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 Sibling names for Haboosbegum

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Sibling names for 'Haboosbegum' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AatifIndianKind affectionateBoy
AatiqIndianKind affectionateBoy
Abdul MajidIndianServant of the nobleBoy
AhsanIndianAn act of kindnessBoy
AkroorIndianKind; Gentle; A Yadava chief; Krishna's friendBoy
AliIndianHigh; Elevated; Exalted; Excellent; NobleBoy
AliIndianHigh; Noble; Excellent; Elevated; Exalted; Prophet Mohammad's son in lawBoy
AryaIndianHonored; NobleBoy
AseelahIndianFrom noble familyBoy
AshfaqIndianNoble PrinceBoy
EskandarIndianDefender of mankindBoy
GhafirIndianAnother name for god; Generous; Kind heartedBoy
IlifatIndianFriendship; Kindness; ObligationBoy
InayatIndianBounty; Kindness; FavorBoy
IskandarIndianDefender of mankindBoy
KareemIndianKind; Generous; NobleBoy
KarimIndianKind; Generous; NobleBoy
LutfiIndianKind and friendly; GentleBoy
MajidIndianGreat; Honorable; Noble; Another name for holy QuranBoy
MakramIndianGenerous; NobleBoy
NabeehIndianNoble; OutstandingBoy
NabhanIndianAlert; Noble; OutstandingBoy
NabihIndianNoble; FamousBoy
NabilIndianNoble; Generous; Another name for God; WiseBoy
NagibIndianNoble or intelligentBoy
NajeebIndianNoble descentBoy
RafieIndianKind friendBoy
RafiqIndianKind; Friend; CompanionBoy
RaheemIndianCompassionate; Merciful; Kind hearted; GenerousBoy
RahimIndianCompassionate; Merciful; Kind hearted; GenerousBoy
RaufIndianMerciful; Kind; CompassionateBoy
RehmanIndianKind hearted; MercifulBoy
RehmatIndianKind; Mercy; Blessing; ProsperityBoy
SajjanIndianNoble respectableBoy
SajjanIndianGood man; Noble respectableBoy
SayaamIndianMan with a alluring heart; One of a kindBoy
ShareefIndianDistinguished; NobleBoy
TalhaIndianKind of treeBoy
TarfahIndianKind of treeBoy
WahabIndianKind heartedBoy
WaheedIndianUnique; One of its kindBoy
WajeebIndianNoble; Commanding personalityBoy
WajeehIndianNoble; Commanding personalityBoy
WajihIndianNoble; EminentBoy

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»   Analysis of name 'Haboosbegum'
»   Origin of name 'Haboosbegum'
»   Gender of name 'Haboosbegum'
»   Religion of name 'Haboosbegum'
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»   Variants of name 'Haboosbegum'
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