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 Punjabi names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
HansarajਹਂਸਰਾਜKing of swanBoy
HansaveniਹਂਸਵੇਨੀGoddess SaraswatiGirl
HansdhwaniVocal sound of swanGirl
Hanshalਹਂਸ਼ਲSwan likeBoy
HansinਹਂਸਿਨUniversal soulBoy
HansrajਹਂਸਰਾਜKing of swansBoy
HanuLord HanumanGirl
HanumanਹਨੁਮਾਨMonkey god of RamayanaBoy
HanumantਹਨੁਮਂਤMonkey god of RamayanaBoy
HanumantaPuffy cheeksBoy
HarਹਰLord ShivaBoy
HaraਹਰਾRemover of sinsBoy
HaranadhLord VishnuBoy
Hareendraਹਰੀਨ੍ਦ੍ਰLord ShivaBoy
Harekrishnaਹਰੇਕਰਸ਼੍ਣLord KrishnaBoy
Harendraਹਰੇਨ੍ਦ੍ਰLord ShivaBoy
HariਹਰੀSun, VishnuBoy
Hariaksaਹਰਿਅਕ੍ਸਾLord ShivaBoy
HaribalaਹਰਿਬਾਲਾDaughter of lord VishnuGirl
HaricharanਹਰਿਚਰਣFeet of the lordBoy
HaridasਹਰਿਦਾਸServant of lord KrishnaBoy
HaridraOne who is golden coloredBoy
HaridwarGateway to godBoy
HarigangaਹਰਿਗਂਗਾGanga of lord VishnuGirl
HarigopalਹਰਿਗੋਪਾਲLord KrishnaBoy
HariharਹਰਿਹਰLord Vishnu and lord Shiva togetherBoy
HariharaatmajaSon of lord Vishnu (hari) and lord Shiva (hara)Boy
HariharanBorn out of lord Vishnu (Hari) and lord Shiva (Hara)Boy
HariharaputraSon of lord Vishnu (hari) and lord Shiva (hara)Boy
HariharasuthanSon of lord Vishnu (hari) and lord Shiva (hara)Boy
HarijathaਹਰਿਜਾਥਾFair haired, BlondeGirl
HarikanthਹਰਿਕਾਂਤDear to lord IndraBoy
Harikrishnaਹਰਿਕਰਸ਼੍ਣLord KrishnaBoy
HarilalਹਰਿਲਾਲSon of HariBoy
HarimantiਹਰਿਮਂਤੀBorn in the season of HemantaGirl
Harinakshਹਰਿਨਕ੍ਸ਼Lord ShivaBoy
Harinakshiਹਰਿਨਾਕ੍ਸ਼ੀDow eyedGirl
HarinarayanਹਰਿਨਾਰਾਯਣLord VishnuBoy
Harindranathਹਰਿਨ੍ਦ੍ਰਨਾਥLord of hariBoy
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