Name | Origin | Meaning | Gender |
Abdal | Indian | Slave of the high | Boy |
Abdalrahman | Arabian | Servant of Merciful One | Boy |
Abdeali | Indian | Follower Of Ali | Boy |
Abdel | Arabian | Servant | Boy |
Abdul | Arabian | Servant of The | Boy |
Abdul | Indian | Knowledge | Boy |
Abdul Adheem | Indian | Servant of the most great | Boy |
Abdul Afuw | Indian | Slave of the one who pardons | Boy |
Abdul Ahad | Indian | Slave of he who is one Allah | Boy |
Abdul Aleem | Indian | Servant of the all knowing | Boy |
Abdul Ali | Indian | Slave of the high | Boy |
Abdul Alim | Indian | Slave of the all knowing | Boy |
Abdul Awwal | Indian | Slave of the first one | Boy |
Abdul Azeez | Indian | Servant of the mighty | Boy |
Abdul Azeez | Indian | Servant of the mighty; Powerful | Boy |
Abdul Azim | Indian | Slave of the great | Boy |
Abdul Baaqi | Indian | Servant of the ever-lasting | Boy |
Abdul Baari | Indian | Servant of the evolver | Boy |
Abdul Baari | Indian | Servant of the creator | Boy |
Abdul Baasid | Indian | Servant of the expander | Boy |
Abdul Baasit | Indian | Servant of the expander | Boy |
Abdul Badee | Indian | Slave of the originator | Boy |
Abdul Baith | Indian | Slave of the one who raises death | Boy |
Abdul Barr | Indian | Servant of the source of goodness | Boy |
Abdul Baseer | Indian | Slave of the all seeing | Boy |
Abdul Batin | Indian | Slave of unseen | Boy |
Abdul Dhahir | Indian | Servant of the manifest | Boy |
Abdul Fattaah | Indian | Slave of the giver of victory | Boy |
Abdul Fattah | Indian | Slave of the giver of victory | Boy |
Abdul Ghaffar | Indian | Servant of the forgiver | Boy |
Abdul Ghafoor | Indian | Servant of the forgiver | Boy |
Abdul Ghafur | Indian | Servant of the all forgiving | Boy |
Abdul Ghani | Indian | Servant of the self sufficient | Boy |
Abdul Haadi | Indian | | Boy |
Abdul Haafiz | Indian | Servant of the protector | Boy |
Abdul Hadi | Indian | Servant of the guide | Boy |
Abdul Hafeedh | Indian | Servant of the preserver | Boy |
Abdul Hafeez | Indian | Slave of the protector | Boy |
Abdul Hafiz | Indian | Slave of the guardian | Boy |
Abdul Hai | Indian | | Boy |
Abdul Hakeem | Indian | Servant of wise | Boy |
Abdul Haleem | Indian | Servant of the forbearing One | Boy |
Abdul Halim | Indian | Slave of the wise | Boy |
Abdul Hameed | Indian | Servant of praiseworthy | Boy |
Abdul Hameed | Indian | Servant of the praiseworthy; Ever praised | Boy |
Abdul Hamid | Indian | Slave of the praiseworthy | Boy |
Abdul Hannan | Indian | Slave of the merciful | Boy |
Abdul Haqq | Indian | Servant of the truth | Boy |
Abdul Haseeb | Indian | Servant of the reckoned | Boy |
Abdul Haseeb | Indian | Servant of the respected; Esteemed | Boy |
Abdul Hayy | Indian | Slave of the living | Boy |
Abdul Jabaar | Indian | Servant of the mighty | Boy |
Abdul Jabbar | Indian | Servant of the compeller | Boy |
Abdul Jaleel | Indian | Servant of the sublime | Boy |
Abdul Jaleel | Indian | Servant of the great; Revered | Boy |
Abdul Jawwad | Indian | Slave of the bountiful | Boy |
Abdul Kabir | Indian | Slave of the great | Boy |
Abdul Kader | Indian | Servant of the able | Boy |
Abdul Kareem | Indian | Servant of the most generous | Boy |
Abdul Khaaliq | Indian | Servant of the creator | Boy |
Abdul Khabir | Indian | Slave of the one who is aware | Boy |
Abdul Khaliq | Indian | Servant of the creator | Boy |
Abdul Lateef | Indian | Servant of the subtle | Boy |
Abdul Maalik | Indian | Slave of the master or lord | Boy |
Abdul Majeed | Indian | Servant of the most glorious | Boy |
Abdul Majid | Indian | Servant of the noble | Boy |
Abdul Malik | Indian | Servant of the sovereign lord | Boy |
Abdul Mani | Indian | Slave of one who prevents | Boy |
Abdul Mannan | Indian | Slave of the benefactor | Boy |
Abdul Mateen | Indian | Slave of the firm | Boy |
Abdul Mubdee | Indian | Slave of the originator | Boy |
Abdul Mueed | Indian | Slave of the restorer | Boy |
Abdul Mughni | Indian | Servant of the enriched | Boy |
Abdul Muhaymin | Indian | Slave of the protector | Boy |
Abdul Muhsin | Indian | Slave of the benefactor | Boy |
Abdul Mujeeb | Indian | Servant of the responsive | Boy |
Abdul Mumin | Indian | Servant of the guardian of faith | Boy |
Abdul Munim | Indian | Slave of the Generous | Boy |
Abdul Muqeet | Indian | Slave of the sustainer | Boy |
Abdul Muqsit | Indian | Slave of the just | Boy |
Abdul Muqtadir | Indian | Servant of powerful | Boy |
Abdul Musawwir | Indian | Slave of the fashioner | Boy |
Abdul Muti | Indian | Slave of the giver | Boy |
Abdul Muzanni | Indian | He was a narrator of hadith | Boy |
Abdul Nafi | Indian | Slave of the propitious | Boy |
Abdul Naseer | Indian | Slave of the helper | Boy |
Abdul Noor | Indian | Servant of the light | Boy |
Abdul Nur | Indian | Servant of the light | Boy |
Abdul Qaadir | Indian | Servant of the able | Boy |
Abdul Qaadir | Indian | Servant of the capable | Boy |
Abdul Qadeer | Indian | Slave of the powerful | Boy |
Abdul Qadir | Indian | Slave of the powerful | Boy |
Abdul Qahaar | Indian | Servant of the subdue; Almighty | Boy |
Abdul Qahaar | Indian | Servant of the subduer; Almighty | Boy |
Abdul Qahhar | Indian | Servant of the subduer | Boy |
Abdul Qaiyoum | Indian | Slave of the self subsistent | Boy |
Abdul Qayoom | Indian | Slave of the self subsistent | Boy |
Abdul Qayyum | Indian | Slave of the self subsistent | Boy |
Abdul Quddoos | Indian | Servant of the most holy | Boy |
Abdul Quddus | Indian | Servant of the most holy | Boy |
Abdul Qudoos | Indian | Servant of the most holy | Boy |
Abdul Rabb | Indian | Slave of the lord | Boy |
Abdul Rafi | Indian | Slave of the exalter | Boy |
Abdul Raheem | Indian | Servant of the most compassionate | Boy |
Abdul Raouf | Indian | Servant of the most merciful | Boy |
Abdul Raqib | Indian | Slave of the vigilant | Boy |
Abdul Rasheed | Indian | Servant of the rightly guided | Boy |
Abdul Razaaq | Indian | Servant of the maintainer; Provider | Boy |
Abdul Razaaq | Indian | Servant of the maintainer | Boy |
Abdul Salaam | Indian | Servant of peace | Boy |
Abdul Salaam | Indian | Servant of the peace | Boy |
Abdul Tawwab | Indian | Slave of acceptor of repentance | Boy |
Abdul Waahid | Indian | Servant of the one | Boy |
Abdul Waahid | Indian | Servant of god | Boy |
Abdul Waajid | Indian | Servant of the finder | Boy |
Abdul Waali | Indian | Slave of the governor | Boy |
Abdul Wadood | Indian | Servant of the loving | Boy |
Abdul Wahhab | Indian | Servant of the best owner | Boy |
Abdul Wahid | Indian | Servant of god | Boy |
Abdul Wajid | Indian | Slave of the finder; Perceiver | Boy |
Abdul Wakil | Indian | Slave of trustee | Boy |
Abdul Waliy | Indian | Slave of the protecting friend | Boy |
Abdul Warith | Indian | Servant of the supreme inheritor | Boy |
Abdul Wasi | Indian | Slave of the all embracing | Boy |
Abduladl | Indian | Slave of the just | Boy |
Abdul-Azeez | Indian | Servant of the mighty; The powerful | Boy |
Abdul-Azeez | Indian | Servant of the mighty; Powerful | Boy |
Abdul-Baari | Indian | Servant of the creator | Boy |
Abdul-Ghafoor | Indian | Servant of the forgiver | Boy |
Abdul-Haafiz | Indian | Servant of the protector | Boy |
Abdul-Hafiz | Indian | Servant of the protector | Boy |
Abdul-Hameed | Indian | Servant of praiseworthy; Ever praised | Boy |
Abdul-Hameed | Indian | Servant of the praiseworthy; Ever praised | Boy |
Abdul-Haseeb | Indian | Servant of the respected; Esteemed | Boy |
Abdul-Jabaar | Indian | Servant of the mighty | Boy |
Abdul-Jabar | Indian | Servant of the mighty | Boy |
Abdul-Jaleel | Indian | Servant of the great; Revered | Boy |
Abdul-Khaaliq | Indian | Servant of the creator | Boy |
Abdul-Khaliq | Indian | Servant of the creator | Boy |
Abdulla | Arabian | Servant of God | Boy |
Abdullah | Arabian | Servant of God | Boy |
Abdullah | Indian | Servant of God | Boy |
Abdullah | Indian | Servant of Allah | Boy |
Abdul-Malik | Arabian | Servant of the King | Boy |
Abdulmuhyee | Indian | Slave of who gives life and sustains it | Boy |
Abdulmuntaqim | Indian | Slave of him who punishes wrong doings | Boy |
Abdul-Qaadir | Indian | Servant of the capable | Boy |
Abdul-Qadir | Indian | Servant of the capable | Boy |
Abdul-Qahaar | Indian | Servant of the rubduer; Almighty | Boy |
Abdul-Qahaar | Indian | Servant of the subduer; Almighty | Boy |
Abdul-Qudoos | Indian | Servant of the most holy | Boy |
Abdul-Raheem | Indian | Servant of the most compassionate | Boy |
Abdulrahman | Indian | servant of the merciful one | Boy |
Abdul-Raouf | Indian | Servant of the most merciful | Boy |
Abdul-Rasheed | Indian | Servant of the rightly guided | Boy |
Abdul-Razaaq | Indian | Servant of the maintainer; Provider | Boy |
Abdul-Razaaq | Indian | Servant of the maintainer; The Provider | Boy |
Abdul-Salaam | Indian | Servant of peace | Boy |
Abdul-Salaam | Indian | Servant of the peace | Boy |
Abdul-Waahid | Indian | Servant of the one | Boy |
Abdul-Waahid | Indian | Servant of god | Boy |
Abdul-Wadood | Indian | Servant of the loving | Boy |
Abital | Biblical | My Father is the Night Dew | Girl |
Abital | English | My father is dew | Girl |
Abital | Indian | My father is dew | Girl |
Afdaal | Indian | Better | Boy |
Afdal | Indian | Better | Boy |
Avital | English | My father is dew | Girl |
Avital | Hebrew | Father of Dew | Boy |
Avital | Indian | My father is dew | Girl |