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 Zodiac, Chinese 



 Names meaning The

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List of Names that means 'The'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AabrahamFinnishFather of a Multitude; Exalted FatherBoy
AadhyaIndianFirst Power; The BeginningGirl
AadidevIndianThe first god; Ancient godBoy
AadidevIndianThe First GodBoy
AadidevSanskritThe first god; Ancient godBoy
AadinathIndianThe First GodBoy
AadinathIndianThe first god; Supreme Ruler of the UniverseBoy
AadinathSanskritGod; Supreme Ruler of the Universe; The first GodBoy
AaditaIndianFrom the beginningGirl
AadithyaIndianLord of the SunBoy
AadityaIndianThe SunBoy
AagneyIndianSon of the fireBoy
AagneySanskritSon of the Fire GodBoy
AagneyaIndianSon of the fireBoy
AagneyaSanskritSon of Agni; Son of the fireBoy
AahanaIndianFirst rays of the sunGirl
AakashIndianThe SkyBoy
AakeshIndianLord of the skyBoy
AalamIndianThe whole worldBoy
Aali  (عالي)ArabianLofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted OneBoy
Aaliyah  (عالية)ArabianLofty; Sublime; The High; Exalted OneGirl
AandaleebIndianThe Bulbul birdBoy
AapoFinnishFather of a Multitude; Exalted FatherBoy
AaratrikaIndianThe dusk lamp beneath Tulsi plantGirl
AaritIndianOne who seeks the right directionBoy
AashiryaIndianFrom the land of godGirl
AashmanIndianSon of the sunBoy
AbEnglishFather of lightBoy
AbIndianFather of lightBoy
AbaegayleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbaegayleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbagaelEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbagaelIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbagailEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbagailIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbagaleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbagaleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbaigaelEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbaigaelHebrewMy Father RejoicesGirl
AbaigaelIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbaigealEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbaigealIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbarraneHebrewFather of ManyGirl
AbarronHebrewFather of a Multitude; Exalted FatherBoy
AbbeyEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbeyHebrewMy Father RejoicesGirl
AbbeyIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbiEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbiIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbieEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbieHebrewMy Father RejoicesGirl
AbbieIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigaelEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigaelIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigailEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigailIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigaleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigaleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigayleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbigayleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbotEnglishFather; PriestBoy
AbbotIndianFather; PriestBoy
AbbottEnglishFather; PriestBoy
AbbottIndianFather; PriestBoy
AbbyEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbyHebrewMy Father RejoicesGirl
AbbyIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbyeEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbyeIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbygaelEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbygaelIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbygailEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbygailIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbbygaleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbbygaleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
Abd Al HakimArabianServant of the WiseBoy
Abd Al RashidArabianServant of the GuidedBoy
AbdalIndianSlave of the highBoy
Abd-AlArabianServant of TheBoy
Abd-Al-Aziz  (عبد العزيز)ArabianServant of the PowerfulBoy
Abd-Al-Hamid  (عبد الحميد)ArabianServant of the PraisedBoy
Abd-Al-Karim  (عبد الكريم)ArabianServant of the GenerousBoy
Abd-Al-Latif  (عبد اللطيف)ArabianServant of the GentleBoy
Abd-Al-Malik  (عبد الملك)ArabianServant of the KingBoy
Abd-Al-Qadir  (عبد القادر)ArabianServant of the Capable; PowerfulBoy
Abd-Al-Rahman  (عبد الرحمن)ArabianServant of the MercifulBoy
AbdulArabianServant of TheBoy
Abdul AdheemIndianServant of the most greatBoy
Abdul AfuwIndianSlave of the one who pardonsBoy
Abdul AleemIndianServant of the all knowingBoy
Abdul AliIndianSlave of the highBoy
Abdul AlimIndianSlave of the all knowingBoy
Abdul AwwalIndianSlave of the first oneBoy
Abdul AzeezIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; PowerfulBoy
Abdul AzimIndianSlave of the greatBoy
Abdul BaaqiIndianServant of the ever-lastingBoy
Abdul BaariIndianServant of the evolverBoy
Abdul BaariIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul BaasidIndianServant of the expanderBoy
Abdul BaasitIndianServant of the expanderBoy
Abdul BadeeIndianSlave of the originatorBoy
Abdul BaithIndianSlave of the one who raises deathBoy
Abdul BarrIndianServant of the source of goodnessBoy
Abdul BaseerIndianSlave of the all seeingBoy
Abdul DhahirIndianServant of the manifestBoy
Abdul FattaahIndianSlave of the giver of victoryBoy
Abdul FattahIndianSlave of the giver of victoryBoy
Abdul GhaffarIndianServant of the forgiverBoy
Abdul GhafoorIndianServant of the forgiverBoy
Abdul GhafurIndianServant of the all forgivingBoy
Abdul GhaniIndianServant of the self sufficientBoy
Abdul HaafizIndianServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul HadiIndianServant of the guideBoy
Abdul HafeedhIndianServant of the preserverBoy
Abdul HafeezIndianSlave of the protectorBoy
Abdul HafizIndianSlave of the guardianBoy
Abdul HaleemIndianServant of the forbearing OneBoy
Abdul HalimIndianSlave of the wiseBoy
Abdul HameedIndianServant of the praiseworthy; Ever praisedBoy
Abdul HamidIndianSlave of the praiseworthyBoy
Abdul HannanIndianSlave of the mercifulBoy
Abdul HaqqIndianServant of the truthBoy
Abdul HaseebIndianServant of the reckonedBoy
Abdul HaseebIndianServant of the respected; EsteemedBoy
Abdul HayyIndianSlave of the livingBoy
Abdul JabaarIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul JabbarIndianServant of the compellerBoy
Abdul JaleelIndianServant of the sublimeBoy
Abdul JaleelIndianServant of the great; ReveredBoy
Abdul JawwadIndianSlave of the bountifulBoy
Abdul KabirIndianSlave of the greatBoy
Abdul KaderIndianServant of the ableBoy
Abdul KareemIndianServant of the most generousBoy
Abdul KhaaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul KhabirIndianSlave of the one who is awareBoy
Abdul KhaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul LateefIndianServant of the subtleBoy
Abdul MaalikIndianSlave of the master or lordBoy
Abdul MajeedIndianServant of the most gloriousBoy
Abdul MajidIndianServant of the nobleBoy
Abdul MalikIndianServant of the sovereign lordBoy
Abdul MannanIndianSlave of the benefactorBoy
Abdul MateenIndianSlave of the firmBoy
Abdul MubdeeIndianSlave of the originatorBoy
Abdul MueedIndianSlave of the restorerBoy
Abdul MughniIndianServant of the enrichedBoy
Abdul MuhayminIndianSlave of the protectorBoy
Abdul MuhsinIndianSlave of the benefactorBoy
Abdul MujeebIndianServant of the responsiveBoy
Abdul MuminIndianServant of the guardian of faithBoy
Abdul MunimIndianSlave of the GenerousBoy
Abdul MuqeetIndianSlave of the sustainerBoy
Abdul MuqsitIndianSlave of the justBoy
Abdul MusawwirIndianSlave of the fashionerBoy
Abdul MutiIndianSlave of the giverBoy
Abdul NafiIndianSlave of the propitiousBoy
Abdul NaseerIndianSlave of the helperBoy
Abdul NoorIndianServant of the lightBoy
Abdul NurIndianServant of the lightBoy
Abdul QaadirIndianServant of the ableBoy
Abdul QaadirIndianServant of the capableBoy
Abdul QadeerIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul QadirIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul QahaarIndianServant of the subdue; AlmightyBoy
Abdul QahaarIndianServant of the subduer; AlmightyBoy
Abdul QahharIndianServant of the subduerBoy
Abdul QaiyoumIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QayoomIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QayyumIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QuddoosIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul QuddusIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul QudoosIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul RabbIndianSlave of the lordBoy
Abdul RafiIndianSlave of the exalterBoy
Abdul RaheemIndianServant of the most compassionateBoy
Abdul RaoufIndianServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdul RaqibIndianSlave of the vigilantBoy
Abdul RasheedIndianServant of the rightly guidedBoy
Abdul RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainer; ProviderBoy
Abdul RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainerBoy
Abdul SalaamIndianServant of the peaceBoy
Abdul WaahidIndianServant of the oneBoy
Abdul WaajidIndianServant of the finderBoy
Abdul WaaliIndianSlave of the governorBoy
Abdul WadoodIndianServant of the lovingBoy
Abdul WahhabIndianServant of the best ownerBoy
Abdul WajidIndianSlave of the finder; PerceiverBoy
Abdul WaliyIndianSlave of the protecting friendBoy
Abdul WarithIndianServant of the supreme inheritorBoy
Abdul WasiIndianSlave of the all embracingBoy
AbduladlIndianSlave of the justBoy
Abdul-AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; The powerfulBoy
Abdul-AzeezIndianServant of the mighty; PowerfulBoy
Abdul-BaariIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-GhafoorIndianServant of the forgiverBoy
Abdul-HaafizIndianServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul-HafizIndianServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul-HameedIndianServant of the praiseworthy; Ever praisedBoy
Abdul-HaseebIndianServant of the respected; EsteemedBoy
Abdul-JabaarIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul-JabarIndianServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul-JaleelIndianServant of the great; ReveredBoy
Abdul-KhaaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-KhaliqIndianServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-MalikArabianServant of the KingBoy
Abdul-QaadirIndianServant of the capableBoy
Abdul-QadirIndianServant of the capableBoy
Abdul-QahaarIndianServant of the rubduer; AlmightyBoy
Abdul-QahaarIndianServant of the subduer; AlmightyBoy
Abdul-QudoosIndianServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul-RaheemIndianServant of the most compassionateBoy
AbdulrahmanIndianservant of the merciful oneBoy
Abdul-RaoufIndianServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdul-RasheedIndianServant of the rightly guidedBoy
Abdul-RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainer; ProviderBoy
Abdul-RazaaqIndianServant of the maintainer; The ProviderBoy
Abdul-SalaamIndianServant of the peaceBoy
Abdul-WaahidIndianServant of the oneBoy
Abdul-WadoodIndianServant of the lovingBoy
Abdur RaheemIndianServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdur RahmaanIndianServant of the most graciousBoy
Abdur RahmanIndianServant of the most graciousBoy
Abdur RaufIndianServant of the compassionateBoy
Abdur RazzaaqIndianServant of the providerBoy
Abdur RazzaqIndianServant of the providerBoy
Abdus SaburIndianSlave of the forbearingBoy
Abdus SalaamIndianSlave of the giver of peaceBoy
Abdus SalamIndianSlave of the giver of peaceBoy
Abdus SamadIndianServant of the eternalBoy
Abdus SameeiIndianServant of the all hearingBoy
Abdus SamiIndianSlave of the all hearingBoy
Abdus ShafiIndianSlave of the healerBoy
Abdus ShakurIndianServant of the appreciativeBoy
Abdus SmadIndianSlave of the eternalBoy
Abdus SubboohIndianSlave of the extremely pureBoy
Abdush ShahidIndianSlave of the witnessBoy
AbeEnglishFather of a multitude; Bow for an arrowBoy
AbeIndianFather of a multitude; Bow for an arrowBoy
AbegailEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbegailIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbegailSpanishFather RejoicesGirl
AbegayleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbegayleHebrewMy Father RejoicesGirl
AbegayleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbeyEnglishFather of a multitudeBoy
AbeyIndianFather of a multitudeBoy
AbhayapradaIndianBestower of safety; Another name for VishnuBoy
AbhayapradaIndianBestower of safety; Another name for lord VishnuBoy
AbhicandraIndianMoon like face; One of the seven Manus of the Svetambara Jain sectionBoy
AbhicandraIndianWith a moon like face; One of the seven manus of the Svetambara jain sectBoy
AbhimaniIndianFull of pride; Another name for Agni as the eldest son of BrahmaBoy
AbhinathaIndianLord of desires; Another name for KamaBoy
AbhirucIndianThe sunBoy
AbhisumatIndianRadiant; Another name of sunBoy
AbhyHebrewMy Father RejoicesGirl
AbhyagniIndianTowards the fire; Son of AitasaBoy
AbhyagniIndianTowards the fire; A son of AitasaBoy
AbiEnglishMy FatherGirl
AbiIndianMy FatherGirl
AbiaEnglishYahweh is my fatherUnisex
AbiaIndianYahweh is my fatherUnisex
AbiahEnglishYahweh is my fatherUnisex
AbiahIndianYahweh is my fatherUnisex
AbichailEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbichailIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbidaEnglishFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidaIndianFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidahEnglishFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidahIndianFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidanBiblicalMy Father is JudgeBoy
AbidanEnglishMy father is judgeBoy
AbidanIndianMy father is judgeBoy
AbidemiAfricanBorn During Father's AbsenceBoy
AbieEnglishFather of a multitudeBoy
AbieIndianFather of a multitudeBoy
AbielBiblicalGod is my FatherBoy
AbielEnglishEl (God) is my fatherBoy
AbielIndianEl (God) is my fatherBoy
AbigaelEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbigaelIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbigailBiblicalMy Father is JoyGirl
AbigailEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbigailHebrewMy Father RejoicesGirl
AbigailIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbigalDutchFather RejoicesGirl
AbigaleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbigaleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbigallEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbigallIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbigayleEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbigayleIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbigilEnglishFather RejoicesGirl
AbigilIndianFather RejoicesGirl
AbihailBiblicalStrong FatherGirl
AbihailEnglishFather of mightUnisex
AbihailIndianFather of mightUnisex
AbihuEnglishHe is my fatherBoy
AbihuIndianHe is my fatherBoy
AbijahEnglishYahweh is my fatherUnisex
AbijahHebrewThe Lord is my FatherBoy
AbijahIndianYahweh is my fatherUnisex
AbimaelBiblicalMy Father is GodBoy
AbimaelEnglishMy father is El (God)Boy
AbimaelIndianMy father is El (God)Boy
AbimelechBiblicalMy Father is KingBoy
AbimelechEnglishMelek is father; My father is kingBoy
AbimelechHebrewFather is KingBoy
AbimelechIndianMelek is father; My father is kingBoy
AbinoamEnglishFather of pleasantnessBoy
AbinoamIndianFather of pleasantnessBoy
AbiramBiblicalMy Father is ExaltedBoy
AbiramEnglishMy father is exaltedBoy
AbiramHebrewFather of Heights; my Father is Exalted; ProudBoy
AbiramIndianMy father is exaltedBoy
AbironHebrewMy Father is ExaltedBoy
AbishaHebrewThe Lord is my FatherBoy
AbishagBiblicalMy Father StraysGirl
AbishagEnglishMy father is a wanderer; Father of errorGirl
AbishagIndianMy father is a wanderer; Father of errorGirl
AbishaiBiblicalMy Father is a GiftBoy
AbishaiEnglishMy father is Jesse; My father is a giftBoy
AbishaiIndianMy father is Jesse; My father is a giftBoy
AbishalomEnglishFather of peaceBoy
AbishalomIndianFather of peaceBoy
AbishtaIndianLady of the houseGirl
AbitalBiblicalMy Father is the Night DewGirl
AbitalEnglishMy father is dewGirl
AbitalIndianMy father is dewGirl
AbiudEnglishMy father is majestyBoy
AbiudIndianMy father is majestyBoy
AbjayoniIndianBorn of the lotus; Another name for BrahmaBoy
AbjayoniIndianBorn of the lotus; Lord BrahmaBoy
AbnarEnglishFather of lightBoy
AbnarIndianFather of lightBoy
AbnerBiblicalFather of LightBoy
AbnerEnglishFather of lightBoy
AbnerHebrewFather of LightBoy
AbnerIndianFather of lightBoy
AbnorEnglishFather of lightBoy
AbnorIndianFather of lightBoy
AbnurEnglishFather of lightBoy
AbnurIndianFather of lightBoy
AboilIndianThe name of a flowerGirl
AboliIndianThe name of a flowerGirl
AbraArabianMother of ManyGirl
AbraEnglishFather of a multitudeGirl
AbraHebrewMother of ManyGirl
AbraIndianFather of a multitudeGirl
AbraamSpanishFather of a MultitudeBoy
AbrahamBiblicalFather of MultitudeBoy
AbrahamEnglishFather of a multitudeBoy
AbrahamHebrewFather of a Multitude; Exalted FatherBoy
AbrahamIndianFather of a multitudeBoy
AbrahamusLatinFather of a multitudeBoy
AbrahanPortugueseFather of a multitudeBoy
AbrahanSpanishFather of a MultitudeBoy
AbrahanaDutchFather of A MultitudeGirl
AbramBiblicalHigh Father; Exalted (Father)Boy
AbramEnglishFather of elevationBoy
AbramHebrewExalted FatherBoy
AbramIndianFather of elevationBoy
AbramoHebrewFather of a Multitude; Exalted FatherBoy
AbramoItalianFather of a MultitudeBoy
AbranEnglishFather of a multitudeBoy
AbranIndianFather of a multitudeBoy
AbranSpanishFather of a MultitudeBoy
AbriannaEnglishFather of a multitudeGirl
AbriannaHebrewMother of GraceGirl
AbriannaIndianFather of a multitudeGirl
AbsalomEnglishFather of peaceBoy
AbsalomHebrewFather of PeaceBoy
AbsalomIndianFather of peaceBoy
AbsalonEnglishMy father is peaceBoy
AbsalonIndianMy father is peaceBoy
AbsolonFrenchMy father is peaceBoy
Abu BakrIndianThe companion of prophet MohammedBoy
AbulkhairKazakhKind FatherBoy
AbunguAfricanOf the ForestGirl
AcalapatiIndianLord of the immovable; Lord of mountainBoy
AcalendraIndianLord of the immovable; The HimalayasBoy
AcalendraIndianLord of the immovable; HimalayasBoy
AcalesvaraIndianGod of the Immovable; Another name for lord ShivaBoy
AcalesvaraIndianGod of the immovable; Lord ShivaBoy
AcalesvaraIndianLord of the immovable; Lord ShivaBoy
AcandaIndianNot of the hot temper; Without anger; GentleBoy
AcaryaIndianTeacher; Another name for Drona; Asvaghosa and KrpaBoy
AcaryaIndianTeacher; Another name for DronaBoy
AcaryanandanaIndianSon of teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryanandanaIndianSon of the teacher; Lord AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryanandanaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryasutaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryasutaIndianSon of teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryasutaIndianSon of the teacher; Lord AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of the teacher; Lord AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryatanayaSanskritSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AchalendraIndianThe HimalayasBoy
AchalesvaraIndianGod of the immovable; Another name for lord ShivaBoy
AchalesvaraSanskritGod of the immovable; Another name for ShivaBoy
AcharyanandanaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyanandanaSanskritSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyasutaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyasutaSanskritSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AchiengAfricanBorn when the Sun ShinesGirl
AchillLatinHe who embodies the grief of the peopleBoy
AchilleFrenchEither Pain; LiplessBoy
AchilleItalianEither Pain; LiplessBoy
AchilleaLatinHe who embodies the grief of the peopleGirl
AchillesLatinHe who embodies the grief of the peopleBoy
AchilleusLatinHe who embodies the grief of the peopleBoy
AchlaIndianThe Earth; StableGirl
AckeEnglishOak meadow; My father is peaceBoy
AckeIndianOak meadow; My father is peaceBoy
AcyutarayaIndianWorshipper of the Infallible; A devotee of lord VishnuBoy
AcyutarayaIndianWorshipper of the Infallible; Devotee of lord VishnuBoy
Ad Darr (الضار)IndianThe Creator of The Harmful
AdahyNative AmericanLives in the woodBoy
AdairScottishBeauty; From the Oak tree fordUnisex
AdaliaSpanishOf the nobilityGirl
AdannaAfricanFather's DaughterGirl
AdannayaAfricanHer Father's DaughterGirl
AdareEnglishThe ford of the oaks; Rich spearBoy
AdareIndianThe ford of the oaks; Rich spearBoy
Adbul QawiIndianServant of the most powerfulBoy
AdeepIndianThe light of lord VishnuBoy
AdegokeAfricanThe Crown has been ExaltedBoy
AdelphaLatinSibling; Born of the same wombGirl
AdelphiaLatinSibling; Born of the same wombGirl
AdelphieEnglishBorn of the same womb; SiblingGirl
AdelphieIndianBorn of the same womb; SiblingGirl
AdelphusLatinSibling; Born of the same wombBoy
AdetokunboAfricanThe Crown came from the SeaBoy
AdharaArabianThe MaidenGirl
AdhiamboAfricanBorn in the EveningGirl
AdhritIndianThe one who don't need any support but supports everyone; Lord VishnuBoy
AdhritSanskritThe one who don't need any support but supports everyone; Lord VishnuBoy
AdidevIndianThe lord of the lordsBoy
AdinathIndianThe First Lord; Lord VishnuBoy
AditIndianFirst born; From the beginningBoy
AditIndianFrom the beginningBoy
AditeyaIndianAnother name for SunBoy
AditeyaIndianAnother name for the sun; Son of 'Aditi'Boy
AditeyaIndianAnother name for the SunBoy
AditeyaIndianThe SunBoy
AditeyaSanskritAnother name for the sun; Son of 'Aditi'Boy
AdithaIndianThe first rootGirl
AditiIndianMother of godsGirl
AditiIndianMother of Gods; Earth; Nature; Radiant like the sunGirl
AditiIndianMother of the godsGirl
AditiIndianMother of Gods; Radiant like the sunGirl
AdityaIndianThe Son of AditiBoy
AdityaSanskritThe sunBoy
AdityanandanSanskritSon of the sunBoy
AdityanandanaIndianSon of the SunBoy
AdminaHebrewOf the Red EarthGirl
AdneyEnglishThe Noble's IslandBoy
AdneyIndianThe Noble's IslandBoy
AdrijaIndianOf the mountain; Another name for goddess ParvathiGirl
AdrijaIndianOf the mountain; Goddess ParvatiGirl
AdripathiIndianMaster of the mountainsBoy
AdripathiSanskritMaster of the mountainsBoy
Aduz ZahirIndianSlave of the manifestBoy
AferditaAlbanianDawn; Morning; Near to the dayGirl
AffaanIndianName of caliph Uthman's fatherBoy
AffanIndianName of caliph Uthman's fatherBoy
AffricaEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AffricaIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AffricahEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AffricahIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AffrikaEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AffrikaIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AffrikahEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AffrikahIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AfftonEnglishName of the riverUnisex
AfftonIndianName of the riverUnisex
AfricaEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AfricaIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AfricahEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AfricahIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AfrikaEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AfrikaIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AfrikahEnglishLand of the AfriGirl
AfrikahIndianLand of the AfriGirl
AfrikaisiEgyptianFrom the Egyptian HillsGirl
AftaabIndianThe SunBoy
AftabIndianThe SunBoy
Aftab; AftaabIndianThe SunBoy
AftonEnglishName of the riverUnisex
AftonIndianName of the riverUnisex

List of Surnames that means 'The'
 Surname Origin In Local Meaning
AbbotEnglish Abbot; Father; Priest
AbbottEnglish Abbot; Father; Priest
AbercrombieGaelic The mouth of a river; Marshy ground
AberdeenEnglish The mouth of a river; Marshy ground; Place where streams meets
AberdeneEnglish From the mouth of the river Don
AbrahamEnglish Father of a multitude
AdairScottish The ford of the Oaks
AdaireScottish The ford of the Oaks
AftonEnglish From the river Afton
AinsworthEnglish Place; Possession on the river
AinsworthWelsh Place; Possession on the river
AldisEnglish From the old house
AldousAnglo-Saxon From the old house
AltonEnglish Old Town; Settlement at the river source
AmblerEnglish An officer of the king's stables
AmblourFrench An officer of the king's stables
AmherstEnglish Town in the Wood
AmpteDutch A Lordship of the Netherlands
AndartonEnglish The Oak Hill
ArbuthnotEnglish The mouth of a river; Marshy ground; Place where streams meets
ArdenEnglish From the high place
ArgyleScottish Country of the western Gael; Breeding place of the Gael
ArlonEnglish A town in the Netherlands
ArtoirEnglish A province in the Netherlands
ArundelEnglish The dale on the Arun
AshburtonEnglish Town on the hill covered with Ash trees
AshbyEnglish Place by the Ash
AshfordEnglish On the river ash
AstleyEnglish The east meadow
AthillEnglish At the hill
AthillFrench At the hill
AtholScottish Ford of the rock; Rock Ford
AttreeEnglish At the tree
AtwaterEnglish At the water
AtwellEnglish At the well
AtwoodEnglish At the wood
AverillEnglish The hill sown with Oats
AvisEnglish A Schemer; Busy body; Ancestor; Grandfather
AvisFrench A Schemer; Busy body; Ancestor; Grandfather
BabayevAzerbaijanBabayevGrandfather; Father
BagleyEnglish The Rising; Swelling ground that lies untilled
BalcombeGaelic The round valley
BallantineEnglish The fire of baal
BallantyneEnglish The fire of baal
BangsEnglish From the hillside; From the riverbank
BankerEnglish From the hillside; From the riverbank
BanksEnglish From the hillside; From the riverbank
BantWelsh From the high place
BarnetEnglish The land that was burned
BarnettEnglish The land that was burned
BarnhamEnglish The Town of Bearnham
BarnumEnglish The Baron's Home
BarnwellEnglish From the field by the wood
BrighamEnglish Homestead by the bridge
BrooksEnglish Of the brook
ByronEnglish At the byres; Cattle shed
CharltonEnglish Settlement of the free peasants
ClintonEnglish Settlement near the headland
De La HouFrench Of the hill
DeforestFrench From the forest
DriscollIrish Son of the messenger; News bearer
EastleyEnglish The east meadow
ElliotEnglish The Lord Is My God
ElliotFrench The Lord Is My God
EllrodtGerman Wood clearing at the water
ElrodEnglish Wood clearing at the water
EriskineScottish Upon the knife
ErskineScottish Upon the knife
EstleyEnglish The east meadow
FitzroyIrish Illegitimate son of the king
GarlandEnglish From the triangular estate
GilroyEnglish Son of the Ruadh; Red
GilroyIrish Son of the Ruadh; Red
HadleyEnglish Heather meadow
HallEnglish Ives at the hall
HarcourtEnglish From the falconer's hut
HaverhillEnglish The hill sown with Oats
HaydnGerman Heathen
HedleyEnglish Heather field; Heather meadow
HerlihyEnglish Lord of the west
HerlihyIrish Lord of the west
HurleyEnglish Lord of the west
KeatonEnglish Settlement on the bank
KerrScottish From the marshland
LavergneFrench The alder tree
LorraineFrench Land of the people of Lothar
LyleScottish From the Island
MastermanEnglish Man of the master; Servant
MaxwellScottish The stream of mack
MeriwetherEnglish Cheerful Weather
MonroeScottish From the mount on the river Roe
MontroeIrish From the mount on the river Roe
MortonEnglish Settlement on the moor
MunroIrish From the mount on the river Roe
MunroeIrish From the mount on the river Roe
MurgatroydEnglish The clearing belonging to margaret
NorrisEnglish From the North
NortonEnglish Northern settlement
StaffordEnglish Landing place at the river crossing
TrentEnglish Lives on the river bank
WadeEnglish Lives near the river crossing
WalkyrScandinavian From the wall by the marsh
WarwickEnglish One who lives by the dam near the dairy farm
WellsEnglish At the wells
WentworthEnglish Farm on the river worth
WerdenGerman Fort on the hill
WesterveldtDutch The West Field
WetherspoonEnglish Grazing place in the spur of a hill
WickerEnglish Man of the bay; Man of the creek; Brave
WickliffEnglish Village on the cliff; White cliff
WilderEnglish Traveler; Of the forest
WingfieldEnglish Name of the manor of Wingfield
WitheringtonEnglish Withered Hill
WitherspoonEnglish Grazing place in the spur of a hill
WodderspoonEnglish Grazing place in the spur of a hill
WooderingtonEnglish Withered Hill
WoodrowEnglish Lives along row of houses by the wood

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