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 Names meaning The One

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List of Names that means 'The One'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
Abdul AfuwIndianSlave of the one who pardonsBoy
Abdul BaithIndianSlave of the one who raises deathBoy
Abdul KhabirIndianSlave of the one who is awareBoy
Abdul WaahidIndianServant of the oneBoy
Abdul-WaahidIndianServant of the oneBoy
AdhritIndianThe one who don't need any support but supports everyone; Lord VishnuBoy
AdhritSanskritThe one who don't need any support but supports everyone; Lord VishnuBoy
AkalsharanIndianThe one taking shelter in godBoy
Al Wahid (الواحد)IndianThe One; the All Inclusive; The Indivisible
AmanIndianThe one who is peacefulBoy
AmanbirIndianThe one who fights for peaceBoy
AmanvirIndianThe one who fights for peaceBoy
DarshiniIndianThe one who blessesGirl
DevajutaIndianThe one with the goodBoy
DilbaagIndianThe one with a blossoming heartBoy
HardhianIndianThe one absorbed in the lordBoy
HariIndianThe one belonging to godBoy
HimmatIndianThe one who strives; makes effortBoy
JaypalIndianThe kings jester the one who laughsBoy
KameaHawaiianThe One and OnlyGirl
LoveIndianOne of the oneBoy
ManjitIndianThe one who controls the mindBoy
ManjitIndianThe one who controls the mindUnisex
MoazzemIndianThe one respectedBoy
NashelyIndianThe one that is loved; Loved oneGirl
NashelyIndianThe one that is loved; Loved one; BelovedGirl
NavashenIndianThe one who brings hopeBoy
NehalIndianThe one who is gratified; Rainy; HandsomeBoy
NilakanthaIndianThe one with a blue throatBoy
NirmalIndianThe one who is pureBoy
PhoolaIndianThe one blossoming like flowersBoy
PoshikaIndianThe one who's brought up in flowersGirl
PreetIndianLove; The one who loves the LordGirl
SachleenIndianThe one absorbed in truth of godBoy
SatbachanIndianThe one abiding by the holy wordBoy
SatjeevanIndianThe one living the truthful lifeBoy
SatleenIndianThe one absorbed in truth of godBoy
SatpalIndianProtector; The one who abides by the truthBoy
SatparvanIndianThe one accepted by godBoy
SatsukhIndianThe one in true blissBoy
ShabadpreetIndianThe one who loves the holy wordBoy
ShiloHebrewThe one to whom it belongsBoy
SukhchainIndianThe one who is peaceful and calmBoy
SukhramIndianThe one in whom peace pervadesBoy
SukhshantIndianThe one who is in bliss and peaceBoy
SwethanIndianThe one who has learnt all VedasBoy
YashadaIndianThe one who gives successGirl

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