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 Gujarati boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
JhumarઝૂમરChild's playthingBoy
Jigneshજિજ્ઞેશCuriosity to researchBoy
Jileshજિલેશ Boy
JimitWin others heartsBoy
JimutaજિમુતાOne of 108 names of the sun godBoy
JinaજીનાLord VishnuBoy
Jinabhadraજિનાભદ્રJain saintBoy
JinadevજિનાદેવLord of victoryBoy
Jinendraજિનેન્દ્રLord of lifeBoy
Jitamitraજિતામિત્રVanquisher of all foesBoy
Jitendraજીતેન્દ્રLord of conquerorsBoy
Jitin Boy
JivajજિવજFull of lifeBoy
JivalજીવલFull of lifeBoy
JivanaજીવનાOne of 108 names of the sun godBoy
JivinજીવિનGive lifeBoy
JivrajજીવરાજLord of lifeBoy
Jiya RamLord Rama's heartBoy
Jnyandeepજ્ઞાનદીપLight of knowledgeBoy
Jnyaneshwarજ્ઞાનેશ્વરLord of wisdomBoy
JogeshજોગેશLord ShivaBoy
Jogindraજોગિંદ્રા, જોગિંદેરLord ShivaBoy
JograjજોગરાજLord KrishnaBoy
JoshiLord VishnuBoy
JoyHappiness, PleasureBoy
Jujharજુજ઼ારOne who strugglesBoy
Jwalaprasadજ્વાલાપ્રસાદGift of flameBoy
Jwaliaજ્વાલિયાLord ShivaBoy
Jyesthaજયેસ્થાThe Eldest, Lord VishnuBoy
Jyotindraજ્યોતિન્દ્રLord of lifeBoy
Jyotiprakashજ્યોતીપ્રાકાશSplendor of the flameBoy
Jyotiranjanજ્યોતિરંજનJoyous flameBoy
Jyotirdharજ્યોતિર્ધરHolder of flameBoy
Jyotirmayaજ્યોતિર્મયImbued with lightBoy
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