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 Marathi boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
Japesh Lord of chants, Lord ShivaBoy
Jasamit Protected by fameBoy
Jasapal FamousBoy
Jasbeer Victorious heroBoy
Jashan CelebrationBoy
Jashith ProtectorBoy
Jashun CelebrationBoy
Jasjitजसजीत Boy
Jasmineजैस्मिनName of a flower plantBoy
JaspalजसपालLord KrishnaBoy
JasrajजसराजKing of fameBoy
Jasveer Hero of fameBoy
Jaswanth VictoriousBoy
Jatasya OceanBoy
Jatayu Semi divine birdBoy
JatinजतिनPertaining to a saintBoy
Jatya PleasingBoy
Javesh Related to godBoy
Javin SwiftBoy
Jayachand Ancient king of KannaujBoy
Jayachandran Victory of moonBoy
Jayad Causing victoryBoy
Jayadeep Light of victoryBoy
Jayaditya Victorious sunBoy
Jayakrishan Victorious lord KrishnaBoy
JayantaजयंतLord VishnuBoy
Jayanth StarBoy
Jayapal King, Lord Vishnu, Lord BrahmaBoy
Jayaprakashजयप्रकाशLight of victoryBoy
Jayashekhar Crest of victoryBoy
Jayawant VictoriousBoy
Jayendraजयेंद्रLord of victoryBoy
Jayin ConquerorBoy
Jaypal  Boy
Jaysukh Pleasure of victoryBoy
Jeemutbahan Full of lifeBoy
Jeevanprakash Light of lifeBoy
Jeevaraj Lord of lifeBoy
Jeevita  Boy
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