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 Names meaning Will Helmet

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List of Names that means 'Will Helmet'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
BillEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
BillIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
BillieEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectUnisex
BillieIndianWill Helmet; ProtectUnisex
BillyEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
BillyIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
GuilermoSpanishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
GuilhermePortugueseWill helmet; ProtectBoy
GuillaumeFrenchWill Helmet; Resolute ProtectorBoy
GuillelminaSpanishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
GuillelmusLatinWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
GuillerminaSpanishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
GuillermoSpanishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
GwilWelshWill helmetBoy
GwilimWelshWill helmetBoy
GwillymWelshWill helmetBoy
GwilymWelshWill helmetBoy
HelmaGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
HelmineGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
IlmaGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
JelleDutchWill HelmetBoy
JeltjeDutchWill HelmetGirl
JeltsjeDutchWill HelmetGirl
MiinaFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MimmiFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MineGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MinnaFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MinnaGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MinneGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MinnieEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MinnieGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
MinnieIndianWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
PimDutchWill HelmetBoy
UilleagScottishWill HelmetBoy
UilleamScottishWill HelmetBoy
UlickEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
UlickIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
UlickScottishWill HelmetBoy
VelmaEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
VelmaIndianWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
VilekCzech & SlovakResolute Protector; will Helmet; will ProtectBoy
VilemCzech & SlovakResolute Protector; will Helmet; will ProtectBoy
VilhelmScandinavianWill helmetBoy
VilhelmasLithuanianWill helmet; ProtectBoy
VilhelmiFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
VilhelmiinaFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
VilhelminaFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
VilhoFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
ViliHungarianWill Helmet; ProtectorBoy
ViliamCzech & SlovakResolute Protector; will Helmet; will ProtectBoy
ViljamiFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
ViljoFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
VilleFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
VilmaFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
VilmaHungarianWill Helmet; ProtectorGirl
VilmarEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
VilmarIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
VilmosHungarianWill Helmet; ProtectorBoy
VilppuFinnishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WileyEnglishWater meadow; Will helmetBoy
WileyIndianWater meadow; Will helmetBoy
WileyScottishWill HelmetBoy
WilhelminaGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WilhelmineGermanWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WilhelmusLatinWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilkieEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilkieIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilkieScottishWill HelmetBoy
WillEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WillIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WillaEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WillaIndianWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WillemDutchWill HelmetBoy
WilliGermanWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilliamEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilliamIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WillieEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WillieIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WillieScottishWill HelmetBoy
WillowEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WillowIndianWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WillyEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WillyIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WillyScottishWill HelmetBoy
WilmaEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WilmaIndianWill Helmet; ProtectGirl
WilmerEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilmerIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilmotEnglishWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WilmotIndianWill Helmet; ProtectBoy
WimGermanWill Helmet; ProtectBoy

List of Surnames that means 'Will Helmet'
 Surname Origin In Local Meaning
GuillemotFrench Will Helmet; Protect; Guardian
WilliamEnglish Will Helmet; Protect; Guardian
WilmotEnglish Will Helmet; Protect; Guardian
WylieEnglish Will Helmet; Protect; Guardian

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