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 Marathi boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
Jagachandra Moon of universeBoy
Jagad UniverseBoy
Jagadayu Life spring of the universeBoy
Jagadbandu Lord KrishnaBoy
Jagadeep Light of worldBoy
Jagadesh King of universeBoy
Jagadev Lord of worldBoy
Jagadhidh Lord of worldBoy
Jagadhish Lord of worldBoy
Jagadip Lamp of the universeBoy
JagadishजगदीशLord of universeBoy
Jagajeet Conqueror of worldBoy
Jagajeevan Life of the worldBoy
JaganजगनUniverse, WorldBoy
Jaganmay Spread over the universeBoy
Jagannathजगन्नाथLord of worldBoy
Jagatbehari World travelerBoy
JagatguruजगतगुरूPreceptor of the worldBoy
Jagath UniverseBoy
Jagatkishor Worldly childBoy
Jagatpal Caretaker of the worldBoy
Jagatprabhu Lord of worldBoy
Jagatprakash Light of worldBoy
Jagatveer Bravest in the worldBoy
JagdeepजगदीपLight of universeBoy
JagdeoजगदेवLord of worldBoy
JagdishजगदीशKing of worldBoy
Jagesh Lord of worldBoy
JaggerजैगरStrong, LoyalBoy
Jagish Lord of universeBoy
Jagjeevan Worldly lifeBoy
JagmohanजगमोहनOne who attracts the worldBoy
Jagrav AwakenedBoy
Jahi DignifiedBoy
Jahnu Rishi, SageBoy
Jaichand Victory of the moonBoy
Jaidayal Victory of kindnessBoy
JaideepजयदीपVictory of lightBoy
JaidevजयदेवLord of victoryBoy
Jaigath VictoriousBoy
Jaigopal Victory of lord KrishnaBoy
JaiKapeesh Hail monkey godBoy
Jaikrishna Victory of lord KrishnaBoy
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