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 Sibling names for নিজু

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Sibling names for 'নিজু' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AayuIndianSpan of lifeBoy
AdiIndianCompanion of prophet MuhammadBoy
AkashIndianSpace; One of the PanchastikayBoy
AneeshIndianFriendly; Good company; Supreme; ContinuousBoy
AneeshIndianFriendly; Inmate; Of good companyBoy
ArjunIndianPeacock; Son of lord Indra; One of the Pandava brothersBoy
AshoIndianHead of Sun; Head of Pittal PaniBoy
AshoIndianHead of sun and head of Pittal PaniBoy
BheemaIndianMighty; Huge and Gigantic; One of PandavasBoy
BhimIndianMighty; Huge and Gigantic; One of PandavasBoy
BhimaIndianMighty; Huge and Gigantic; One of PandavasBoy
IndrasenIndianEldest of the PandavasBoy
IyyappanIndianLord Iyyappan; YouthfulBoy
KarnaIndianThe Pandavas half brotherBoy
KashyapIndianA sage and friend of PandavasBoy
KrunalIndianCompanionate person; Kind to othersBoy
KrunalIndianCompanionate person; KindBoy
NakulIndianName of one of the Pandavas; Twin brother of SahdevBoy
NakulIndianOne of the PandavasBoy
NakulIndianLord Shiva; Name of one of the PandavasBoy
NakulIndianName of one of the PandavasBoy
NiramitraIndianSon of Pandava - SahadevaBoy
NiramitraIndianSon of Pandava SahadevaBoy
PaanduIndianFather of the PandavasBoy
PandalavasanIndianOne who lives in PandalaBoy
PanduIndianFather of the PandavasBoy
SachivIndianFriend; CompanionBoy
SahayaIndianLord Shiva; CompanionBoy
SahdevIndianOne of the Pandava princesBoy
SahdevIndianA Pandava princesBoy
SahibIndianCompanion; Friend; LordBoy
SameerIndianEarly morning fragrance; Entertaining companion; WindBoy
SamirIndianEarly morning fragrance; Entertaining companion; WindBoy
SannathIndianAccompanied by a protectorBoy
TanulIndianTo expand; ProgressBoy
VikasIndianDevelopment; ExpandingBoy
VikasIndianDevelopment; Expanding; ProgressBoy
YudhishthirIndianEldest Pandava brother; Firm in battleBoy
YudhishthirIndianEldest of Pandava brotherBoy
YudhisthirIndianEldest Pandava brother; Firm in battleBoy

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»   Meaning of name 'নিজু'
»   Analysis of name 'নিজু'
»   Origin of name 'নিজু'
»   Gender of name 'নিজু'
»   Religion of name 'নিজু'
»   Rashi of name 'নিজু'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'নিজু'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'নিজু'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'নিজু'
»   Names Similar to 'নিজু'
»   Variants of name 'নিজু'
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