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 Malayalam names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
Deeptenduദീപ്തേംദുBright moonBoy
Deeptha Girl
Deeptiദീപ്തിFlame, LusterGirl
Deeptikanaദീപ്തികാനാA beam of lightGirl
DeetaദീതാGoddess LaxmiGirl
Deetyaദീത്യാAnswer of prayersGirl
DehabhujദേഹാഭുജLord ShivaBoy
DeleenaദേലീനാGood lookingGirl
DemiraദേമിരാDevotee of lord KrishnaGirl
DenadayalദീനദയാലHumble and mercifulBoy
DevദേവGod, KingBoy
Dev Kumarദേവ കുമാരSon of godsBoy
Devabrataദേവാബ്രതാA name of BhismaBoy
Devachandraദേവചംദ്രാMoon, Among the godsBoy
Devadarshanദേവദര്ശനFamiliar with godsBoy
DevadasദേവദാസFollower of godBoy
Devadattദേവദത്തGift of godBoy
Devadattaദേവദത്തGods GiftBoy
DevadevaദേവദേവാLord of all lordsBoy
DevadhipaദേവാധിപാLord of godsBoy
Devaduttദേവദൂത്തGift of godBoy
Devadyumnaദേവാദ്യുമനാGlory of the godsBoy
Devagyaദേവാഗ്യKnowledge of GodBoy
DevahutiദേവാഹുതീDaughter of ManuGirl
DevajദേവാജFrom GodBoy
DevajutaദേവാജുതാOne with the goodBoy
Devajyotiദേവജ്യോതിBrightness of the lordBoy
DevakaliദേവകലീName of a Indian music raaginiGirl
DevakanthaദേവാകാംതാBeloved of the godsBoy
Devakanyaദേവകന്യാCelestial maidenGirl
DevakinandanദേവകീനംദനLord KrishnaBoy
DevakiriദേവാകിരീName of a raaginiGirl
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