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 Gujarati names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
JagatguruજગતગુરુPreceptor of the worldBoy
JagathiજાગતીOf the universeGirl
JagatiજગતીBestowed with speedGirl
JagatkishorજગતકિશોરWorldly childBoy
JagatpalજગતપાલCaretaker of the worldBoy
Jagatprabhuજગતપ્રભુLord of worldBoy
Jagatprakashજગતપ્રકાશLight of worldBoy
JagatveerજગતવીરBravest in the worldBoy
JagaviજાગવીBorn of the worldGirl
JagdeepજગદીપLight of universeBoy
Jagdeoજગ્દેઓLord of worldBoy
JagdishજગદીશKing of worldBoy
JageshજાગેશLord of worldBoy
Jaggerજગ્ગેરStrong, LoyalBoy
JagishજગિશLord of universeBoy
JagjeevanજગજીવનWorldly lifeBoy
JagmohanજગમોહનOne who attracts the worldBoy
JahanaraજહાઁઆરાQueen of the worldGirl
Jahnaviજાહ્નવીDaughter of JahnuGirl
JahnuજાહનુRishi, SageBoy
JaichandજૈચંદVictory of the moonBoy
Jaidayalજય દયાલVictory of kindnessBoy
JaideepજયદીપVictory of lightBoy
JaidevજૈદેવLord of victoryBoy
Jaigopalજય ગોપાલVictory of lord KrishnaBoy
JaiKapeeshHail monkey godBoy
Jaikrishnaજય કૃષ્ણVictory of lord KrishnaBoy
Jailekhaજ઼ૈલેખાRecord of victoryGirl
JaimathiજૈમાથિVictorious mindGirl
JaiminiજૈમિનીAncient philosopherBoy
JainaજૈનાGood CharacterGirl
Jainarayanજય નારાયણVictoryBoy
JainilજૈનિલVictorious god Swaminarayan, Victory of blueBoy
Jainish Boy
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