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 Sibling names for Denis

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Sibling names for 'Denis' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
ChrissieEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChrissieIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChrissyEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChrissyIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristabelEnglishBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristabelIndianBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristabellaEnglishBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristabellaIndianBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristabelleEnglishBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristabelleIndianBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristelleEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristelleFrenchFollower of ChristGirl
ChristelleIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristiEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristiIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristianaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristianaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristianneEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristianneFrenchFollower of ChristGirl
ChristianneIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristieEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristieIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristinEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristinIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristinaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristinaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristineEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristineFrenchFollower of ChristGirl
ChristineIndianFollower of ChristGirl
ChristobelEnglishBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristobelIndianBeautiful follower of christGirl
ChristyEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
ChristyIndianFollower of ChristGirl
CristenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
CristenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
CristinaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
CristinaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
DeniEnglishFollower of DionysusGirl
DeniFrenchFollower of DionysusGirl
DeniIndianFollower of DionysusGirl
DeniceEnglishFollower of DionysusGirl
DeniceFrenchGod of wine; Follower of DionysusGirl
DeniceIndianFollower of DionysusGirl
DenieceEnglishFollower of DionysusGirl
DenieceFrenchGod of wine; Follower of DionysusGirl
DenieceIndianFollower of DionysusGirl
DenisaEnglishFollower of DionysusGirl
DenisaIndianFollower of DionysusGirl
DeniseEnglishFollower of DionysusGirl
DeniseFrenchGod of wine; Follower of DionysusGirl
DiotEnglishFollower of DionysusGirl
DiotIndianFollower of DionysusGirl
HazeEnglishReddish brown; Hazel treeGirl
HazeIndianReddish brown; Hazel treeGirl
HazelEnglishReddish brown; Hazel treeGirl
HazelIndianReddish brown; Hazel treeGirl
KerstinEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KerstinIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KierstenEnglishStone Church; Follower of ChristGirl
KierstenIndianStone Church; Follower of ChristGirl
KirsteenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KirsteenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KirstenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KirstenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KirstiEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KirstiIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KirstieEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KirstieIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KirstinEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KirstinIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KirstineEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KirstineIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KirstyEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KirstyIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KrissyEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KrissyIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristeenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristeenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristiEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristiIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristiaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristiaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristieEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristieIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristinEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristinIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristinaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristinaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristineEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristineIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KristyEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KristyIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KrystenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KrystenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KrystinaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KrystinaIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KrystineEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KrystineIndianFollower of ChristGirl
KyrstenEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
KyrstenIndianFollower of ChristGirl
TahneeEnglishLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TahneeIndianLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TawneeEnglishLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TawneeIndianLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TawnieEnglishLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TawnieIndianLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TawnyEnglishLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TawnyIndianLight Brown; TawnyGirl
TianaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
TianaIndianPrincess; Follower of ChristGirl
TiannaEnglishFollower of ChristGirl
TiannaIndianPrincess; Follower of ChristGirl

Also See ...
»   View Indian and International names
»   Meaning of name 'Denis'
»   Analysis of name 'Denis'
»   Origin of name 'Denis'
»   Gender of name 'Denis'
»   Religion of name 'Denis'
»   Rashi of name 'Denis'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'Denis'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'Denis'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'Denis'
»   Names Similar to 'Denis'
»   Variants of name 'Denis'
»   Twins name for 'Denis'
»   Baby Name Generator (from parents name)
»   Names that mean ...
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