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 Christian boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name Meaning Gender
MickWho is like God?Boy
MickeyWho is like God?Unisex
MickyWho is like God?Unisex
MidianStrife, WarBoy
MikeWho is like God?Boy
MikiWho is like God?Boy
MilburnMill streamBoy
MilesSon of mileBoy
MilfordMill fordBoy
MillardMill guardBoy
MiloFavor, GraceBoy
MiltonMill settlementBoy
MitchWho is like God?Boy
MitchellWho is like God?Boy
MiykahWho is like God?Boy
MoNickname for name beginning with - MoUnisex
MoabWater, Seed, Boy
MoeDrawn outBoy
MoiseDrawn outBoy
Monali Boy
MonishLord of mindBoy
MonroeMouth of the RoeBoy
MontaguePointed mountainBoy
MontePointed mountainBoy
MontgomeryHill of GomericBoy
MontmorencyHill of MorencyBoy
MontyPointed hillBoy
MordecaiDevotee of Marduk (Mars), Little manBoy
MordechaiDevotee of Marduk (Mars), Little manBoy
MordredSea CounselBoy
MorganSea CircleUnisex
MorgenSea CircleUnisex
MoriartySkilled SeamanBoy
MorleyMarsh meadowBoy
MorrisDark Skinned, MoorBoy
MorrisseySea TabooBoy
MortSettlement on the moorBoy
MortimerMariner, SeamanBoy
MortonSettlement on the moorBoy
MortySettlement on the moorBoy
MoseMoses, Saved from the water, Drawn outBoy
MosesMoses, Saved from the water, Drawn outBoy
MossMoses, Saved from the water, Drawn outBoy
MurdanieSea warriorBoy
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