط) | Indian | The Equitable One | |
Al Muta'ali (المتعالي) | Indian | The Supreme One | |
Al Qayyum (القيوم) | Indian | The Self-Existing One | |
Al Quddus (القدوس) | Indian | The Pure One | |
Al Wadud (الودود) | Indian | The Loving One | |
Al Wahid (الواحد) | Indian | The One; the All Inclusive; The Indivisible | |
Alea | English | The High; Exalted one | Girl |
Alea | Indian | The High; Exalted one | Girl |
Aletea | Spanish | Honest | Girl |
Aletia | Spanish | Honest | Girl |
Ali (عليّ) | Arabian | Lofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted One | Boy |
Aliya | Arabian | The High; Exalted One | Girl |
Aliyya | Arabian | The High; Exalted One | Girl |
Aliyyah | Arabian | The High; Exalted One | Girl |
Almira | English | Nobly famous; Exalted one; Princess | Girl |
Almira | Indian | Nobly famous; Exalted one; Princess | Girl |
Alop | Indian | One who does not disappear | Boy |
Amala | Indian | The pure one | Girl |
Amalesh | Indian | The pure one | Boy |
Aman | Indian | The one who is peaceful | Boy |
Amanbir | Indian | The one who fights for peace | Boy |
Amanjeet | Indian | One who attains to peace | Unisex |
Amanjeevan | Indian | One who lives a peaceful life | Boy |
Amanpreet | Indian | One who loves peace | Boy |
Amanvir | Indian | The one who fights for peace | Boy |
Amar | Indian | The immortal one | Boy |
Ambaalika | Indian | Mother; One who is sensitive | Girl |
Ambalika | Indian | Mother; One who is sensitive | Girl |
Amenophis | Greek | He who works for Atone | Boy |
Amery | Latin | The Loving One | Boy |
Ami | French | Dear one; Darling; Beloved | Girl |
Amin (أمين) | Arabian | Truthful; Trustworthy; Honest | Boy |
Amin | Indian | Honest; Faithful; Trust worthy | Boy |
Amin | Iranian (Persian) | Honest | Boy |
Amina | Arabian | Truthful; Trustworthy; Honest | Girl |
Aminah | Arabian | Truthful; Trustworthy; Honest | Girl |
Amish | Indian | Pure; Honest | Boy |
Amish | Indian | Honest | Boy |
Amish | Indian | Honest; Pure | Boy |
Amish | Sanskrit | Pure; Honest | Boy |
Amitabh | Indian | One with boundless splendor; Unlimited | Boy |
Amitabh | Indian | One with boundless splendor | Boy |
Amitabh | Indian | Unlimited; One with boundless splendor | Boy |
Amitava | Indian | One with boundless splendor | Boy |
Amitava | Indian | Unlimited; One with boundless splendor | Boy |
Amitava | Indian | One with boundless splendor; Unlimited | Boy |
Amitoj | Indian | One who is difficult to be concurred | Boy |
Ammiel | English | One of the family of God | Boy |
Ammiel | Indian | One of the family of God | Boy |
Ammihud | English | One of the people of Judah | Boy |
Ammihud | Indian | One of the people of Judah | Boy |
Ammon | Greek | The hidden one | Boy |
Amon | Egyptian | The Hidden One | Boy |
Amory | English | Home ruler; The loving one | Boy |
Amory | Indian | Home ruler; The loving one | Boy |
Amory | Latin | The Loving One | Boy |
Amoun | Egyptian | The Hidden One | Boy |
Amritleen | Indian | One imbued in the lord's nectar | Boy |
Amritpal | Indian | One protected by the lord's nectar | Boy |
Amuk | Indian | Some; One or another | Boy |
Amukta | Indian | One that can't be touched; Precious | Girl |
Anadi | Indian | Eternal; One without beginning | Boy |
Anadjot | Indian | One who radiates the lord's light | Boy |
Anagha | Indian | One without sin | Girl |
Anahita | Indian | Graceful; The immaculate one | Girl |
Anahita | Indian | Graceful; Immaculate one | Girl |
Anamika | Indian | Ring Finger; One without name | Girl |
Anand | Indian | One who is blissful; Delightful | Boy |
Anandleen | Indian | One absorbed in the lord's bliss | Boy |
Ananmaya | Indian | One who cannot be broken | Boy |
Anantadrishti | Indian | Infinite visioner | Boy |
Anasua | Indian | One who is not jealous of anybody | Girl |
Anasuya | Indian | One without spite or envy | Girl |
Anchala | Indian | One end of sari which is free | Girl |
Andal | Indian | Tamil saint; one of 12 Alvars | Girl |
Aneesha | Indian | One who is supreme | Girl |
Anesh | Indian | Smart one | Boy |
Angad | Indian | One who is embraced by god | Boy |
Angbin | Indian | Honey | Girl |
Anhur | Egyptian | Sky Bearer; Or Brings Back the Distant One | Boy |
Anindita | Indian | Beautiful; One who is never speaks ill; Irreproachable | Girl |
Anindya | Indian | One who cannot be blamed | Boy |
Aniruddha | Indian | One that can't be restricted | Boy |
Aniruddha | Indian | One who that cannot be restricted | Boy |
Anishka | Indian | One who has no enemies | Girl |
Anishka | Indian | One who has only friends and no enemies | Girl |
Anjalika | Indian | One of Arjuna's arrows | Boy |
Anjalika | Indian | One of Arjuna's arrows | Girl |
Anju | Indian | Blessings; Unconquerable; One who lives in heart | Girl |
Anju | Indian | Blessing; One who lives in heart | Girl |
Anju | Indian | One who lives in heart | Girl |
Anjushree | Indian | Dear to one's heart; Beloved | Girl |
Anjushree | Sanskrit | Dear to one's heart; Beloved | Girl |
Anjushri | Indian | Dear to one's heart; Beloved | Girl |
Anjushri | Indian | Dear to one's heart | Girl |
Anjushri | Sanskrit | Dear to one's heart; Beloved | Girl |
Ankal | Indian | Whole; One who has no illness | Boy |
Ankal | Sanskrit | Whole; One who has no illness | Boy |
Ankitha | Indian | One with auspicious marks | Girl |
Anscom | English | Stone Enclosed Valley | Boy |
Anscom | Indian | Stone Enclosed Valley | Boy |
Anscomb | English | Stone Enclosed Valley | Boy |
Anscomb | Indian | Stone Enclosed Valley | Boy |
Antarpreet | Indian | One who loves the light within | Boy |
Anulata | Indian | One with very slim figure | Girl |
Anulekha | Indian | Beautiful picture; One who follows destiny | Girl |
Anulekha | Indian | One who follows destiny | Girl |
Anvi | Indian | One of Devi's name | Girl |
Anvi | Indian | One of Devi's names | Girl |
Anvita | Indian | One who bridges the gap | Girl |
Aonghas | Scottish | Strength; One Choice | Boy |
Aonghus | Scottish | Strength; One Choice | Unisex |
Apudo | African | The Fat One | Girl |
Ar Raqib (الرقيب) | Indian | The Watchful One | |
Archit | Indian | One who deserves to be worshiped; Giving | Boy |
Archita | Indian | One who deserves to be worshiped; Giving | Girl |
Archita | Indian | One who is worshipped | Girl |
Areille | Hebrew | Lioness of God | Girl |
Arek | Polish | The Exalted One | Boy |
Arianna | Indian | Holy one | Girl |
Ariele | French | Lioness of God | Girl |
Arielle | French | Lioness of God | Girl |
Arihant | Indian | Lord Shiva; One who has killed his enemies | Boy |
Arihant | Indian | One who has killed his enemies | Boy |
Aritra | Indian | One who shows the right path; Navigator | Boy |
Arivuchelvan | Indian | One whose wealth is his wisdom | Boy |
Arjun | Indian | Peacock; Son of lord Indra; One of the Pandava brothers | Boy |
Arjun | Sanskrit | Son of lord Indra; One of the Pandava brothers | Boy |
Armel | French | Stone Prince | Boy |
Armelle | French | Stone Princess | Girl |
Aron | Polish | The Exalted One | Boy |
Arshad | Indian | Guided; Honest; Holy; Pious | Boy |
Arshaq | Indian | Handsome; Well proportioned | Boy |
Arshia | Indian | Heavenly; Throne | Girl |
Arshia | Iranian (Persian) | Throne | Boy |
Arto | Indonesian | Money | Boy |
Arvan | Indian | One of the moon's horses | Boy |
As Sabur (الصبور) | Indian | The Patient One | |
Asal | Indian | Honey | Girl |
Asal | Iranian (Persian) | Honey | Girl |
Ascelina | English | Little Noble One | Girl |
Ascelina | Indian | Little Noble One | Girl |
Asceline | English | Little Noble One | Girl |
Asceline | Indian | Little Noble One | Girl |
Aseel | Indian | One belonging to a great heritage and family | Boy |
Aseela | Indian | One belonging to a great heritage and family | Girl |
Aseelah | Indian | One belonging to a great heritage and family | Girl |
Aseelah | Indian | One who belongs to a great heritage and family | Girl |
Ashika | Indian | One without sorrow; Mercury | Girl |
Ashok | Indian | Without sadness; One without sorrow | Boy |
Ashok | Indian | One without sorrow | Boy |
Ashoka | Indian | One without grief | Girl |
Ashrith | Indian | One who gives refuge to others | Boy |
Ashutosh | Indian | Lord Shiva; One who is easily pleased | Boy |
Asitvaran | Indian | Dark complexioned | Boy |
Asiya | Indian | One who tends to the weak and heals | Boy |
Asiya | Indian | One who tends to the weak and heals | Girl |
Asjid | Indian | One who prays to god | Boy |
Aslam | Indian | One who salutes | Boy |
Astik | Indian | One who has faith in god | Boy |
Asutosh | Indian | One who becomes happy easily | Boy |
Asvedha | Indian | One of the mandram | Girl |
Aswad | Indian | Black stone | Boy |
Aswad | Indian | Islamic name (a black stone) in Mecca | Boy |
Athaleyah | Hebrew | Lioness of God | Girl |
Athelstan | English | Noble stone | Boy |
Athelstan | Indian | Noble stone | Boy |
Athervan | Indian | One of the four Vedas | Boy |
Atin | Indian | Great one | Boy |
Atin | Indian | The great one | Boy |
Augadh | Indian | One who revels all the time | Boy |
Auset | Egyptian | Queen; Princess; Women of Throne | Girl |
Avalok | Indian | One who beholds | Boy |
Aveer | Indian | Brave; one who fights for peace | Boy |
Avighna | Indian | One without obstacles | Unisex |
Avighna | Indian | Ignorant; One without obstacles; Remover of obstacles | Unisex |
Aviral | Indian | Continuous; Ongoing; One who never stops | Boy |
Avlokita | Indian | The enlightened one | Girl |
Awuor | African | The Greedy One | Girl |
Awwal | Indian | First one | Boy |
Ayaan | Indian | One who witnesses; Appear | Boy |
Ayan | Indian | One who witnesses; Appear | Boy |
Ayasha | Native American | Little One | Girl |
Ayashe | Native American | Little One | Girl |
Ayawamat | Native American | Obedient; One who follows orders | Boy |
Ayira | African | The Chosen One | Girl |
Ayn | English | The Only One | Girl |
Ayn | Indian | The Only One | Girl |
Ayokunle | African | One who filled the Home with Joy | Boy |
Ayushmati | Indian | One who has a long life | Girl |
Ayushmati | Sanskrit | One who has a long life; Eternal one | Girl |
Az Zahir (الظاهر) | Indian | The Manifest One | |
Azam | Indian | Powerful one; Offspring | Boy |
Baari | Indian | One of the names of god; Evolver | Boy |
Baasit | Indian | Expander; One who spreads or grants prosperity | Boy |
Bahadar | Indian | One who is brave and courageous | Boy |
Bahubali | Indian | One who has strength in his arms; Brother of lord Bharat | Boy |
Bahugandha | Indian | One with lot of scent | Girl |
Bais | Indian | One of the 99 names of god | Boy |
Baith | Indian | One who raises death | Boy |
Bakhsheesh | Indian | The blessed one | Boy |
Bakhtawar | Indian | One who brings good luck | Boy |
Bala | Sanskrit | Child; Young one | Boy |
Balamohan | Indian | One who is attractive | Boy |
Balganym | Kazakh | Honey Lady | Girl |
Baltej | Indian | One with glorious might | Boy |
Bandhavi | Indian | One who loves friends and family members | Girl |
Basheer | Indian | One who carries good news | Boy |
Basir | Indian | One of the 99 names of god | Boy |
Basit (باسط) | Arabian | One Who Enlarges | Boy |
Beavis | English | Shining one | Boy |
Beavis | Indian | Shining one | Boy |
Becca | English | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Becca | Indian | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Becci | English | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Becci | Indian | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Becka | English | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Becka | Indian | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Beckah | English | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Beckah | Indian | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Becky | English | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Becky | Indian | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Bekki | English | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Bekki | Indian | One who snares; Traps | Girl |
Belphoebe | English | Beautiful Shining One | Girl |
Belphoebe | Indian | Beautiful Shining One | Girl |
Bernice | French | One who brings victory | Girl |
Berniss | French | One who brings victory | Girl |
Bernyce | French | One who brings victory | Girl |
Beryl | English | Green Gemstones | Girl |
Beryl | Indian | Green Gemstones | Girl |
Beverley | English | Beaver Stream; Shining Ones | Boy |
Beverley | Indian | Beaver Stream; Shining Ones | Boy |
Beverly | English | Beaver Stream; Shining Ones | Girl |
Beverly | Indian | Beaver Stream; Shining Ones | Girl |
Bevis | English | Shining one | Boy |
Bevis | Indian | Shining one | Boy |
Bhadraksh | Indian | One with beautiful eyes | Boy |
Bhadraksh | Indian | One with beautiful eyes; Whose eyes reflect auspiciousness | Boy |
Bhadraksh | Sanskrit | One with beautiful eyes; Whose eyes reflect auspiciousness | Boy |
Bhagirath | Indian | One who brought Ganga on earth | Boy |
Bhagirath | Indian | One who brought Ganga on earth; An ancient king | Boy |
Bhagwant | Indian | One whose heart is full of loving devotion | Boy |
Bhajan | Indian | One who is absorbed in god's love | Boy |
Bhalanetra | Indian | One who has an eye in the forehead | Boy |
Bhavjeet | Indian | One who swims across the dreadful world ocean | Boy |
Bheema | Indian | Mighty; Huge and Gigantic; One of Pandavas | Boy |
Bhim | Indian | Mighty; Huge and Gigantic; One of Pandavas | Boy |
Bhima | Indian | Mighty; Huge and Gigantic; One of Pandavas | Boy |
Bhima | Sanskrit | The mighty one | Boy |
Bhishma | Indian | One who has taken a terrible vow | Boy |
Bhishma | Indian | One who has taken a terrible vow; Teacher of Kauravas | Boy |
Bhuvan | Indian | Palace; One of the three worlds | Boy |
Biddy | English | Exalted one | Girl |
Biddy | Indian | Exalted one | Girl |
Birgit | Scandinavian | Exalted one | Girl |
Birgitta | Finnish | Exalted One | Girl |
Birgitta | Scandinavian | Exalted One | Girl |
Birgitte | Danish | Exalted One | Girl |
Birte | Danish | Exalted One | Girl |
Bitasok | Indian | One who does not mourn | Boy |
Biyu (碧玉) | Chinese | Jasper; Precious Stone | Girl |
Blain | English | Little yellow one | Boy |
Blain | Indian | Little yellow one | Boy |
Blaine | English | Little yellow one | Boy |
Blaine | Indian | Little yellow one | Boy |
Bonita | Spanish | Pretty Little one | Girl |
Both | Scottish | From the stone house | Boy |
Bothain | Scottish | From the stone house | Boy |
Bothan | Scottish | From the stone house | Boy |
Botros | Arabian | Rock; Stone | Boy |
Boutros | Arabian | Rock; Stone | Boy |
Boyka (Бойка) | Bulgarian | One Who Teriffies In Battle | Girl |
Boyko (Бойко) | Bulgarian | One Who Teriffies In Battle | Boy |
Brahmjot | Indian | One in union with god | Boy |
Breda | English | Exalted one | Girl |
Breda | Indian | Exalted one | Girl |
Breeda | English | Exalted one | Girl |
Breeda | Indian | Exalted one | Girl |
Bridget | English | Exalted one | Girl |
Bridget | Indian | Exalted one | Girl |
Bridgette | English | Exalted one | Girl |
Bridgette | Indian | Exalted one | Girl |
Bridie | English | Exalted one | Girl |
Bridie | Indian | Exalted one | Girl |
Brielle | English | Strong one of God; Warrior of God | Girl |
Brielle | Indian | Strong one of God; Warrior of God | Girl |
Brigid | Latin | Exalted One | Girl |
Brigida | Italian | Exalted One | Girl |
Brigida | Latin | Exalted One | Girl |
Brigit | English | Exalted one | Girl |
Brigit | Indian | Exalted one | Girl |
Brigitta | Hungarian | Exalted One | Girl |
Brigitta | Latin | Exalted One | Girl |
Brigitte | German | Exalted One | Girl |
Brijraj | Indian | One who rules the nature | Boy |
Brita | Finnish | Exalted One | Girl |
Brita | Scandinavian | Exalted one | Girl |
Britt | Scandinavian | Exalted one | Girl |
Britta | Scandinavian | Exalted one | Girl |
Brygida | Polish | Strong; Exalted One | Girl |
Buddhana | Sanskrit | Aware; Enlightened One | Girl |
Buddhapriya | Indian | One liked by lord Buddha | Boy |
Buddhapriya | Indian | One liked by Buddha | Boy |
Budiarto | Indonesian | Good Money | Boy |
Budiman | Indonesian | The Wise One | Boy |
Budiwati | Indonesian | The Wise One | Girl |
Butrus | Arabian | Rock; Stone | Boy |
Cairn | Scottish | Piled Stones | Boy |
Cal | English | Little bald one | Boy |
Cal | Indian | Little bald one | Boy |
Callahan | English | Little bright headed one | Boy |
Callahan | Indian | Little bright headed one | Boy |
Calvina | Italian | Little Bald One | Girl |
Calvino | Italian | Little Bald One | Boy |
Calvinus | Latin | Little Bald One | Boy |
Caolan | Scottish | Little Slender One | Boy |
Carey | English | Dark one; Womanly | Unisex |
Carey | Indian | Dark one; Womanly | Unisex |
Cari | English | Dark one; Womanly | Girl |
Cari | Indian | Dark one; Womanly | Girl |
Carran | English | Little black one | Boy |
Carran | Indian | Little black one | Boy |
Carter | English | Carter; Someone who uses a cart. | Boy |
Carter | Indian | Carter; Someone who uses a cart. | Boy |
Carver | English | Carver of wood or stone. | Boy |
Carver | Indian | Carver of wood or stone. | Boy |
Cary | English | Dark one | Unisex |
Cary | Indian | Dark one | Unisex |
Cassiel | Latin | Speedy one of God | Boy |
Ceara | English | Little black one | Girl |
Ceara | Indian | Little black one | Girl |
Cearra | English | Little black one | Girl |
Cearra | Indian | Little black one | Girl |
Cefin | Welsh | Little comely loved one | Boy |
Centehua | Nahuatl | Only one | Girl |
Cephas | Latin | Rock; Stone | Boy |
Cetshwayo | African | The Slandered One | Boy |
Chakradev | Indian | Lord Vishnu; One who carries chakra | Boy |
Chakradhar | Indian | Lord Vishnu; One who carries chakra | Boy |
Cha'Kwaina | Native American | One who cries | Girl |
Chandradhar | Indian | One Who Wears Moon Lord Shiva | Boy |
Chandramani | Indian | Moonstone; Jewel | Girl |
Chandramani | Sanskrit | Moonstone; Jewel | Girl |
Chandraprakash | Indian | One who has moon as a crest | Boy |
Chandrashekhar | Indian | One who holds moon in his hair knot (lord Shiva) | Boy |
Chandrashekhar | Indian | One who holds moon in his hair knot; Lord Shiva | Boy |
Chandrashekhar | Indian | One who holds moon in his hair knot | Boy |
Chandrashekhar | Indian | One who holds moon in his hair knot (Shiva) | Boy |
Charak | Indian | An ancient physician; One of the founders of Ayurveda | Boy |
Charak | Sanskrit | An ancient physician; One of the founders of Ayurveda | Boy |
Charanjeet | Indian | One who has won over the lord | Boy |
Charanjit | Indian | One who has won over the lord | Boy |
Charanpreet | Indian | One who loves lords feet | Boy |
Charuhas | Indian | One with beautiful smile | Boy |
Charunetra | Indian | One with beautiful eyes | Girl |
Charuvardhana | Indian | One who enhances beauty | Boy |
Chaturaanan | Indian | One with four faces | Boy |
Chaturanan | Indian | One with four faces | Boy |
Chaturanan | Indian | One with four faces; Lord Brahma | Boy |
Chaturbhuj | Indian | One who has four arms | Boy |
Chaturbhuj | Indian | One who has four arms; Strong | Boy |
Chaturvedi | Indian | One who knows all 4 Vedas | Boy |
Chaunta | Indian | One who outshines the stars | Girl |
Cherise | French | Dear one; Darling; Beloved | Girl |
Chiasa (あずみ) | Japanese | One Thousand Mornings | Girl |
Chickie | Spanish | Little One | Girl |
Chicky | Spanish | Little One | Girl |
Chidambar | Indian | One whose heart is as big as the sky | Boy |
Chidambar | Indian | Sky like heart; One who has heart as wide as sky | Boy |
Chidambar | Sanskrit | Sky like heart; One who has heart as wide as sky | Boy |
Chidambaram | Indian | Sky like heart; One who has heart as wide as sky | Boy |
Chidambaram | Sanskrit | Sky like heart; One who has heart as wide as sky | Boy |
Chiharu (千春) | Japanese | One Thousand Springs | Girl |
Chin (下巴) | Chinese | Gold; Metal; Money; Embroidered; Bright | Unisex |
Chinatsu (千夏) | Japanese | One Thousand Summers | Girl |
Chintamani | Indian | Philosopher's stone | Boy |
Chintamani | Indian | Philosopher's Stone; Wishing stone (Gem) | Boy |
Chiranjeevi | Indian | One without death; Eternal being | Boy |
Chirayu | Indian | Long lived one | Boy |
Chirtrang | Indian | One with multicolored body | Boy |
Chisaki | Japanese | One Thousand Blossom | Girl |
Chitleen | Indian | One absorbed in awareness | Boy |
Chitraketu | Indian | One with a beautiful banner | Boy |
Chitraketu | Indian | One with beautiful banner | Boy |
Chitrangada | Indian | One of Arjuna's wives | Girl |
Chitrarathi | Indian | One with a bright chariot | Girl |
Chittaranjan | Indian | One who pleases the mind; Joy of inner mind | Boy |
Chittaranjan | Indian | One who pleases the mind | Boy |