Meaning of Brishti |
Name Brishti generally means Rain, and is a Feminine (or Girl) name, which means generally Women's or Girl's have this name. Rashi of name Brishti is Vrushabh (Taurus) with dominant planet Venus (Shukra) . |
| Show complete analysis of name Brishti | Similar sounding names:
Barakat, Barsaat, Barsat, Berchtwald, Bergdis, Bergthor, Bergthora, Bhrushit, Birgit, Birgitta, Birgitte, Brictius, Brigette, Brigid, Brigida, Brigidia, Brigit, Brigitta, Brigitte, Brishti, Bryceton, Brygid, Brygida, Brygita, Bryston, Burcet, Burkett
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Meaning of name 'Brishti' in different Rashi
Meaning of name 'Brishti' for different Planet's
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