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 Indian boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name Meaning Religion Gender
BhavinLiving, ExistingHinduBoy
Bhavin JainBoy
BhavjeetOne who swims across the dreadful world oceanSikhBoy
Bhavya JainBoy
Bhavyank JainBoy
BhawanidasDevotee of goddess DurgaHinduBoy
BheemaMighty, Huge and Gigantic, One of PandavasHinduBoy
BheemsenSons of brave manHinduBoy
BheeshamStrong, An elder of Mahabharata, Son of king 'Shantanu'HinduBoy
Bhikhaji ParsiBoy
BhimMighty, Huge and Gigantic, One of PandavasHinduBoy
BhimaMighty, Huge and Gigantic, One of PandavasHinduBoy
Bhimji ParsiBoy
BhimsenSons of brave manHinduBoy
BhishamStrong, Mighty, An elder of Mahabharata, Son of king 'Shantanu'HinduBoy
BhishmaStrong, An elder of Mahabharata, Son of king 'Shantanu'HinduBoy
Bhismasvaraja BuddhistBoy
BhojA Poet king, MealHinduBoy
BhojarajaLord of generosityHinduBoy
BholanathLord ShivaHinduBoy
BhoolokanathanRuler of earthHinduBoy
BhoopatLord of earthHinduBoy
BhoopatiLord of earthHinduBoy
BhoopendraKing of earthHinduBoy
BhooshanOrnament, Decoration, Lord VishnuHinduBoy
BhooteshwaraLord of ghosts and evil beingsHinduBoy
BhoothanathanRuler of earthHinduBoy
BhoumikLand ownerHinduBoy
BhramarBlack beeHinduBoy
BhriguName of a saintHinduBoy
Bhrushit JainBoy
Bhuddisrigarbha BuddhistBoy
BhudevLord of the earth, Lord ShivaHinduBoy
BhudevaLord of the earth, Lord ShivaHinduBoy
BhudhavLord VishnuHinduBoy
Bhumil JainBoy
BhumindraKing, Lord of the landHinduBoy
Bhupal JainBoy
BhupathiKing, Lord of the earthHinduBoy
BhupatiKing, Lord of the earthHinduBoy
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