Names for Boys and Girls |
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Name | Meaning | Region | Gender |
Albina | From Alba | Polish | Girl |
Albina | White | Russian | Girl |
Albinka | White | Polish | Girl |
Albinus | Like Albus, White | Latin | Boy |
Alborz | Mountain | Persian (Iranian) | Boy |
Albrecht | Intelligent, Noble | German | Boy |
Albrekt | Noble and Bright | German | Boy |
Alburz | Mountain | Persian (Iranian) | Boy |
Albus | White, Pale Skinned | Latin | Boy |
Alby | Like Albus, White, Mountain | English | Boy |
Alcaeus | Strength | Latin | Boy |
Alcander | Strong | Latin | Boy |
Alcestis | Might of the home | Greek | Girl |
Alcestis | Might of the home | Latin | Girl |
Alcimus | Valiant | Latin | Boy |
Alcinder | Strong | Latin | Boy |
Alcippe | Mighty Mare | Latin | Girl |
Alcmene | Might of the moon | Greek | Girl |
Alcmene | Might of the moon | Latin | Girl |
Alcyone | Kingfisher | Latin | Girl |
Ald | Old, Wise | German | Boy |
Alda | Old, Wise | German | Girl |
Alda | Noble | Italian | Girl |
Alda | Old, Wise, Noble | Portuguese | Girl |
Alda | Old, Wise | Spanish | Girl |
Alden | Old friend | English | Boy |
Aldene | Wise | Spanish | Girl |
Aldford | Old River Ford | English | Boy |
Aldin | Old friend | English | Boy |
Aldine | Old friend | English | Boy |
Aldis | From the old house | English | Boy |
Aldiyar | Your Highness | Kazakh | Boy |
Aldman | Old, Wise | German | Boy |
Aldo | Old, Wise | German | Boy |
Aldo | Noble, Wise | Italian | Boy |
Aldo | Old, Wise, Noble | Portuguese | Boy |
Aldon | Old friend | English | Boy |
Aldona | Wise | German | Girl |
Aldona | Wise | Polish | Girl |
Aldona | Wise | Spanish | Girl |
Aldonsa | Nice | Spanish | Girl |
Aldonza | Sweet, Nice | Spanish | Girl |
Aldous | Old, Wise | English | Boy |
Aldred | Old counsel | English | Boy |
Aldric | Ruler | French | Boy |
Aldric | Old ruler, Long term ruler | German | Boy |
Aldrich | Noble ruler | English | Boy |
Aldrich | Old, Wise Ruler | French | Boy |
Aldrich | Old ruler, Long term ruler | German | Boy |
Aldrick | Old, Wise Counselor | French | Boy |
Aldrick | Old ruler, Long term ruler | German | Boy |
Aldrick | Old ruler | Teutonic | Boy |
Aldridge | Noble ruler | English | Boy |
Aldrik | Old ruler, Long term ruler | German | Boy |
Aldus | Old, Wise | English | Boy |
Aldwen | Old friend | English | Boy |
Aldwin | Old friend | English | Boy |
Ale | Defender of Mankind | Finnish | Boy |
Alea | The High, Exalted one | English | Girl |
Alease | Noble sort | English | Girl |
Alec | Defender of mankind | English | Boy |
Alec | Defender of Mankind | Scottish | Boy |
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