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 Names meaning Slave

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List of Names that means 'Slave'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AbdalIndianSlave of the highBoy
Abdul AfuwIndianSlave of the one who pardonsBoy
Abdul AhadIndianSlave of he who is one AllahBoy
Abdul AliIndianSlave of the highBoy
Abdul AlimIndianSlave of the all knowingBoy
Abdul AwwalIndianSlave of the first oneBoy
Abdul AzimIndianSlave of the greatBoy
Abdul BadeeIndianSlave of the originatorBoy
Abdul BaithIndianSlave of the one who raises deathBoy
Abdul BaseerIndianSlave of the all seeingBoy
Abdul BatinIndianSlave of unseenBoy
Abdul FattaahIndianSlave of the giver of victoryBoy
Abdul FattahIndianSlave of the giver of victoryBoy
Abdul HafeezIndianSlave of the protectorBoy
Abdul HafizIndianSlave of the guardianBoy
Abdul HalimIndianSlave of the wiseBoy
Abdul HamidIndianSlave of the praiseworthyBoy
Abdul HannanIndianSlave of the mercifulBoy
Abdul HayyIndianSlave of the livingBoy
Abdul JawwadIndianSlave of the bountifulBoy
Abdul KabirIndianSlave of the greatBoy
Abdul KhabirIndianSlave of the one who is awareBoy
Abdul MaalikIndianSlave of the master or lordBoy
Abdul ManiIndianSlave of one who preventsBoy
Abdul MannanIndianSlave of the benefactorBoy
Abdul MateenIndianSlave of the firmBoy
Abdul MubdeeIndianSlave of the originatorBoy
Abdul MueedIndianSlave of the restorerBoy
Abdul MuhayminIndianSlave of the protectorBoy
Abdul MuhsinIndianSlave of the benefactorBoy
Abdul MunimIndianSlave of the GenerousBoy
Abdul MuqeetIndianSlave of the sustainerBoy
Abdul MuqsitIndianSlave of the justBoy
Abdul MusawwirIndianSlave of the fashionerBoy
Abdul MutiIndianSlave of the giverBoy
Abdul NafiIndianSlave of the propitiousBoy
Abdul NaseerIndianSlave of the helperBoy
Abdul QadeerIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul QadirIndianSlave of the powerfulBoy
Abdul QaiyoumIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QayoomIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul QayyumIndianSlave of the self subsistentBoy
Abdul RabbIndianSlave of the lordBoy
Abdul RafiIndianSlave of the exalterBoy
Abdul RaqibIndianSlave of the vigilantBoy
Abdul TawwabIndianSlave of acceptor of repentanceBoy
Abdul WaaliIndianSlave of the governorBoy
Abdul WajidIndianSlave of the finder; PerceiverBoy
Abdul WakilIndianSlave of trusteeBoy
Abdul WaliyIndianSlave of the protecting friendBoy
Abdul WasiIndianSlave of the all embracingBoy
AbduladlIndianSlave of the justBoy
AbdulmuhyeeIndianSlave of who gives life and sustains itBoy
AbdulmuntaqimIndianSlave of him who punishes wrong doingsBoy
Abdus SaburIndianSlave of the forbearingBoy
Abdus SalaamIndianSlave of the giver of peaceBoy
Abdus SalamIndianSlave of the giver of peaceBoy
Abdus SamiIndianSlave of the all hearingBoy
Abdus SattarIndianSlave of one who conceals faultsBoy
Abdus ShafiIndianSlave of the healerBoy
Abdus SmadIndianSlave of the eternalBoy
Abdus SubboohIndianSlave of the extremely pureBoy
Abdush ShahidIndianSlave of the witnessBoy
Aduz ZahirIndianSlave of the manifestBoy
AnasahIndianFreed slave of prophetBoy
AntarahIndianFreed slave of SulaymBoy
BasbasIndianShe was a slave girl of Ibn NafeesGirl
BuhayyahIndianFreed female slaveGirl
GhadirIndianStream; A slave of Musa al HadiGirl
GhulamIndianSlave; ServantBoy
GurdasIndianOne who is the slave of the guruBoy
HardasIndianSlave of godBoy
IlmIndianSlave girl belonging to ZubaydahGirl
InanIndianA slave girl belonging to Haroon al RashidGirl
KadeemIndianSlave to godBoy
KalidasIndianPoet; Dramatist; Slave of goddess KaliBoy
KalidasIndianThe Poet; Dramatist; Slave of goddess KaliBoy
KestejooNative AmericanSlaveBoy
MaridahIndianA slave girl belonging to Haroon al RashidGirl
Mathu HasiniIndianSlave to happinessGirl
RamdasIndianServant of god; Slave of godBoy
RavoofIndianSlavery of loveBoy
TeoduloSpanishSlave of GodBoy
Theodoulos  (Θεόδουλος)GreekGod SlaveBoy
TheodulusLatinGod's SlaveBoy

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