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 Name Meaning Gender
Abdul QuddusServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul QudoosServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul RabbSlave of the lordBoy
Abdul RafiSlave of the exalterBoy
Abdul RaheemServant of the most compassionateBoy
Abdul RaoufServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdul RaqibSlave of the vigilantBoy
Abdul RasheedServant of the rightly guidedBoy
Abdul RazaaqServant of the maintainerBoy
Abdul SalaamServant of peaceBoy
Abdul TawwabSlave of acceptor of repentanceBoy
Abdul WaahidServant of godBoy
Abdul WaajidServant of the finderBoy
Abdul WaaliSlave of the governorBoy
Abdul WadoodServant of the lovingBoy
Abdul WahhabServant of the best ownerBoy
Abdul WahidServant of godBoy
Abdul WajidSlave of the finder, PerceiverBoy
Abdul WakilSlave of trusteeBoy
Abdul WaliySlave of the protecting friendBoy
Abdul WarithServant of the supreme inheritorBoy
Abdul WasiSlave of the all embracingBoy
Abdul-AzeezServant of the mighty, PowerfulBoy
Abdul-BaariServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-GhafoorServant of the forgiverBoy
Abdul-HaafizServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul-HafizServant of the protectorBoy
Abdul-HameedServant of praiseworthy, Ever praisedBoy
Abdul-HaseebServant of the respected, EsteemedBoy
Abdul-JabaarServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul-JabarServant of the mightyBoy
Abdul-JaleelServant of the great, ReveredBoy
Abdul-KhaaliqServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-KhaliqServant of the creatorBoy
Abdul-QaadirServant of the capableBoy
Abdul-QadirServant of the capableBoy
Abdul-QahaarServant of the subduer, AlmightyBoy
Abdul-QudoosServant of the most holyBoy
Abdul-RaheemServant of the most compassionateBoy
Abdul-RaoufServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdul-RasheedServant of the rightly guidedBoy
Abdul-RazaaqServant of the maintainer, ProviderBoy
Abdul-SalaamServant of peaceBoy
Abdul-WaahidServant of godBoy
Abdul-WadoodServant of the lovingBoy
AbduladlSlave of the justBoy
AbdullahServant of AllahBoy
AbdulmuhyeeSlave of who gives life and sustains itBoy
AbdulmuntaqimSlave of him who punishes wrong doingsBoy
Abdulrahmanservant of the merciful oneBoy
Abdur RaheemServant of the most mercifulBoy
Abdur RahmaanServant of the most graciousBoy
Abdur RahmanServant of the most graciousBoy
Abdur RaqeebServant of watchfulBoy
Abdur RasheedServant of guide to right pathBoy
Abdur RaufServant of the compassionateBoy
Abdur RazzaaqServant of the providerBoy
Abdur RazzaqServant of the providerBoy
AbdusA narrator of hadithBoy
Abdus SabourServant of patientBoy
Abdus SaburSlave of the forbearingBoy
Abdus SalaamSlave of the giver of peaceBoy
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