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 Punjabi names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
Nandakishorਨਂਦਕਿਸ਼ੋਰWiz kidBoy
NandakishoreLord KrishnaBoy
NandakumarਨਂਦਕੁਮਾਰLord KrishnaBoy
NandanਨਂਦਨPleasing, SonBoy
NandiਨਂਦੀOne who pleases othersGirl
NandikaਨਂਦਿਕਾGoddess LaxmiGirl
NandinਨਂਦਿਨSon, DelightfulBoy
NandiniਨਂਦਿਨੀHoly cow, Bestower of joy, GangaGirl
Nandishਨਂਦਿਸ਼Lord ShivaBoy
NandlalਨਂਦਲਾਲLord KrishnaBoy
NangaiਨਂਗਾਈCultured ladyGirl
Nanthini Boy
Naomiਨਾਓਮੀ Girl
Naomikaਨੋਮਿਕਾ Girl
NaradਨਾਰਦSaint, Devotee of lord NarayanBoy
NarahariਨਰਹਰੀLord VishnuBoy
NarasimhaਨਰਸਿਂਹਾIncarnation of lord VishnuBoy
NarayanਨਾਰਾਯਣLord VishnuBoy
NarayanaਨਾਰਾਯਾਣਾVishnu, Refuge of manBoy
NarayananਨਾਰਾਯਣਨTitle of lord VishnuBoy
NarayaniਨਾਰਾਯਣੀGoddess LaxmiGirl
Narendraਨਰੇਨ੍ਦ੍ਰKing of menBoy
Narendranathਨਰੇਨ੍ਦ੍ਰਨਾਥKing of kings, EmperorBoy
Nareshਨਰੇਸ਼Lord of manBoy
NarhariਨਰਹਰੀLion man, BraveBoy
Narmadਨਰ੍ਮਦBringer of delightBoy
Narmadaਨਰ੍ਮਦਾOne who arouses tender feelings in others, River NarmadaGirl
Narottamਨਰੋਤ੍ਤਮBest among menBoy
NarsiਨਰਸੀPoet, SaintBoy
NarsimhaਨਰਸਿਂਹਾLion among men, BraveBoy
Nartanaਨਰ੍ਤਾਨਾMakes others danceBoy
NarunਨਾਰੂਨLeader of menBoy
NarunaਨਾਰੁਨਾLeader of menBoy
NaseenਨਸੀਨCool breezeGirl
Natashaਨਤਾਸ਼ਾChild of Christmas, BirthdayGirl
Nateshwarਨਾਤੇਸ਼੍ਵਰLord of drama, Lord ShivaBoy
NatrajਨਟਰਾਜKing among actorsBoy
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