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 Malayalam names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
TejshriDivine powersGirl
Thakappanswami Boy
ThakarshiഠാകരശീLord KrishnaBoy
ThakurഠാകുരLeader, GodBoy
ThamanഥമനName of a godBoy
ThamaraiഥമാരാഈLotus flower, Pure and lovelyGirl
Thamilselviതാമിലസേല്വീPride of the TamiliansGirl
Thangaduraiഥാന്ഗദുരൈGolden kingBoy
ThangarajanതനഗരാജനGolden kingBoy
ThangasamiതംഗസാമീGolden lordBoy
ThangavelതംഗവേലLord MuruganBoy
Thanikachalam Boy
Thanmai Boy
Tharakar Serron Boy
ThavaneshഥാവാനേശLord ShivaBoy
ThayalanഥയാലനLord ShivaBoy
ThayanbanഥായാംബനDevoted to ones motherBoy
Theja Boy
Thenmoliഥേന്മോലീSpeaks sweet like honeyGirl
ThenralഥേംരലCool breeze, EncouragingGirl
ThinakaranഥിനാകരണBrilliant like sun, IntelligentBoy
Thirugnanamഥിരുഗ്നനമWise, Knowledgeable, Attained realizationBoy
ThirumalതിരൂമാലLord VenkateshwaraBoy
ThirumalaiതിരൂമാലാഈAbode of lord Venkateshwara, Holy placeBoy
ThirumaniതിരുമാനിPrecious gemBoy
Thiruvalluvarതിരൂവാല്ലൂവാരAuthor of Tamil classic, ThirukuralBoy
ThooyavanഥൂയാവനPure, FlawlessBoy
Thridha Girl
Thrishanth Boy
ThulasiതുലസീHoly Plant with sweet fragrance (Basil)Girl
Thulasitharanഥുലാസിഥാരണ Boy
ThumriഠുമരീLight classical melodyGirl
TilakതിലകSpot of Vermillion, Sandal wood paste on foreheadBoy
TilikaതിലികാAuspicious symbolGirl
Tilottamaതിലോത്തമാCelestial maidenGirl
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