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 Sibling names for Rupeshlal

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Sibling names for 'Rupeshlal' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AbhaIndianLuster; Shine; Lustrous beautyGirl
AlakaIndianGirl with a lovely hair; BeautyGirl
AlkaIndianGirl with a lovely hair; BeautyGirl
AlkaIndianBeauty; Lock of curly hairGirl
AnganaIndianHandsome WomanGirl
AntaraIndianBeauty; Near; Related; IntimateGirl
BhuvanamohanaIndianBeauty over entire earthGirl
DevalekhaIndianCelestial beautyGirl
DevashriIndianGoddess Laxmi; Yagya; Divine beautyGirl
DevasreeIndianDivine beautyGirl
EvaIndianBeauty; Alive; LivingGirl
KashmiraIndianBeauty of Kashmir; Grape; Coming from KashmirGirl
KashmiraIndianBeauty of KashmirGirl
KashmiraIndianBeauty of Kashmir; Grape; One from KashmirGirl
LalimaIndianBeauty; Morning red in the skyGirl
LataIndianCreeper; Vine; BeautyGirl
LavanyaIndianBeauty; LusterGirl
LavanyaIndianGrace; BeautyGirl
LavanyaIndianBeauty; Luster; GraceGirl
LonaIndianBeauty; PrettyGirl
LonaIndianBeauty; PrettyGirl
LunashaIndianBeauty and brightness of flowersGirl
MadhushriIndianSpring; Beauty of springGirl
MausumiIndianBeauty; Monsoon windGirl
NehalIndianRainy; HandsomeGirl
NehalIndianRainy; Handsome; One who is gratifiedGirl
NilashriIndianBlue beautyGirl
NityasriIndianEternal beautyGirl
NityasriIndianWith eternal beautyGirl
PariIndianBeauty; FairyGirl
ParnashriIndianLeafy beautyGirl
RoopaIndianBeautiful; Blessed with beautyGirl
RoopaIndianBlessed with beautyGirl
RuchiIndianLuster; Beauty; Light; TasteGirl
RuchiIndianLuster; BeautyGirl
RuchitaIndianSplendorous; BeautyGirl
RupaIndianBeauty; SilverGirl
RupeshwariIndianGoddess of beautyGirl
SarikaIndianKoel; Cuckoo; A thing of beauty; NatureGirl
SarikaIndianBeauty; NatureGirl
SeeratIndianInner beauty; Fame; NatureGirl
SeeratIndianInner beauty; Fame; BrightnessGirl
SeeratIndianInner beauty; FameGirl
ShababIndianYouth; BeautyGirl
ShobhaIndianBeauty; WishGirl
ShobhaIndianAttractive; Beauty; WishGirl
ShubhaIndianAuspicious; Goddess Laxmi; BeautyGirl
SujataIndianOf noble birth; BeautyGirl
SundaraIndianBeautiful; Handsome; Charming; NobleGirl
SurabhiIndianBeauty; Wish yielding cow; FragranceGirl
SurabhiIndianWish yielding cow; Fragrance; BeautyGirl
VaneetIndianSlender; Intelligent; Loving beautyGirl
VirendriIndianGoddess of beautyGirl
ZulemaIndianFull of BeautyGirl

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»   Religion of name 'Rupeshlal'
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