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 Names meaning Wat

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List of Names that means 'Wat'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AachmanIndianIntake of a sip of water before a yagya or pujaBoy
Abdur RaqeebIndianServant of watchfulBoy
AbhishekIndianRitual; Shower of milk and water over an idolBoy
AbhishekIndianShower of milk and water over an IdolBoy
AbishekIndianShower of milk and water over an IdolBoy
AbjaIndianBorn in waterGirl
AbjitIndianConquering WaterBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcaryatanayaSanskritSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyanandanaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyanandanaSanskritSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyasutaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyasutaSanskritSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AdilaIndianAngel of waterGirl
AhavaHebrewBeloved; WaterGirl
AksheraIndianSaraswati goddessGirl
AmadahyNative AmericanForest waterGirl
AmritIndianNectar; Spiritual holy water; ImmortalityBoy
AmritSanskritNectar; Spiritual holy water; ImmortalityBoy
AmritaIndianFull of nectar; Spiritual holy waterGirl
AmritaIndianFull of nectar; Spiritual holy water; ImmortalityGirl
AmritaIndianNectar; Spiritual holy water; ImmortalityGirl
AmritaSanskritNectar; Spiritual holy water; ImmortalityGirl
AnahitaIndianGoddess of water; Fertility; Immaculate; VenusGirl
AnahitaIranian (Persian)Goddess of Water; Fertility; Immaculate; VenusGirl
Ar Raqib (الرقيب)IndianThe Watchful One
Arethousa  (Αρέθουσα)GreekWatererGirl
ArethusaLatinThe WatererGirl
ArvinEnglishFresh water; Green waterBoy
ArvinIndianFresh water; Green waterBoy
AskuwheteauNative AmericanVigilant; He keeps watchBoy
AysuTurkishMoon; WaterGirl
BaniIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
BharathiIndianGoddess of knowledge and education; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
BharatiIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
BharatiIndianGoddess of knowledge and education; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
BhekizithaAfricanHe who Watches out for EnemiesBoy
BuzibaAfricanDeep Water; Open WaterBoy
CalderEnglishViolent stream of waterBoy
CalderIndianViolent stream of waterBoy
CalderScottishCold Brook; Rough watersBoy
CallaEnglishBeauty; Wattle of a cockGirl
CallaIndianBeauty; Wattle of a cockGirl
ChanchariIndianBird; Vortex of waterGirl
ChowilawuNative AmericanJoined together by waterBoy
DabulamanziAfricanThe Divider of the WatersBoy
DalisHebrewDrawing WaterGirl
DalitHebrewDrawing WaterGirl
DallasScottishMeadow Dweller; Waterfall near the fieldUnisex
DallisScottishWaterfall near the FieldGirl
DamlaTurkishWater DropletGirl
DerrylEnglishDark waterGirl
DerrylIndianDark waterGirl
DestanFrenchBy the still watersBoy
EklavyaIndianStudent who learned bow by watchingBoy
ElrodEnglishMedow at the waterBoy
ElrodIndianMedow at the waterBoy
EranBiblicalWatchful; VigilantBoy
GayathriIndianMother of the Vedas; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
GayatriIndianMother of the Vedas; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
GayatriIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
GergeliHungarianVigilant WatchmanBoy
GergelyHungarianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GergoHungarianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GlendowerEnglishValley waterBoy
GlendowerIndianValley waterBoy
GlyndwrWelshValley waterBoy
GoitoSpanishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GoyoSpanishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GreerEnglishWatchful; VigilantUnisex
GreerIndianWatchful; VigilantUnisex
GreerScottishWatchful; VigilantUnisex
GregEnglishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregIndianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregScottishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregarioItalianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregersDanishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregersNorwegianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GreggEnglishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GreggIndianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GreggScottishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregoireFrenchWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregorGermanVigilant; WatchfulBoy
GregorGreekWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregorScottishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregoriaSpanishWatchful; VigilantGirl
GregorioItalianVigilant WatchmanBoy
GregorioPortugueseWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregorioSpanishWatchful; VigilantBoy
Gregorios  (Γρηγοριος)GreekWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregoriusLatinWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregoryEnglishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GregoryIndianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GreigScottishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GrierEnglishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GrierIndianWatchful; VigilantBoy
GrierScottishWatchful; VigilantGirl
Grigor  (Григор)RussianWatchful; Vigilant; AlertBoy
GrigorWelshWatchful; VigilantBoy
Grigori  (Григорий)RussianWatchful; Vigilant; AlertBoy
Grigoriy  (Григорий)RussianWatchful; Vigilant; AlertBoy
Grigory  (Григорий)RussianWatchful; Vigilant; AlertBoy
GriogairScottishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GriorgairScottishWatchful; VigilantBoy
Grisha  (Гриша)RussianWatchful; Vigilant; AlertBoy
GrzegorzPolishWatchful; VigilantBoy
GurselTurkishFlowing WaterBoy
GyanadaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
HamsavahiniIndianOne who rides a swan; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
HamsiniIndianOne who rides a swan; SaraswatiGirl
HamsiniIndianOne who rides a swan; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
HamsiniIndianOne who rides a swan; SaraswathiGirl
HamsiniIndianWho rides a swan; SaraswathiGirl
HamsiniSanskritWho rides a swan; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
HansaveniIndianAnother name for SaraswathiGirl
HansaveniIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
Hryhoriy  (Григорій)UkrainianWatchful; VigilantBoy
HubaabIndianBubble of waterBoy
IlaIndianWater; Earth; Daughter of ManuGirl
IraEnglishWatchful of a townBoy
IraHebrewWatchful; Vigilant; AlertBoy
IraIndianEarth; SaraswatiGirl
IraIndianEarth; Muse; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
IraIndianEarth; Muse; Watchful of a townGirl
IravatiIndianFull of water or milk; River RaviGirl
IravatiIndianFull of water or milkGirl
IrvinEnglishFresh water; Green waterBoy
IrvinIndianFresh water; Green waterBoy
IrvineEnglishFresh water; Green water; Green riverBoy
IrvineIndianFresh water; Green water; Green riverBoy
IrvingEnglishFresh water; Green water; Green riverBoy
IrvingIndianFresh water; Green water; Green riverBoy
IzumiIndianSpring (water spring)Girl
IzumiIndianWater springGirl
JaladIndianGiving waterBoy
JaladhiIndianTreasure of waterGirl
JalahasiniIndianSmile of waterGirl
JalanhiliIndianAs blue as waterGirl
JalbhushanIndianOrnament of water (wind)Boy
JalbhushanIndianOrnament of water (means wind)Boy
JalbhushanIndianOrnament of water; WindBoy
JaldevIndianLord of water; Lord VarunBoy
JaldevIndianGod of water (lord Varun)Boy
JaldevIndianGod of water; Lord VarunBoy
JalelaIndianGoddess of waterGirl
JalenderIndianLord of waterBoy
JalenderIndianLord of watersBoy
JalendraIndianLord of the waterBoy
JalendraIndianLord of waterBoy
JalenduIndianMoon in the waterBoy
JaleshIndianLord of waterBoy
JalindraIndianLord of waterBoy
JalindraIndianLord of watersBoy
JalpoornaIndianFull of waterGirl
JaritaArabianEarthen Water JugGirl
JharnaIndianSpring; Stream (stream of water)Girl
JharnaIndianSpring (water spring)Girl
JharnaIndianSpring (water spring); StreamGirl
KadambariIndianFemale cuckoo; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
KallolIndianLarge waves; Gurgling of waterGirl
KallolIndianLarge waves; Gurgling of water; Shouts of joyGirl
KavanIndianWater; PoemBoy
KavanaIndianWater; PoemGirl
KumudaIndianPleasure of the earth white water lilyGirl
KumudaIndianPleasure of the earth; White water lilyGirl
LeithScottishFlowing Water; Broad RiverBoy
LinWelshLake; WaterfallGirl
LinnWelshLake; WaterfallGirl
MaayanHebrewSpring of water; Small streamUnisex
MahaswetaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
ManjusriIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
MedhIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
MedhaIndianIntellect; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
MedhaIndianWisdom; Intellect; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
MedhaIndianGoddess Saraswati; Wisdom; IntellectGirl
MisuNative AmericanRippling Water; Rippling BrookBoy
MoabEnglishWater; Seed; Boy
MoabIndianWater; Seed; Boy
MoesenWelshDrawn out; Saved from waterBoy
MoisesSpanishMoses; Saved from the waterBoy
Moishe  (מאָושע)YiddishMoses; Drawn out of WaterBoy
MoseEnglishMoses; Saved from the water; Drawn outBoy
MoseIndianMoses; Saved from the water; Drawn outBoy
MoselleHebrewFrom the WaterGirl
MosesBiblicalDrawn out of the WaterBoy
MosesEnglishMoses; Saved from the water; Drawn outBoy
MosesHebrewMoses; Drawn out of the waterBoy
MosesIndianMoses; Saved from the water; Drawn outBoy
MosheHebrewMoses; Drawn out of the waterBoy
MoshehHebrewMoses; Drawn out of the waterBoy
MossEnglishMoses; Saved from the water; Drawn outBoy
MossHebrewMoses; Drawn out of the waterBoy
MossIndianMoses; Saved from the water; Drawn outBoy
MoszePolishDrawn out of WaterBoy
MoszekPolishDrawn out of WaterBoy
MozesDutchBorn Of; Son Of; Saved from the WaterBoy
MozesHungarianMosses; Saved; Drawn Out of the WaterBoy
NahlaIndianA drink of waterGirl
NahuatlNahuatlFour watersUnisex
Naida  (Найда)RussianWater Nymph; River Nymph; FlowingGirl
NalinIndianLotus; WaterBoy
NandikaIndianGoddess Laxmi; Water vessel made up of clayGirl
NarayiniIndianMother goddess Saraswati and LaxmiGirl
NeelofarIndianLotus; Water lilyGirl
NeeraIndianAmrit; Nectar; Pure waterGirl
NeerajIndianLotus; Born from waterBoy
NeerajaIndianLotus; Born from waterGirl
NenEgyptianAncient WatersBoy
Nereus  (Νηρέας)GreekWaterBoy
NikandaryaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
NiloferIndianWater lilyGirl
NiloferIranian (Persian)Water LilyGirl
NiloofarIndianWater lilyGirl
NiloofarIranian (Persian)Water LilyGirl
NiloufarIndianWater lilyGirl
NiloufarIranian (Persian)Water LilyGirl
NinaadIndianSound; Gentle sound of waterBoy
NinadIndianSound; Gentle sound of waterBoy
NinadIndianHumming; Sound; Gentle sound of waterBoy
NipaIndianOne who watches overGirl
NiradIndianGiven by water; CloudBoy
NiradIndianCloud; Given by waterBoy
NiradIndianGiven by waterBoy
NirajIndianLotus; Born of waterBoy
NirdharIndianOne who holds waterBoy
NirdharIndianOne who holds water; CloudBoy
NixieGermanWater SpriteGirl
OdahingumNative AmericanRippling WaterGirl
OdoacerLatinWatchful of wealthBoy
OtakarCzech & SlovakWatchful of WealthBoy
OtokarCzech & SlovakWatchful of Wealth; Happy WarriorBoy
OttokarGermanWatchful of wealthBoy
PachuaNative AmericanFeathered water snakeBoy
Pachu'ANative AmericanFeathered water snakeBoy
PamuyNative AmericanWater MoonGirl
PamuyaNative AmericanWater MoonGirl
ParulIndianGraceful; Flow of water; Name of a flowerGirl
ParulIndianGraceful; Flow of WaterGirl
PavakiIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
PavatiNative AmericanClear waterGirl
PhrixosGreekThe ripple of water in windBoy
PhrixusLatinThe Ripple of water in windBoy
PiyushIndianAmrit; Nectar; Sweet waterBoy
PiyushIndianAmrit; Nectar; Sweet water; MilkBoy
PlakshaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
PonnulakshmiIndianGoddess SaraswathiGirl
PragyaIndianProwess; Wisdom; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
PrajnaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
PrajnaIndianWisdom; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
PraveenaIndianSkilled; SaraswatiGirl
PrayagIndianConfluence of three sacred river Ganga; Yamuna and SaraswatiBoy
PrayagIndianConfluence of three sacred river Ganga; Yamuna and SaraswatiBoy
PrayagIndianConfluence of Ganga; Yamuna and SaraswatiBoy
PrayagSanskritConfluence of Ganga-Jamuna-Saraswati; A city in India called AllahabadBoy
Quan  ()ChineseSpring (of water); FistBoy
QuanVietnameseSpring of Water; Fist; SoldierBoy
RahiniIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
RaqibIndianVigilant; One of the names of god; WatchmanBoy
ReahGreekMenstruation; Birth Waters; FlowingGirl
RehorCzech & SlovakWatchful; VigilantBoy
ReijoFinnishWatchful; VigilantBoy
RekoFinnishWatchful; VigilantBoy
Ren  (蓮 / 恋)JapaneseLotus; Love; Water LilyUnisex
Rhea  (Ρέα)GreekMenstruation; Birth Waters; FlowingGirl
RheiaEnglishMenstruation; Birth watersGirl
RheiaIndianMenstruation; Birth watersGirl
SalaciaLatinGoddess of salt water; SaltGirl
SalajIndianWater which flows from melted ice from mountainBoy
SalajIndianWater which flows from melted ice in mountainsBoy
SalilIndianFlowing waterBoy
SangodIndianWith water pond lakeBoy
SaradaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
SaradaSanskritGoddess SaraswatiGirl
SarasvatiIndianGoddess of learning; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
SaraswathiIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
SaraswathiIndianGoddess SaraswathiGirl
SaraswathiIndianGoddess of learning; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
SaraswatiIndianGoddess of learning; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
SarathaIndianThe God Saraswati; DeviGirl
SejalIndianPure; Depth in character; River waterGirl
SejalIndianRiver water; Pure; Depth in characterGirl
SejalIndianRiver WaterGirl
SharadaIndianGoddess Durga; Goddess of learning; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
SharadaIndianGoddess of learning; SaraswatiGirl
SharadaIndianGoddess of learning; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
ShardaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
ShardaSanskritGoddess SaraswatiGirl
ShardambhaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
ShrilekhaIndianGoddesses Laxmi and SaraswathiGirl
ShrilekhaIndianGoddesses Laxmi and Goddess SaraswatiGirl
Shui  ()ChineseWaterUnisex
ShuklaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
ShuklaIndianGoddess Saraswati; Lord Shiva; Lord VishnuGirl
ShulkaIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
ShutradeviIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
SoneeraIndianClean waterGirl
TalulahNative AmericanLeaping WaterGirl
TeerthIndianHoly place; Sacred waterBoy
TirtaIndonesianHoly WaterBoy
TirtoIndonesianHoly WaterBoy
TorScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
ToranScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
ToreanScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorenScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorenceScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
ToreyScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerUnisex
TorinScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorionScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorraScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerGirl
TorranScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorranceScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorreeScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerGirl
TorrenceScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorreyScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorriScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerGirl
TorrianScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorrieScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
TorryScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
ToryScottishVictory; Castle; WatchtowerBoy
ToyeshIndianLord of waterBoy
TriveniIndianConfluence of three sacred river Ganga; Yamuna and SaraswatiGirl
TriveniIndianConfluence of three sacred river Ganga; Yamuna and SaraswatiGirl
TusharIndianFine drops of water; WinterBoy
TusharIndianFine drops of waterBoy
UtpalIndianWater lily; Fleshless; BeginningBoy
UtpalIndianWater Lily; FleshlessBoy
UtpalIndianBurst open; Water Lily; FleshlessBoy
VaagdeviIndianGoddess of learning; Goddess SaraswathiGirl
VaagdeviIndianGoddess of learning; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
VaagdeviIndianGoddess of learning; SaraswatiGirl
VaaneeIndianSpeech; Goddess SaraswatiBoy
VaaniIndianSpeech; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
VagdeviIndianGoddess of speech; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
VagdeviIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VagishwariIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VaniIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VaniIndianSpeech; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
VaninadhIndianHusband of goddess SaraswatiBoy
VaninadhIndianHusband of SaraswatiBoy
VaninathIndianHusband of SaraswatiBoy
VaninathIndianHusband of goddess SaraswatiBoy
VanishriIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VanmayiIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VariIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VariIndianWater; SeaGirl
VariIndianWater; Sea; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
VariIndianGoddess Saraswati; Water; SeaGirl
VarunIndianWind; Lord of water; AirBoy
VarunIndianLord of the waters; NeptuneBoy
VarunIndianLord of waters; NeptuneBoy
VarunIndianWind; Lord of water; Air; Lord of Sea; NeptuneBoy
VaruneshIndianLord of waterBoy
VedashriIndianGoddess Saraswati; One who knows all VedasGirl
VedasriIndianGoddess Saraswati; One who knows all VedasGirl
VeenadhariIndianGoddess SaraswathiGirl
VeenadhariIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VeenavaniIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
VidyaSanskritLearning; Wisdom; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
VidyadeviIndianGoddess of knowledge; Goddess SaraswatiGirl
VinapaniIndianGoddess SaraswatiGirl
WardEnglishGuard; WatchmanBoy
WardIndianGuard; WatchmanBoy
WileyEnglishWater meadow; Will helmetBoy
WileyIndianWater meadow; Will helmetBoy
ZarannIndianFlow of waterBoy
ZarnaIndianFlow of waterGirl
ZarnaIndianSpring of waterGirl
ZiracunyNative AmericanWater MonsterGirl

List of Surnames that means 'Wat'
 Surname Origin In Local Meaning
AitonEnglish Water town
AnnanEnglish Slow running water; Gentle river
AtwaterEnglish At the water
CalderEnglish Violent Water
EatonEnglish Water town
EllrodtGerman Wood clearing at the water
ElrodEnglish Wood clearing at the water
GreerScottish Watchful; Vigilant
IrvineScottish Fresh water; Green water
IrvingScottish Fresh water; Green water
KiyomizuJapan清水Pure Water
LeithScottish Flowing water
ShimizuJapan清水Pure Water
WardEnglish Guard; Watchman
WilburnEnglish Bubbling spring water

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