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 Gujarati boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name In Local Meaning Gender
Indrasenઇન્દ્રસેનEldest of the PandavasBoy
Indrasutaઇન્દ્રસુતાSon of IndraBoy
Indratanઇન્દ્રતનStrong as lord IndraBoy
Indravadanઇન્દ્રવદનLord IndraBoy
Induhasanઇન્દુહાસનLike a moonBoy
Indujઇન્દુજMercury (planet)Boy
Indukantaઇન્દુકાંતાLike a moonBoy
IndulalઇંદુલાલMoon's lusterBoy
Indumalઇન્દુમલLord ShivaBoy
Indumatઇન્દુમતRespected by moonBoy
IndushekharઇંદુશેખરLike a moonBoy
IneshઇનેશStrong kingBoy
IniyavanઈનિયવનPleasant naturedBoy
IraiyavanઇરૈયાવનBlessed by the supremeBoy
IrajઇરાજLord HanumanBoy
IravanઇરાવનKing of oceanBoy
IravatઇરાવતRain cloudsBoy
IreshઇરેશLord of earth, Lord VishnuBoy
IriઇરીLord Hanuman, Son of windBoy
IsaiarasuઇસૈઅરાસુKing of musicBoy
IsaivalanઈસૈવલનSkilled musicianBoy
IsarઇસારEminent, Lord ShivaBoy
IshઇશLord VishnuBoy
IshayuઇશાયુFull of strengthBoy
IshirઇશિરAnother name for AgniBoy
IshitઇષિતOne who desires to ruleBoy
Ishwarઈશ્વરPowerful, Supreme GodBoy
IshwarapriyaGod's belovedBoy
ItishઇતીશSuch a lordBoy
IyengarLord KrishnaBoy
Iyyappanઇય્યાપ્પનLord Iyyappan, YouthfulBoy
Jag Jivanજગ જીવનLife of the worldBoy
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