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 Names Similar to All India Muslim League

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List of names similar to 'All India Muslim League'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AahilIndian Boy
AailaIndian Girl
AalayIndian Boy
AaleeIndianSublime; Lofty; HighBoy
Aali  (عالي)ArabianLofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted OneBoy
AaliaIndianExalted; Lofty; Highest social standingGirl
AaliaIndianExalted; Highest social standingGirl
AaliyaIndianHigh; Tall; Towering; ExcellentGirl
Aaliyah  (عالية)ArabianLofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted OneGirl
AaliyahIndianTall; ToweringGirl
AellaAnglo-SaxonAn Amazon warriorBoy
AellaLatinStorm Wind; WhirlwindGirl
AelleAnglo-SaxonAll; UniversalBoy
AelloLatinStorm Wind; WhirlwindGirl
AhalyaIndianWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaIndianRishi Gautam's wife; Women rescued by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaIndianAgreeable; Rishi Gautam's wife; Woman rescued by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaIndianRishi Gautam's Wife; Woman rescued by lord RamaGirl
AhalyaSanskritWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AhilyaIndianWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AhilyaIndianMaiden; Wife of a rishiGirl
AhilyaIndianWife of a RishiGirl
AhilyaSanskritWithout any deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A woman who was saved by lord RamaGirl
AilScottishFrom the stony place; Bird; RivalBoy
AilaEnglishLittle EveGirl
AilaFinnishLight BearerGirl
AilaIndianLittle EveGirl
AilaScottishFrom the stony place; Bird; RivalGirl
AileeEnglishLittle EveGirl
AileeIndianLittle EveGirl
AileeScottishBird; RivalGirl
AileyEnglishLittle EveGirl
AileyIndianLittle EveGirl
AileyScottishBird; RivalGirl
AilieEnglishLittle EveGirl
AilieIndianLittle EveGirl
AilieScottishBird; RivalGirl
AlEnglishHelp of GodBoy
AlIndianHelp of GodBoy
Al `Adl (العدل)IndianThe Just
Al `Alim (العليم)IndianThe Knower of All
Al AbbasIndianDescription of a lionBoy
Al AbbasIndianLionBoy
Al 'Afuww (العفو)IndianThe Forgiver
Al Akhir (الأخر)IndianThe Last
Al Ali (العلى)IndianThe Highest
Al Awwal (الأول)IndianThe First
Al Azim (العظيم)IndianThe Magnificent
Al Aziz (العزيز)IndianThe Victorious
Al Badi (البديع)IndianThe Originator
Al Ba'ith (الباعث)IndianThe Resurrector
Al Baqi (الباقي)IndianThe Everlasting One
Al Bari' (البارئ)IndianThe Maker of Order
Al Barr (البر)IndianThe Doer of Good
Al Basir (البصير)IndianThe Seer of All
Al Basit (الباسط)IndianThe Reliever
Al Batin (الباطن)IndianThe Hidden One
Al Fattah (الفتاح)IndianThe Opener
Al Ghaffar (الغفار)IndianThe Forgiving
Al Ghafur (الغفور)IndianThe Forgiver and Hider of Faults
Al Ghani (الغنى)IndianThe Rich One
Al Hadi (الهادي)IndianThe Guide
Al Hafiz (الحفيظ)IndianThe Preserver
Al Hakam (الحكم)IndianThe Judge
Al Hakim (الحكيم)IndianThe Perfectly Wise
Al Halim (الحليم)IndianThe Forbearing
Al Hamid (الحميد)IndianThe Praised One
Al Haqq (الحق)IndianThe Truth
Al Hasib (الحسيب)IndianThe Accounter
Al Hayy (الحي)IndianThe Ever Living One
Al Jabbar (الجبار)IndianThe Compeller
Al Jalil (الجليل)IndianThe Mighty
Al Jami' (الجامع)IndianThe Gatherer
Al Kabir (الكبير)IndianThe Greatest
Al Karim (الكريم)IndianThe Generous
Al Khabir (الخبير)IndianThe All-Aware
Al Khafid (الخافض)IndianThe Abaser
Al Khaliq (الخالق)IndianThe Creator
Al Latif (اللطيف)IndianThe Subtle One
Al Majid (الماجد)IndianThe Glorious
Al Majid (المجيد)IndianThe Majestic One
Al Malik (الملك)IndianThe Absolute Ruler
Al Mani'(المانع)IndianThe Preventer of Harm
Al Matin (المتين)IndianThe Forceful One
Al Mu'akhkhir (المؤخر)IndianThe Delayer
Al Mubdi' (المبدئ)IndianThe Originator
Al Mudhill (المذل)IndianThe Humiliator
Al Mughni (المغنى)IndianThe Enricher
Al Muhaymin (المهيمن)IndianThe Guardian
Al Muhsi (المحصى)IndianThe Appraiser
Al Muhyi (المحيى)IndianThe Giver of Life
Al Mu'id (المعيد)IndianThe Restorer
Al Mu'izz (المعز)IndianThe Bestower of Honors
Al Mujib (المجيب)IndianThe Responder to Prayer
Al Mu'min (المؤمن)IndianThe Inspirer of Faith
Al Mumit (المميت)IndianThe Taker of Life
Al Muntaqim (المنتقم)IndianThe Avenger
Al Muqaddim (المقدم)IndianThe Expediter
Al Muqit (المقيت)IndianThe Nourisher
Al Muqsit (المقسط)IndianThe Equitable One
Al Muqtadir (المقتدر)IndianThe Creator of All Power
Al Musawwir (المصور)IndianThe Shaper of Beauty
Al Muta'ali (المتعالي)IndianThe Supreme One
Al Mutakabbir (المتكبر)IndianThe Greatest
Al Qabid (القابض)IndianThe Constrictor
Al Qadir (القادر)IndianThe All Powerful
Al Qahhar (القهار)IndianThe Subduer
Al Qawiyy (القوى)IndianThe Possessor of All Strength
Al Qayyum (القيوم)IndianThe Self-Existing One
Al Quddus (القدوس)IndianThe Pure One
Al Wadud (الودود)IndianThe Loving One
Al Wahhab (الوهاب)IndianThe Giver of All
Al Wahid (الواحد)IndianThe One; the All Inclusive; The Indivisible
Al Wajid (الواجد)IndianThe Finder
Al Wakil (الوكيل)IndianThe Trustee
Al Wali (الوالي)IndianThe Protecting Friend
Al Waliyy (الولى)IndianThe Governor
Al Warith (الوارث)IndianThe Inheritor of All
Al Wasi (الواسع)IndianThe All-Comprehending
Ala  (علاء)ArabianExcellence; Elevat; LoftinessBoy
Ala Al-Din  (علاء الدين)ArabianReligious; Nobility of FaithBoy
AlaaIndianNobility; ExcellenceBoy
Alaa UdeenIndianExcellence of religionBoy
AlawaNative AmericanPeaGirl
AlawiIndian Boy
Al-AzizArabianTo Be Cherished; PowerfulBoy
AleFinnishDefender of MankindBoy
AleaEnglishThe High; Exalted oneGirl
AleaIndianThe High; Exalted oneGirl
Ali  (عليّ)ArabianLofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted OneBoy
AliIndianHigh; Elevated; Exalted; Excellent; NobleBoy
AliIndianHigh; Elevated; Exalted; Nobel; ExcellentBoy
AliIndianHigh; Noble; Excellent; Elevated; Exalted; Prophet Mohammad's son in lawBoy
AliIranian (Persian)High; Prophet Mohammad's Son in LawBoy
AliaArabianHeaven; SkyGirl
AliaEnglishTo Ascend; To Go UpGirl
AliaIndianExalted; Highest social standingGirl
AliaIndianExalted; Lofty; Highest social standingGirl
AliaIndianTo Ascend; To Go UpGirl
AliahArabianHeaven; SkyGirl
AliahEnglishTo Ascend; To Go UpGirl
AliahIndianTo Ascend; To Go UpGirl
AlihIndianIdol; GodBoy
AliyaArabianThe High; Exalted OneGirl
AliyahArabianTo AscendGirl
AliyahHebrewTo AscendGirl
AliyahIndianExalted; NobleGirl
AliyyaArabianThe High; Exalted OneGirl
AliyyaIndianExalted; NobleGirl
AliyyahArabianThe High; Exalted OneGirl
Al-KarimArabianThe GenerousBoy
Alla  (Алла)Ukrainian Girl
AllahArabianThe Deity It Is the Muslim Word For God.Boy
Allah (الله)IndianThe Greatest Name
AlliFinnishNoble SortGirl
AllieEnglishNoble sortGirl
AllieIndianNoble sortGirl
AllyEnglishNoble sortGirl
AllyIndianNoble sortGirl
AloNative AmericanHe looks upBoy
Al-QadirArabianThe CapableBoy
Alya  (علياء)ArabianSky; Heaven; LoftinessGirl
AlyaIndianSublime; Lofty; HighGirl
AulaIndianProphet MuhammadBoy
AulayEnglishHeir of the ancestorsBoy
AulayIndianHeir of the ancestorsBoy
AwwalIndianFirst oneBoy
AyalHebrewStag; Hart; Deer; GazelleBoy
AyalaHebrewStag; Hart; Deer; GazelleGirl
AyalahHebrewStag; Hart; Deer; GazelleGirl
AylaHebrewOak TreeGirl
AylaTurkishOak Tree; Moonlight; HaloGirl

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