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 Sibling names for অদ্রিজা

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Sibling names for 'অদ্রিজা' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AbhayapradaIndianBestower of safety; Another name for VishnuBoy
AbhayapradaIndianBestower of safety; Another name for lord VishnuBoy
AbhimaniIndianFull of pride; Another name for Agni as the eldest son of BrahmaBoy
AbhinathaIndianLord of desires; Another name for KamaBoy
AbhisumatIndianRadiant; Another name of sunBoy
AbjayoniIndianBorn of the lotus; Another name for BrahmaBoy
AcalapatiIndianLord of the immovable; Lord of mountainBoy
AcalapatiIndianLord of immovable; Lord of mountainBoy
AcalesvaraIndianGod of the Immovable; Another name for lord ShivaBoy
AcaryaIndianTeacher; Another name for Drona; Asvaghosa and KrpaBoy
AcaryaIndianTeacher; Another name for DronaBoy
AcaryanandanaIndianSon of teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryanandanaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryasutaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryasutaIndianSon of teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcaryatanayaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AsvatthamanBoy
AchalesvaraIndianGod of the immovable; Another name for lord ShivaBoy
AchalrajIndianHimalayan mountainBoy
AchalrajIndianHimalaya mountainBoy
AcharyanandanaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AcharyasutaIndianSon of the teacher; Another name for AswatthamaBoy
AditeyaIndianAnother name for SunBoy
AditeyaIndianAnother name for the sun; Son of 'Aditi'Boy
AditeyaIndianAnother name for the SunBoy
AdripathiIndianMaster of the mountainsBoy
AgendraIndianKing of mountains; Himalaya mountainBoy
AgendraIndianKing of mountainsBoy
AghaIndianAnother name for god; Pre EminentBoy
AmukIndianSome; One or anotherBoy
AvichalIndianMountain; Rock; UnmovableBoy
AvichalIndianMountain; RockBoy
AvneeshIndianGod of the Earth; Another name for lord GaneshBoy
BhargaviIndianGoddess Durga; Laxmi; Parvati; Daughter of SunBoy
DehabhujIndianAnother name for Lord ShivaBoy
FaridIndianUnique; Wide; Pearl; Another name for godBoy
GaneshIndianSon of lord Shiva & Parvati; Lord GaneshBoy
GaneshIndianSon of lord Shiva and Parvati; Lord GaneshBoy
GaneshIndianSon of lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati; Lord GaneshBoy
GaneshIndianSon of lord Shiva and goddess Parvati; Lord GaneshBoy
GauraangIndianFair; Husband of Gauri (Parvati); Lord ShivaBoy
GaurangIndianFair; Husband of Gauri (Parvati); Lord Shiva; MelodyBoy
GaurinandanIndianThe Son of Gauri (Parvati); Lord GaneshaBoy
GaurinandanIndianThe Son of Gauri (Parvati); Lord GaneshBoy
GaurishankarIndianPeak of the Himalaya; Lord Shiva And Gauri (Parvati)Boy
GaurisutaIndianThe Son of Gauri (Parvati); Lord GaneshaBoy
GaurisutaIndianThe Son of Gauri (Parvati); Lord GaneshBoy
GiridharIndianOne who holds mountain (Krishna)Boy
GiridharIndianOne who holds mountain (lord Krishna)Boy
GiridharIndianLord Krishna; Holder of the mountainBoy
GiridharIndianOne who holds mountain; Lord KrishnaBoy
GirilalIndianSon of mountain; Lord ShivaBoy
GirilalIndianSon of mountainBoy
GirindraIndianLord of the mountains; Lord ShivaBoy
GiriraajIndianKing of mountainsBoy
GirirajIndianKing of mountains; HimalayaBoy
GirirajIndianLord of mountain; Lord ShivaBoy
GirirajIndianLord of mountainBoy
GirirajIndianGod of the mountainsBoy
GirishIndianGod of mountainBoy
GirishIndianLord of mountain; Lord ShivaBoy
GirishIndianLord of mountains; Lord Shiva; Mahadev; HimalayaBoy
GirishIndianLord of mountain; HimalayaBoy
GovardhanIndianName of a mountain in GokulBoy
HarikrishnaIndianAnother name lord KrishnaBoy
HemaadriIndianMountain of goldBoy
HemadriIndianMountain of goldBoy
HemavatinandanIndianSon of goddess ParvatiBoy
HimaadriIndianSnow mountainBoy
HimalayIndianMountain rangeBoy
IshirIndianAnother name for AgniBoy
JayantikaIndianGoddess Durga; Goddess ParvatiBoy
KanjiIndianAnother name of lord KrishnaBoy
KireetiIndianAnother name for ArjunBoy
MaadhavIndianAnother name of lord KrishnaBoy
MadhavIndianAnother name of lord Krishna; Sweet like honeyBoy
MahadevIndianAnother name of lord ShivaBoy
MainakIndianMountain; A Himalayan peakBoy
MainakIndianA mountain a Himalayan peakBoy
MalayIndianMountain; A garden of IndraBoy
ManikandanIndianAnother name for lord AyyappaBoy
MeruIndianFamous mountain in Hindu mythology; High pointBoy
MuraareeIndianAnother name of lord KrishnaBoy
NagendraIndianKing of the serpents; Lord of mountains (Himalaya)Boy
PaarthIndianAnother name of Arjun; King; StudentBoy
PalaniappanIndianAnother name for lord MuruganBoy
PalanikumarIndianAnother name for lord MuruganBoy
PalanimuruganIndianAnother name for lord MuruganBoy
PalanisamiIndianAnother name for lord MuruganBoy
PalanivelIndianAnother name for lord MuruganBoy
ParinIndianAnother name for lord GaneshaBoy
ParvateshwarIndianLord of mountain; HimalayaBoy
ParvateshwarIndianGod of mountains; HimalayaBoy
ParvatipreetIndianGoddess Parvati's inspirationBoy
ParvatipreetIndianGoddess Parvati's InspirationsBoy
RaghavendraIndianAnother name for lord RamaBoy
SalajIndianWater which flows from melted ice from mountainBoy
SalajIndianWater which flows from melted ice in mountainsBoy
SanjeevananagahatreIndianBearer of sanjeevini mountainBoy
SarvanavelIndianAnother name for lord MuruganBoy
Savya-SachiIndianAnother name of ArjunBoy
Savya-SachiIndianAnother name of ArjunaBoy
ShaildharIndianOne who holds mountainBoy
ShaildharIndianOne who holds mountain; Lord KrishnaBoy
ShailendraIndianKing of mountains; Himalaya; Lord ShivaBoy
ShailendraIndianKing of mountains; HimalayaBoy
ShaileshIndianGod of mountain; HimalayaBoy
ShaileshIndianKing of mountains; HimalayaBoy
ShaileshIndianLord of mountain; HimalayaBoy
ShaileshIndianLord of mountainsBoy
ShaileshIndianLord of mountains; Himalaya; Lord ShivaBoy
ShambhaviIndianThe Son of ParvatiBoy
Shat-ManyuIndianAnother name of lord IndraBoy
ShataneekIndianAnother name of lord GaneshBoy
ShataneekIndianAnother name for lord GaneshaBoy
ShatmanyuIndianAnother name of lord IndraBoy
ShatteshIndianKing of mountainsBoy
ShikharIndianMountain PeakBoy
ShilendraIndianLord of mountainsBoy
ShilishIndianLord of mountainsBoy
ShilishIndianLord of mountainBoy
ShreerangIndianAnother name of lord VishnuBoy
TunganathIndianLord of the mountainsBoy
TunganathIndianLord of mountainsBoy
TungeshwarIndianLord of mountainsBoy
TungeshwarIndianLord of the mountainsBoy
UmachandraIndianUma ( Goddess Parvati) and Lord ShivaBoy
UmaprasadIndianBlessing of goddess ParvatiBoy
UmaputraIndianSon of goddess Uma; Goddess ParvatiBoy
UmaputraIndianSon of goddess Parvati (Uma)Boy
UmaputraIndianThe son of goddess Uma (Parvati)Boy
UmayIndianThe Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati)Boy
VaishodeviIndianDevotee of lord Vishnu; Goddess ParvatiBoy
VaradarajIndianAnother name of lord VishnuBoy
VelanIndianAnother name for lord MuruganBoy
VetrivelIndianSon of goddess ParvatiBoy
VetrivelIndianSon of ParvathiBoy
YamajithIndianAnother name for lord ShivaBoy

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»   View Indian and International names
»   Meaning of name 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Analysis of name 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Origin of name 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Gender of name 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Religion of name 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Rashi of name 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'অদ্রিজা'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'অদ্রিজা'
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