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 Hindu boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name Meaning Gender
Jeevita Boy
JhumarChild's playthingBoy
Jiger Boy
JigneshCuriosity to research, Intellectual curiosityBoy
Jilesh Boy
JimitWin others heartsBoy
JimutaOne of 108 names of the sun godBoy
JinaLord VishnuBoy
JinabhadraJain saintBoy
Jinadath Boy
JinadevLord of victoryBoy
JinendraLord of lifeBoy
JishnuTriumphant, Lord ArjunBoy
JitamitraVanquisher of all foesBoy
JitenderOne who can conquer Indra, Lord of conquerorBoy
JitendraOne who can conquer Indra, Lord of conquerorBoy
JithvarVictorious, One who always winBoy
Jitin Boy
JivajFull of lifeBoy
JivanaOne of 108 names of the sun godBoy
JivinGive lifeBoy
JivrajLord of lifeBoy
Jiya RamLord Rama's heartBoy
JnhihLord Surya (Sun)Boy
JnyandeepLight of knowledgeBoy
JnyaneshwarLord of wisdomBoy
JogeshLord ShivaBoy
JoginderLord ShivaBoy
JogindraLord ShivaBoy
JograjYograj, King of yoga, Lord KrishnaBoy
JoshiLord VishnuBoy
JoyHappiness, PleasureBoy
JoydeepVictory lightBoy
JoydevAncient poetBoy
JubinHonorable, RighteousBoy
JujharOne who strugglesBoy
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