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 Sibling names for Govindishree

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Sibling names for 'Govindishree' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AbhijeetIndianVictorious; One who has conquered; Lord KrishnaBoy
AbhijeetIndianLord KrishnaBoy
AcyutarayaIndianWorshipper of the Infallible; A devotee of lord VishnuBoy
AcyutarayaIndianWorshipper of the Infallible; Devotee of lord VishnuBoy
AkroorIndianKind; Gentle; A Yadava chief; Krishna's friendBoy
AnishIndianLord Krishna; Lord VishnuBoy
AnishIndianContinuous; Supreme; Lord KrishnaBoy
AnjanIndianEye liner; Lord KrishnaBoy
AnjanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
AprameyaIndianPure; Lord KrishnaBoy
AprameyaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
AprameyaIndianA Name of lord KrishnaBoy
ArijitIndianConquering Enemies; Son of Krishna and SubhadraBoy
ArijitIndianConquering enemies; Son of lord Krishna and SubhadraBoy
ArjunIndianLord Krishna's cousinBoy
ArjunIndianPeacock; Lord Krishna's cousinBoy
AvyuktIndianCrystal clear; Lord Krishna; Clear mindBoy
AvyuktaIndianCrystal clear; Lord Krishna; Clear mindBoy
BaalagopaalIndianKrishna; Baby KrishnaBoy
BaalkrishanIndianYoung KrishnaBoy
Baanke BihaariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BaankebihaariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BalagopalIndianBaby KrishnaBoy
BalagopalIndianInfant KrishnaBoy
BalagopalIndianBaby lord KrishnaBoy
BalagovindIndianBaby KrishnaBoy
BalakrishnaIndianYoung KrishnaBoy
BalakrishnaIndianYoung lord KrishnaBoy
BalaramIndianBrother of lord KrishnaBoy
Balaram; BalramIndianBrother of Lord KrishnaBoy
BalbhadraIndianBrother of lord KrishnaBoy
BalgopalIndianBaby KrishnaBoy
BalgopalIndianThe Child Krishna; All AttractiveBoy
BalgovindIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BalgovindIndianBaby KrishnaBoy
BalkrishanIndianYoung KrishnaBoy
BalkrishanIndianYoung lord KrishnaBoy
BalmukundIndianYoung KrishnaBoy
BalramIndianLord Krishna's brotherBoy
BalramIndianThe brother of lord KrishnaBoy
BalramIndianBrother of lord KrishnaBoy
BanbihariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BankeIndianLord KrishnaBoy
Banke BihariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
Banke BihariIndianName of lord KrishnaBoy
BankebihariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BankimIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BankimIndianCurved; Lord KrishnaBoy
BanshiIndianFlute; Instrument played by lord KrishnaBoy
BanshidharIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BansiIndianFlute; Instrument played by lord KrishnaBoy
BansilalIndianLord Krishna; The first lordBoy
BansilalIndianLord Krishna; The first lord; Lord VishnuBoy
BanwariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BhagatIndianDevotee of godBoy
BhakthavatsalaIndianProtector of devoteesBoy
BhanudasIndianA devotee of the sunBoy
BhanudasIndianDevotee of the sunBoy
BhawanidasIndianDevotee of goddess DurgaBoy
BhawanidasIndianDevotee of DurgaBoy
BrajIndianPlace of lord KrishnaBoy
BrajamohanIndianName of lord KrishnaBoy
BrajamohanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BrijIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BrijeshIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BrijeshIndianGod of the land of Braj; Lord KrishnaBoy
BrijkishorIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BrijmohanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
BrijnandanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
ChaaruchandraIndianBeautiful moon; Son of Rukmini and lord KrishnaBoy
CharuchandraIndianBeautiful moon; Son of Rukmini and Sri KrishnaBoy
ChhailbehariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
DaamodarIndianLord KrishnaBoy
DaarukIndianCharioteer of lord Krishna; TreeBoy
DamodarIndianA name of lord KrishnaBoy
DamodarIndianName of lord KrishnaBoy
DamodarIndianLord KrishnaBoy
DamodaraIndianTied with a rope around the belly; Lord KrishnaBoy
DarshIndianLord KrishnaBoy
DarukIndianCharioteer of lord Krishna; TreeBoy
DarukIndianCharioteer of Krishna; TreeBoy
DevakeenandanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
DevakinandanIndianSon of Devki; Lord KrishnaBoy
DevakinandanIndianName of lord KrishnaBoy
DevakinandanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
DevidasIndianServant or devotee of GoddessBoy
DevidasIndianServant or devotee of goddess DurgaBoy
DevkinandanIndianSon of Devki; Lord KrishnaBoy
DevkinandanIndianSon of Devki (Lord Krishna)Boy
DhrupadIndianLord KrishnaBoy
DurgadasIndianServant or devotee of Goddess DurgaBoy
DwarakaIndianCapital; Lord Krishna's kingdomBoy
DwarakaIndianCapital; Name of lord Krishna's kingdomBoy
Dwaraka-NathIndianLord of Dwaraka; Lord KrishnaBoy
DwarakanathIndianLord of Dwaraka; Lord KrishnaBoy
DwarkadhishIndianLord of Dwaraka; Lord KrishnaBoy
DwarkanathIndianLord of Dwaraka; Lord KrishnaBoy
GadinIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GhanashyamIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GhanashyamIndianLord Krishna; Black cloudBoy
GhanshyamIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GhanshyamIndianDark cloud; Lord KrishnaBoy
GhanshyamIndianLord Krishna; Black cloudBoy
GirdhariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GiridariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GiridharIndianOne who holds mountain (Krishna)Boy
GiridharIndianOne who holds mountain (lord Krishna)Boy
GiridharIndianLord Krishna; Holder of the mountainBoy
GiridharIndianOne who holds mountain; Lord KrishnaBoy
GirivarIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GobindaIndianCowherd; Lord KrishnaBoy
GogulaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GokulIndianName of a place where lord Krishna was brought upBoy
GokulIndianPlace where lord Krishna was brought upBoy
GopaalIndianLord Krishna; Cowherd; Protector of cowsBoy
GopalIndianKrishna; CowherdBoy
GopalIndianLord Krishna; Cowherd; Protector of cowsBoy
GopalIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GopalIndianLord Krishna; CowherdBoy
GopeshIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GovindIndianCowherd; Lord KrishnaBoy
GovindaIndianOne who pleases the cows; Cowherd; Lord KrishnaBoy
GovindaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
GulzarilalIndianName of lord KrishnaBoy
GulzarilalIndianLord KrishnaBoy
HanumanIndianMonkey god of Ramayana; Devotee Of Lord Ram; Son of windBoy
HanumantIndianMonkey god of Ramayana; Devotee Of Lord Ram; Son of windBoy
HareeshIndianLord Krishna; Lord ShivaBoy
HarekrishnaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
HareshIndianLord KrishnaBoy
HareshIndianLord Krishna; Lord ShivaBoy
HaridasIndianServant of lord KrishnaBoy
HarigopalIndianLord KrishnaBoy
HarikrishnaIndianAnother name lord KrishnaBoy
HarikrishnaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
HariprasadIndianBlessed by lord KrishnaBoy
HarishIndianLord Shiva; Lord KrishnaBoy
HarkrishnaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
HrishikeshIndianOne who controls senses; Lord Krishna; Lord VishnuBoy
IyengarIndianLord KrishnaBoy
JagadbanduIndianLord KrishnaBoy
JagmohanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
JagmohanIndianLord Krishna; One who attracts the worldBoy
JaigopalIndianVictorious lord KrishnaBoy
JaigopalIndianVictory of lord KrishnaBoy
JaikrishnaIndianVictory of lord KrishnaBoy
JaspalIndianLord KrishnaBoy
JayakrishanIndianVictorious KrishnaBoy
JayakrishanIndianVictorious lord KrishnaBoy
JograjIndianLord KrishnaBoy
JograjIndianYograj; King of yoga; Lord KrishnaBoy
KalanathkrishnaIndianMoon of lord KrishnaBoy
KalicharanIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalicharanIndianDevotee of goddess Kali; Feet of goddess Kali (Goddess Durga)Boy
KalimohanIndianA devotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalimohanIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalipadaIndianA devotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalipadaIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KaliranjanIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KanaiyaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KanhaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KanhaiyaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KanhaiyalalIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KanjiIndianAnother name of lord KrishnaBoy
KanjiIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KannanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KannenIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KanthamaniIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KanuIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KanwalkishoreIndianLotus; Lord KrishnaBoy
KeshavIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KishanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KishorIndianYoung boy; Youthful; Lord KrishnaBoy
KishoreIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KishoreIndianYoung boy; Youthful; Lord KrishnaBoy
KishorekumarIndianYoung boy; Youthful; Lord KrishnaBoy
KridayIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishIndianShort form of lord KrishnaBoy
KrishIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishIndianShortform of lord KrishnaBoy
KrishanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnabalaIndianYoung KrishnaBoy
KrishnabalaIndianYoung lord KrishnaBoy
KrishnachandraIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnadasIndianServant of lord KrishnaBoy
KrishnadasaIndianServant of lord KrishnaBoy
KrishnadevaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnakantaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnakumarIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnalaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnamoortiIndianIdol of lord KrishnaBoy
KrishnamurariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnamurthyIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KrishnamurthyIndianIdol of lord KrishnaBoy
KrishnaveerIndianBrave as KrishnaBoy
KrishnenduIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KunjabehariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
KunjabihariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MaadhavIndianAnother name of lord KrishnaBoy
MadangopalIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MadangopalIndianLovely Cowherd; Lord KrishnaBoy
MadhavIndianAnother name of lord Krishna; Sweet like honeyBoy
MadhavIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MadhavIndianLord Krishna; Sweet like honeyBoy
MadhavaIndianKnowledge filled god; Lord KrishnaBoy
MadhavaIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MadhavdasIndianServant of lord KrishnaBoy
MadhusoodanIndianSlayer of demon Madhu; Lord KrishnaBoy
MadhusudhanaIndianLord Krishna; One who killed demon MadhuBoy
MadhusudhanaIndianKrishna; One who killed demon MadhuBoy
MakheshIndianLord KrishnaBoy
ManharIndianLord KrishnaBoy
ManmohanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
ManmohanIndianPleasing; Lord KrishnaBoy
MarkandayIndianShiva's devotee; A Sage who wrote Devi MahatmyamBoy
MarkandayIndianLord Shiva's devotee; A Sage who wrote Devi MahatmyamBoy
MarkandeyaIndianDevotee of lord ShivaBoy
MarkandeyaIndianDevotee to lord ShivaBoy
MeeraIndianLord Krishna's devoteeBoy
MeghashyamIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MeghashyamIndianLord Krishna; Black like a cloudBoy
MohanIndianLovable; Lord KrishnaBoy
MohanIndianCharming; Fascinating; Lord KrishnaBoy
MohanIndianCharming; Fascinating; Lovable; Lord KrishnaBoy
MohanishIndianAttractive God; KrishnaBoy
MohnishIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MukundIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MuraareeIndianAnother name of lord KrishnaBoy
MuralidharIndianOne who holds a flute; Lord KrishnaBoy
MuralidharIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MuralimanoharIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MuralimanoharIndianOne who holds a flute; Lord KrishnaBoy
MurariIndianOne who holds a flute; Lord KrishnaBoy
MurariIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MurarilalIndianOne who holds a flute; Lord KrishnaBoy
MurarilalIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MurlidharIndianLord KrishnaBoy
MurlidharIndianOne who holds a flute; Lord KrishnaBoy
NaggarIndianLord KrishnaBoy
NandIndianJoyful; Happy; Pleasure; Father of KrishnaBoy
Nand-KishoreIndianLord KrishnaBoy
Nand-NandanIndianLord KrishnaBoy
NandakishorIndianWiz kid; Lord KrishnaBoy
NandakishoreIndianWiz kid; Lord KrishnaBoy

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»   View Indian and International names
»   Meaning of name 'Govindishree'
»   Analysis of name 'Govindishree'
»   Origin of name 'Govindishree'
»   Gender of name 'Govindishree'
»   Religion of name 'Govindishree'
»   Rashi of name 'Govindishree'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'Govindishree'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'Govindishree'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'Govindishree'
»   Names Similar to 'Govindishree'
»   Variants of name 'Govindishree'
»   Twins name for 'Govindishree'
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