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 Names Similar to Laureen

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List of names similar to 'Laureen'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
LaraineEnglishLand of the people of LotharGirl
LaraineIndianLand of the people of LotharGirl
LaranIndianPsychic Powers and abilities of the Comyn casteBoy
LaranIndianThe psychic powers and abilities of the Comyn caste.Boy
LarenScottishSorrowful; Crowned with LaurelsGirl
LarenaScottishSorrowful; Crowned with LaurelsGirl
LaronaIndian Girl
LauraineEnglishLand of the people of LotharGirl
LauraineIndianLand of the people of LotharGirl
LauranaSpanishLaurel TreeGirl
LaurenEnglishOf LaurentumUnisex
LaurenFrenchCrowned with LaurelsGirl
LaurenIndianOf LaurentumUnisex
LaurenaEnglishOf LaurentumGirl
LaurenaIndianOf LaurentumGirl
LaureneEnglishOf LaurentumGirl
LaureneFrenchCrowned with LaurelsGirl
LaureneIndianOf LaurentumGirl
LeronFrenchThe CircleBoy
LirieneFrenchReads AloudGirl
LironHebrewMy Joy; My SongUnisex
LorainaFrenchFrom LorraineGirl
LoraineEnglishLand of the people of LotharGirl
LoraineFrenchFrom LorraineGirl
LoraineGermanFrom LorraineGirl
LoraineIndianLand of the people of LotharGirl
LoreenEnglishLittle Laurel treeGirl
LoreenIndianLittle Laurel treeGirl
LorenEnglishOf LaurentumUnisex
LorenIndianOf LaurentumUnisex
LorenaEnglishOf LaurentumGirl
LorenaIndianCrowned with laurelsGirl
LorenaLatinOf LaurentumGirl
LorenaPortugueseOf LaurentumGirl
LorenaSpanishCrowned with LaurelsGirl
LoreneEnglishLittle Laurel treeGirl
LoreneIndianLittle Laurel treeGirl
LorinEnglishOf LaurentumUnisex
LorinFrenchCrowned with LaurelsGirl
LorinIndianOf LaurentumUnisex
LorinaEnglishLittle Sorrowful OneGirl
LorinaIndianLittle Sorrowful OneGirl
LorinaLatinOf LaurentumGirl
LornEnglishOf LaurentumBoy
LornIndianOf LaurentumBoy
LornaEnglishForlorn; Forsaken; LostGirl
LornaIndianForlorn; Forsaken; LostGirl
LornaScottishCrowned with LaurelsGirl
LorneEnglishForlorn; Forsaken; LostBoy
LorneIndianForlorn; Forsaken; LostBoy
LorneScottishCrowned with LaurelsBoy

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»   View Indian and International names
»   Meaning of name 'Laureen'
»   Analysis of name 'Laureen'
»   Origin of name 'Laureen'
»   Gender of name 'Laureen'
»   Religion of name 'Laureen'
»   Rashi of name 'Laureen'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'Laureen'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'Laureen'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'Laureen'
»   Variants of name 'Laureen'
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