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Sibling names for 'Onellashree' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AalokIndianBrightness; Light; Cry of victory; A man with lovely hairBoy
AbhayanandaIndianDelighting in fearlessBoy
AbhimodaIndianJoy; DelightBoy
AbhinandaIndianRejoice; Celebrate; Praise; Bless; DelightBoy
AbhinandaIndianTo Rejoice; To Celebrate; To Praise; To Bless; DelightBoy
AbhinandanIndianGreetings; Congratulation; Felicitous; Delighting; WelcomingBoy
AbhinandanaIndianGreetings; Congratulation; Felicitous; Delighting; WelcomingBoy
AbhinandanaIndianFelicitous; Delighting; WelcomingBoy
AdeepIndianLight of lord VishnuBoy
AdeepIndianThe light of lord VishnuBoy
AlokIndianBrightness; Light; Cry of victory; A man with lovely hairBoy
AmardeepIndianEternal lightBoy
AnandIndianOne who is blissful; DelightfulBoy
AnshuIndianLord Surya (Sun); Ray of lightBoy
ArushIndianFirst ray of sunlightBoy
AtmajyotiIndianLight of soulBoy
BhalendraIndianLord of light; Lord of strengthBoy
BhalendraIndianLord of lightBoy
BhalenduIndianLord of light; Lord of strengthBoy
BhanuprakashIndianSun lightBoy
ChandraabhaaIndianLuster of moon lightBoy
ChandrabhaIndianLustier of moon lightBoy
ChandrabhaIndianLusture of moon lightBoy
ChandrabhaIndianLuster of moon lightBoy
ChandraprakaashIndianMoon lightBoy
ChapalIndianSwift; Lightning; Quick; Clever; RestlessBoy
DeepIndianThe lamp of lightBoy
DeepakIndianCandle; LightBoy
DeepanIndianLighting up; IlluminationBoy
DeepanIndianLighting UpBoy
DeepankarIndianOne who lights lampsBoy
DeependraIndianLord of lightBoy
DeependraIndianLord of lightsBoy
DeepeshIndianLord of lights; SunBoy
DeepeshIndianLord of lightBoy
DeepteshIndianLord of lightBoy
DevanshIndianPart of the Divine Light; Gods own divineBoy
DharmenduIndianLight of religionBoy
DipankarIndianOne who lights lampsBoy
DipenIndianLord of lamp; Lord of lightBoy
DipendraIndianLord of lamp; Lord of lightBoy
DipeshIndianLord of lightBoy
DivjotIndianDivine lightBoy
DivyanshIndianPart of go; Part of the divine light; Gods own divineBoy
DivyanshIndianPart of the Divine Light; Gods own divineBoy
DivyanshuIndianDivine light; SunBoy
DyuksaIndianLight; BrilliantBoy
GagandeepIndianA lamp in the sky; Light of the skyBoy
GagandeepIndianLight of the skyBoy
GavishtIndianAbode of lightBoy
HarshIndianHappiness; Joy; DelightBoy
HemaprakashIndianGolden lightBoy
HridyanshuIndianLight from heart; MoonBoy
JagadeepIndianLight of worldBoy
JagadeepIndianLight of the worldBoy
JagatprakashIndianLight of the worldBoy
JagatprakashIndianLight of worldBoy
JagdeepIndianLight of the universeBoy
JagdeepIndianLight of universeBoy
JaideepIndianVictory to the lightBoy
JaideepIndianVictory of lightBoy
JaideepIndianVictory of the lightBoy
JayadeepIndianLight of victoryBoy
JayaprakashIndianLight of victoryBoy
JeevanprakashIndianLight of lifeBoy
JnyandeepIndianLight of knowledgeBoy
JoydeepIndianVictory lightBoy
JyotheeshIndianLord who gives light; Lord VishnuBoy
JyothishIndianAstrologer; Provider of lightBoy
JyotichandraIndianSplendor; MoonlightBoy
JyotirmayaIndianImbued with lightBoy
KarunamayIndianFull of lightBoy
KiranIndianSun rays; Ray of lightBoy
KiranmayIndianFull of lightBoy
KiratidevIndianLord of lightBoy
KuldeepIndianLight of familyBoy
KuldeepIndianLight of the houseBoy
LokprakashIndianLight of the worldBoy
LokprakashIndianLight of worldBoy
MadanIndianDelightful; Cupid; God of loveBoy
MahtabIndianLight of moonBoy
ManaarIndianGuiding light; Light houseBoy
MandeepIndianLight of the mindBoy
MandeepIndianLight of mindBoy
MandeepIndianLight of sagesBoy
ManikIndianRuby; Gem stone; Light pink to blood red gemstoneBoy
ManikyaIndianA light pink to blood red gemstoneBoy
MareechiIndianRay of lightBoy
NandinIndianSon; DelightfulBoy
NarmadIndianBringer of delightBoy
NarmadIndianBringing delightBoy
NavakanthIndianNew LightBoy
NavdeepIndianThe ever new light; New lampBoy
NavtejIndianNew lightBoy
OmprakashIndianLight of OmBoy
OmprakashIndianLight of Om; Sacred lightBoy
ParitoshIndianContentment; DelightBoy
PrabhakarIndianSun; One who creates light; Light makerBoy
PrabhakarIndianLord Surya (Sun); One who gives lightBoy
PrabhakarIndianOne who creates light; SunBoy
PrabhasIndianLustrous; Brilliance; LightBoy
PradeepIndianLight; ShineBoy
PradeepIndianLight; Shine; LampBoy
PradhyotIndianRay of lightBoy
PradoshIndianDusk; TwilightBoy
PrajwalIndianDelight ableBoy
PrakashIndianOne who radiates the lightBoy
PramitIndianEnlightened One; Consciousness; DefiniteBoy
PramodIndianDelight; Joy; HappinessBoy
PramodIndianDelight; JoyBoy
PratoshIndianExtreme delightBoy
PriyanshuIndianFirst ray of sunlightBoy
PriyanshuIndianFirst ray of sunlight.Boy
RahasIndianSecret; Merriment; DelightBoy
RanjeetIndianThe delighted one; Victorious; One who is entertainedBoy
RanjitIndianThe delighted one; Victorious; One who is entertainedBoy
RayIndianBeam of lightBoy
RishiIndianSage; Ray of lightBoy
RohitIndianRed; The sun's red light; First rays of the sunBoy
SadeepanIndianLighted upBoy
SaikiranIndianA Name for Sai Baba; Sai's lightBoy
SandeepIndianLighted lampBoy
SandeepIndianGlowing; Lighted lampBoy
SannibhIndianRays of light; lightningBoy
SarwarIndianChief; Leader; Joy; DelightBoy
SatyaprakashIndianLight of truthBoy
ShantiprakashIndianLight of peaceBoy
SiddarthIndianWho seek enlightenmentBoy
SohilIndianMoon glow; Star; Moon lightBoy
SomkarIndianMoon lightBoy
SomprakashIndianMoon lightBoy
SoumavaIndianMoon lightBoy
SoumavaIndianMoon's lightBoy
SouradipIndianIsland of sunlightBoy
SuryaprakashIndianSun lightBoy
TejIndianLight; Lustrous; RadiantBoy
TejIndianLight; LustrousBoy
TejasIndianLight; SharpnessBoy
UddipIndianGiving lightBoy
UjasIndianFirst lightBoy
UjeshIndianOne who gives lightBoy
UlhasIndianJoy; DelightBoy
UllasIndianLight; JoyfulBoy
UrmiyaIndianLord of lightBoy
VedaprakashIndianLight of knowledgeBoy
VedaprakashIndianLight of the knowledgeBoy
VedprakashIndianLight of the VedasBoy
VedprakashIndianLight of VedasBoy
VedprakashIndianLight of Vedic knowledgeBoy
VibhasIndianDecoration; LightBoy
VibhasIndianDecoration; Light; LuminousBoy
VidyutIndianBrilliant; LighteningBoy
YoganandIndianDelighted with meditationBoy

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