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Sibling names for 'സംജ്ഞാ' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AadityaIndianLord Surya; SunBoy
AadityaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
AcyutarayaIndianWorshipper of the Infallible; A devotee of lord VishnuBoy
AcyutarayaIndianWorshipper of the Infallible; Devotee of lord VishnuBoy
AdinathIndianLord RishabhdevBoy
AdityaIndianLord Surya; Sun; Son of AditiBoy
AdityaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
AnamitraIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
AnangIndianCupid; KamadevaBoy
AnangIndianName of cupid; KamadevaBoy
AnangIndianFormless; Divine; Cupid; KamadevaBoy
AnshuIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
AnshuIndianLord Surya (Sun); Ray of lightBoy
AnshumaliIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
AnshumanIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
AnuragIndianAttachment; Devotion; Love; AffectionBoy
AnuragIndianAttachment; Devotion; LoveBoy
AnwarIndianDevote of godBoy
ArunIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
ArunaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
AviIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
BhagatIndianDevotee of godBoy
BhagwantIndianOne whose heart is full of loving devotionBoy
BhakthavatsalaIndianProtector of devoteesBoy
BhanuIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
BhanudasIndianA devotee of the sunBoy
BhanudasIndianDevotee of the sunBoy
BharatIndianFirst chakrawarti of India; Son of lord Rishabhdev; Elder brother of BahubaliBoy
BhaskarIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
BhawanidasIndianDevotee of goddess DurgaBoy
BhawanidasIndianDevotee of DurgaBoy
BratindraIndianDevoted to right deedsBoy
ChithayuIndianBorn of intellectBoy
ChitranathIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
DarpakIndianKamdev; Cupid; God of loveBoy
DarpakIndianKamdev; God of loveBoy
DarpakIndianKamdev; God of loveBoy
DeeptanshuIndianShining; Lord Surya (Sun)Boy
DeeptanshuIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
DevakinandanIndianSon of Devki; Lord KrishnaBoy
DevanshIndianDevine; Part of godBoy
DevanshIndianPart of devasBoy
DevarshiIndianTeacher of gods; Sage of the devasBoy
DevarsiIndianSage of devasBoy
DevarsiIndianSage of the devasBoy
DevarsiIndianTeacher of gods; Sage of the devasBoy
DevidasIndianServant or devotee of GoddessBoy
DevidasIndianServant or devotee of goddess DurgaBoy
DevkinandanIndianSon of Devki; Lord KrishnaBoy
DevkinandanIndianSon of Devki (Lord Krishna)Boy
DinendraIndianLord of day; Lord Surya (Sun)Boy
DineshIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
DineshIndianLord of day; Lord Surya (Sun)Boy
DiptanshuIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
DivaakarIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
DivakarIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
DurgadasIndianServant or devotee of Goddess DurgaBoy
EkalavyaIndianRenowned for his devotion to his guruBoy
FarazIndianAscent; Height; DevineBoy
GandhiIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
GirishIndianLord of mountains; Lord Shiva; Mahadev; HimalayaBoy
HanumanIndianMonkey god of Ramayana; Devotee Of Lord Ram; Son of windBoy
HanumantIndianMonkey god of Ramayana; Devotee Of Lord Ram; Son of windBoy
HarishchandraIndianKing of Surya dynasty; CharitableBoy
HimaghnaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
InaIndianLord SuryaBoy
JigneshIndianIntellectual curiosityBoy
JigneshIndianCuriosity to research; Intellectual curiosityBoy
JnhihIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
KalicharanIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalicharanIndianDevotee of goddess Kali; Feet of goddess Kali (Goddess Durga)Boy
KalimohanIndianA devotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalimohanIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalipadaIndianA devotee of goddess KaliBoy
KalipadaIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KaliranjanIndianDevotee of goddess KaliBoy
KarhikIndianSon of Lord Shiva and leader of Deva army; A Hindu monthBoy
KarhikIndianSon of lord Shiva and leader of deva army; Kartik is a Hindu monthBoy
KarthikaIndianSon of lord Shiva and leader of deva army; Kartik is a Hindu monthBoy
KarthikaIndianSon of Lord Shiva and leader of Deva army; A Hindu monthBoy
KeshiIndianA name of RishabhdevBoy
KuvamIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
LaliteshIndianLord of beauty; Husband of a beautiful wifeBoy
MarkandayIndianShiva's devotee; A Sage who wrote Devi MahatmyamBoy
MarkandayIndianLord Shiva's devotee; A Sage who wrote Devi MahatmyamBoy
MarkandeyaIndianDevotee of lord ShivaBoy
MarkandeyaIndianDevotee to lord ShivaBoy
MartandIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
MartandaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
MatangaIndianSage; Advisor to Devi LalitaBoy
MeeraIndianLord Krishna's devoteeBoy
MihitIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
MitraIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
MitraIndianLord Surya (Sun); FriendBoy
MonishIndianLord of mind; IntellectualBoy
NakulIndianName of one of the Pandavas; Twin brother of SahdevBoy
NaradIndianIndian Saint; Devotee of lord NarayanBoy
NaradIndianSaint; Devotee of lord NarayanBoy
NaradIndianIndian saint; Devotee of NarayanBoy
NiramitraIndianSon of Pandava - SahadevaBoy
NiramitraIndianSon of Pandava SahadevaBoy
PatagIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
PoojanIndianWorship; Prayer; DevotionBoy
PrabhakarIndianLord Surya (Sun); One who gives lightBoy
PrabhakarIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
PrasadIndianDevotional offeringBoy
PrasadIndianDevotional offering; Offering to god during poojaBoy
PribhaktaIndianFavourite of the devotees. A name for lord ShivaBoy
PribhaktaIndianFavorite of the devotees; Lord ShivaBoy
PriyabrataIndianDevoted to pleasingBoy
PushpaketuIndianKamdev; CupidBoy
PushpaketuIndianKamdev; Cupid; God of loveBoy
RamabhaktaIndianDevoted to lord RamaBoy
RamanIndianPleasing; Beloved; KamdevBoy
RamdasIndianDevotee or servant of lord RamaBoy
RantidevIndianDevotee of NarayanaBoy
RantidevIndianDevotee of lord NarayanaBoy
RateeshIndianKamadev; CupidBoy
RatishIndianKamadev; CupidBoy
RaurendraIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
RaviIndianLord Surya (Sun); FireBoy
RaviIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
Ravi KumarIndianLord Surya (Sun); FireBoy
RavikantIndianLord Surya (Sun); Fire; One whose fame is like sunBoy
RavikanthIndianLord Surya (Sun); Fire; One whose fame is like sunBoy
RavindraIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
RavinshuIndianKamdev (Cupid)Boy
RavinshuIndianKamdev; Cupid; God of loveBoy
RavirajIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
RavishIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
RebantaIndianA son of SuryaBoy
RebantaIndianSon of SuryaBoy
RohanIndianAscending; developing budBoy
RohitIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
RohtakIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SatrijitIndianFather of Satyabhama; Wife of lord KrishnaBoy
SatyapriyaIndianDevoted to truthBoy
SatyavaanIndianDevoted to truthBoy
SatyavanIndianDevoted to truthBoy
SavitaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SavitendraIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
ShravanIndianName of a Hindu month; A devoted Son from epic RamayanaBoy
ShravanIndianA Hindu month; The devoted son (from Ramayana)Boy
ShriyaditaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SiddhanathIndianMahadev; Lord ShivaBoy
SiddhanathIndianMahadev (Lord Shiva)Boy
SubrataIndianDevoted to what is rightBoy
SudevaIndianGood devaBoy
SudhishIndianLord of excellent intellectBoy
SurajIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SuraviIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SuryaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SuryabhanIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SuryaditaIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SuryaveerIndianBrave as lord SuryaBoy
SuryenIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
SushenIndianSon of VasudevaBoy
TapanIndianLord Surya (Sun); SummerBoy
TapanIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
TejeshIndianGod of brightness; Lord SuryaBoy
TejeshIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
TejeshwarIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
TejeshwarIndianLord Surya (Sun); Lord of brightnessBoy
ThayanbanIndianDevoted to ones motherBoy
TrishankuIndianA king of the Surya dynastyBoy
UpamanyuIndianName of a devoted pupilBoy
VaishnavIndianDevotee of lord VishnuBoy
VaishodeviIndianDevotee of lord Vishnu; Goddess ParvatiBoy
VikasIndianDevelopment; ExpandingBoy
VikasIndianDevelopment; Expanding; ProgressBoy
VirajIndianLord Surya (Sun)Boy
VirajIndianLord Surya (Sun); Resplendent; SplendorBoy
VivekIndianIntellect; JudgmentBoy
YatinIndianAscetic; DevoteeBoy
YatishIndianLord of devoteesBoy
YogiIndianDevotee; Supreme masterBoy

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»   Meaning of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
»   Analysis of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
»   Origin of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
»   Gender of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
»   Religion of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
»   Rashi of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'സംജ്ഞാ'
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»   Variants of name 'സംജ്ഞാ'
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