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 Malayalam names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
Mannathമന്നതA vow to a deityBoy
ManoharമനോഹരOne who wins over mindBoy
Manoharan Boy
ManojമനോജBorn of mindBoy
ManojavayaമനോജവായാSpeed like windBoy
ManomayമനോമയConqueror of ones heartBoy
ManonithമനോനീതCarried by the mindBoy
ManoramaമനോരമാAttractive, BeautifulGirl
ManoranjanമനോരംജനOne who pleases the mindBoy
ManoranjanaമനോരംജനാEntertaining, PleasingGirl
ManorithaമനോരിഥാOf the mindGirl
ManothമനോഥBorn of the mindBoy
Manprasadമാനപ്രസാദMentally calm and cool personBoy
Manshreeമനശ്രീ Girl
MansukhമനസുഖPleasure of mindBoy
ManthanമംഥനReflection through studyBoy
Mantraമംത്രാHymn, Holy ChantsGirl
Mantramമംത്രമHoly Name, Lord VishnuBoy
ManuമനുFounder father of human beingsBoy
ManujമനുജSon of ManuBoy
ManurajമനുരാജLord KuberBoy
ManushiGoddess LaxmiGirl
Manushriമനുശ്രീGoddess LaxmiGirl
Manvendraമാനവേന്ദ്രKing among menBoy
Manvirമനവിര Boy
Manwendra Boy
Manyaമാന്യാWorthy of honorGirl
Maran Boy
MareechiമാരീചീRay of lightBoy
Mareeshaമരീഷാ Girl
MarichikaമാരിചികാMirage, RayGirl
MarisaമാരിസാMother of DaksaGirl
MarkandeyaമാരകഁഡേയാDevotee of lord ShivaBoy
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