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 Boy Names by Planet (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name Of Planet Meaning Gender
ShantamSaturn (Shani)QuietBoy
ShantanavSaturn (Shani)Bhishma PitamahaBoy
ShantanuSaturn (Shani)WholeBoy
ShantidevSaturn (Shani)Lord of peaceBoy
ShantinathSaturn (Shani)Lord of peaceBoy
ShantivSaturn (Shani)PeacefulBoy
ShanyuSaturn (Shani)BenevolentBoy
ShaquitaSaturn (Shani)BlessedBoy
SharadSaturn (Shani)AutumnBoy
SharatSaturn (Shani)A seasonBoy
ShardulSaturn (Shani)The bestBoy
ShareeqSaturn (Shani) Boy
SharmanSaturn (Shani)Joy, Delight, ShelterBoy
SharuSaturn (Shani)Lord VishnuBoy
ShashankSaturn (Shani)MoonBoy
ShashiSaturn (Shani)MoonUnisex
ShashinSaturn (Shani)MoonBoy
ShashishSaturn (Shani)Lord ShivaBoy
ShashrvatSaturn (Shani)Name of lord sunBoy
ShashwatSaturn (Shani)Permanent, One who never diesBoy
ShasvatSaturn (Shani)Eternal constantBoy
ShatishSaturn (Shani)Lord ShivaBoy
ShatishaySaturn (Shani)Superior, BestBoy
ShatrughanSaturn (Shani)Lord Rama's brotherBoy
ShauchinSaturn (Shani)PureBoy
ShaunakSaturn (Shani)WiseBoy
ShauravSaturn (Shani)BearBoy
ShauriSaturn (Shani)Lord VishnuBoy
ShauryaSaturn (Shani)BraveryBoy
ShavasSaturn (Shani)Power, Might, VelourBoy
ShawnSaturn (Shani)American spelling of SeanBoy
ShaySaturn (Shani)GiftBoy
ShayanSaturn (Shani)IntelligentBoy
ShaylanSaturn (Shani)IntelligentBoy
ShayneSaturn (Shani)BeautifulBoy
SheehanSaturn (Shani)PeacefulBoy
ShekharSaturn (Shani)Ultimate, PeakBoy
SherwinSaturn (Shani)Bright friendBoy
ShesanandSaturn (Shani)Lord VishnuBoy
ShevarSaturn (Shani)TreasuryBoy
ShibhiSaturn (Shani)KingBoy
ShibhyaSaturn (Shani)Lord ShivaBoy
ShibilSaturn (Shani)Young one in ArabicBoy
ShighraSaturn (Shani)Lord Shiva, Lord VishnuBoy
ShikhandinSaturn (Shani)Lord Shiva, Lord VishnuBoy
ShilangSaturn (Shani)VirtuousBoy
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