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IshirഇശിരAnother name for AgniBoy
IshitഇഷിതOne who desires to ruleBoy
IshitaഇശിതാMastery, WealthGirl
Ishmita Girl
Ishtaഇഷ്ടാLord VishnuGirl
Ishwarഈശ്വരPowerful, Supreme GodBoy
IshwarapriyaGod's belovedBoy
Ishwaryaഇശ്വാര്യGod's prosperityGirl
ItishഇതീശSuch a lordBoy
IyengarLord KrishnaBoy
IylaഇയലാMoon lightGirl
Iyyappanഇയ്യാപ്പനLord Iyyappan, YouthfulBoy
IzumiWater springGirl
Jag Jivanജഗ ജീവനLife of the worldBoy
Jagachandraജാഗചംദ്രാMoon of universeBoy
Jagadambaജഗദമ്ബാMother of universeGirl
Jagadambikaജഗദമ്ബികാGoddess DurgaGirl
JagadayuജഗദായുLife spring of the universeBoy
JagadbanduജഗദബംദുLord KrishnaBoy
JagadeepജഗദീപLight of worldBoy
JagadeshKing of universeBoy
JagadevജഗദേവLord of worldBoy
Jagadhidhജ഼ഗധീധLord of worldBoy
JagadhishജഗധിശLord of worldBoy
JagadipജഗദീപLamp of the universeBoy
JagadishജഗദീശLord of universeBoy
JagajeetജഗജീതConqueror of worldBoy
JagajeevanജഗജീവനLife of the worldBoy
JaganജഗനUniverse, WorldBoy
JaganmataജഗനമാതാMother of worldGirl
JaganmayജഗംമയSpread over the universeBoy
JaganmayeeജഗനമഈGoddess LaxmiGirl
JaganmohiniജഗനമോഹിനീGoddess DurgaGirl
Jagannathജഗന്നാഥLord of worldBoy
JagatbehariജഗതബഹരീWorld travelerBoy
JagatguruജഗതഗുരുPreceptor of the worldBoy
JagathiജാഗതീOf the universeGirl
JagatiജഗതീBestowed with speedGirl
JagatkishorജഗതകിശോരWorldly childBoy
JagatpalജഗതപാലCaretaker of the worldBoy
Jagatprabhuജഗതപ്രഭുLord of worldBoy
Jagatprakashജഗതപ്രകാശLight of worldBoy
JagatveerജഗതവീരBravest in the worldBoy
JagaviജാഗവീBorn of the worldGirl
JagdeepജഗദീപLight of universeBoy
Jagdeoജഗ്ദേഓLord of worldBoy
JagdishജഗദീശKing of worldBoy
JageshജാഗേശLord of worldBoy
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