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 Gujarati boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
JaiminiજૈમિનીAncient philosopherBoy
Jainarayanજય નારાયણVictoryBoy
JainilજૈનિલVictorious god Swaminarayan, Victory of blueBoy
Jainish Boy
JaipalજયપાલLord BrahmaBoy
JairajજૈરાજLord of victoryBoy
JairamજૈરામVictory of lord RamaBoy
JaisalજૈસલFamous folkBoy
Jaishankarજય શંકરVictory of lord ShivaBoy
JaisukhજયસુખJoy of winningBoy
JaithraજૈથરાLord VishnuBoy
Jaitraજૈત્રLeading to victoryBoy
JaivalજૈવલLife givingBoy
Jaivardhanજયવર્ધનLord ShivaBoy
Jakariousજકરિઔસ્Peaceful friendBoy
JaladજલદGiving waterBoy
JalbhushanજલભુશનOrnament of water (wind)Boy
JaldevજલદેવLord of water, Lord VarunBoy
Jalendraજાલેંદ્રLord of waterBoy
JalenduજાલેંદુMoon in the waterBoy
JaleshજલેશLord of waterBoy
JanakજનકFather of goddess Sita, CreatorBoy
JanakibhushanજાનકીભૂષણOrnament of JankiBoy
JanakidasજાનકીદાસServant of JanakiBoy
JanakinathજાનકીનાથLord RamaBoy
JanakiramanજાનકીરમનHusband of JanakiBoy
Janamejayજાનામેજ઼ય, જનાર્દનLord VishnuBoy
Janardanજનાર્દનOne who helps peopleBoy
JanavજનાવProtecting menBoy
JaneshજનેશLord of menBoy
Jankeshજન્કેશLord of his subjectsBoy
Janmeshજન્મેશKing of his kundliBoy
JanuજાનુSoul, Life forceBoy
JanvijayWin over peopleBoy
JapMake melodic soundsBoy
JapanજપનMuttering prayersBoy
Japendraજપેંદ્રLord of chants, Lord ShivaBoy
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