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 Names meaning Are

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List of Names that means 'Are'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AarifIndianKnowing; Aware; Acquainted; KnowledgeableBoy
Abdul KhabirIndianSlave of the one who is awareBoy
AilaFinnishLight BearerGirl
AileanaScottishLight BearerGirl
AileenScottishLight Bearer; Fair haired beauty; BirdGirl
AileeneScottishLight BearerGirl
AjaipalIndianOne whose caretaker is the lordBoy
Al Khabir (الخبير)IndianThe All-Aware
AlcippeLatinMighty MareGirl
AlkippeGreekMighty mareGirl
AltsobaNative AmericanAll are at warGirl
AmichaiHebrewMy parents are aliveBoy
AmminadabHebrewMy people are generousBoy
AnhurEgyptianSky Bearer; Or Brings Back the Distant OneBoy
AnoopIndianWithout compare; IncomparableBoy
ApoorvaIndianDifferent; Special; Best; Unmatchable; Exquisite; RareBoy
ApoorvaIndianExquisite; Rare; NewBoy
ApoorvaIndianExquisite; RareBoy
ArleighGermanMeadow of the hareGirl
As Sami (السميع)IndianThe Hearer of All
AsvikaIndianA Little MareGirl
AsvikaIndianLittle mareGirl
AtiriyaIndianBeloved; Very dear; Precious; RareGirl
BannerScottishFlag bearerBoy
BeccaEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BeccaIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BecciEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BecciIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BeckaEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BeckaIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BeckahEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BeckahIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BeckyEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BeckyIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BekkiEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BekkiIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
BuddhanaIndianAware; EnlightenedGirl
BuddhanaSanskritAware; Enlightened OneGirl
CasparDutchTreasure BearerBoy
CasperDutchTreasure BearerBoy
CasperEnglishTreasure bearerBoy
CasperIndianTreasure bearerBoy
ChipEnglishChrist bearerBoy
ChipIndianChrist bearerBoy
ChitleenIndianOne absorbed in awarenessBoy
ChristoferGermanChrist BearerBoy
ChristofferGermanChrist BearerBoy
ChristofferNorwegianChrist bearerBoy
ChristofferScandinavianChrist bearerBoy
ChristoforFrenchChrist BearerBoy
ChristophGermanChrist BearerBoy
ChristopheFrenchChrist BearerBoy
ChristopherEnglishChrist bearerBoy
ChristopherIndianChrist bearerBoy
Christophoros  (Χριστόφορος)GreekChrist BearerBoy
ChristophorusLatinChrist BearerBoy
Christos  (Χρήστος)GreekChrist BearerBoy
ColbertFrenchRenowned SeafarerBoy
CristinaItalianFollower of Christ; Anointed; Christ BearerGirl
CristoferSpanishChrist BearerBoy
CristoforSpanishChrist BearerBoy
CristoforoItalianFollower of Christ; Anointed; Christ BearerBoy
CristovaoPortugueseChrist bearerBoy
DilnawaazIndianCherishing; Caressing heartBoy
DriscollEnglishGo Between; Intermediary; Messenger; News bearerBoy
DriscollIndianGo Between; Intermediary; Messenger; News bearerBoy
DriskollEnglishGo Between; Intermediary; Messenger; News bearerBoy
DriskollIndianGo Between; Intermediary; Messenger; News bearerBoy
DulalIndianDearest; BelovedBoy
DulalIndianDearest one; Loved oneBoy
DulariIndianDearest; BelovedGirl
DulariIndianDearest one; Loved oneGirl
EgidioItalianShield BearerBoy
ElihoenaiEnglishUnto God are my eyesBoy
ElihoenaiIndianUnto God are my eyesBoy
ElioenaiEnglishUnto God are my eyesBoy
ElioenaiIndianUnto God are my eyesBoy
EnderTurkishVery RareBoy
FaronEnglishArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FaronIndianArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FarrahIndianMuslim burden bearerGirl
FarranEnglishArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FarranIndianArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FerdEnglishArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FerdIndianArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FerdaCzech & SlovakPrepared JourneyBoy
FerdieEnglishArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FerdieIndianArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FerdinandaItalianJourney PreparedGirl
FerdinandoItalianJourney PreparedBoy
FerdyEnglishArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FerdyIndianArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
FerdynandPolishPrepared JourneyBoy
FernanSpanishJourney Prepared; AdventurousBoy
FernandFrenchAdventurer; Journey preparedBoy
FernandaSpanishJourney Prepared; AdventurousGirl
FernandeFrenchAdventurer; Journey preparedGirl
FernandoSpanishJourney Prepared; AdventurousBoy
FernaoPortugueseJourney preparedBoy
FerrandFrenchAdventurer; Journey preparedBoy
FerrantFrenchAdventurer; Journey preparedBoy
FerraoPortugueseJourney preparedBoy
GasparHungarianTreasure BearerBoy
GasparPortugueseTreasure bearerBoy
GaspareItalianTreasure BearerBoy
GasparoItalianTreasure BearerBoy
GilFrenchShield bearerBoy
GillesFrenchShield bearerBoy
GilmatScottishSword BearerBoy
GilmerScottishSword BearerBoy
GilmoreScottishSword BearerBoy
GurchetIndianOne who remains aware of Guru's wordBoy
GurpalIndianOne whose caretaker is the guruBoy
HarlanEnglishHare's LandBoy
HarlanIndianHare's LandBoy
HeilynWelshWine bearerBoy
HernanSpanishJourney Prepared; AdventurousBoy
HernandezSpanishJourney Prepared; AdventurousBoy
HernandoSpanishJourney Prepared; AdventurousBoy
HieuVietnameseDutiful to ParentsBoy
Hristina  (Христина)BulgarianChrist BearerGirl
Hristo  (Христо)BulgarianChrist BearerBoy
Hristofor  (Христофор)BulgarianChrist BearerBoy
IbeamakaAfricanThe Agnates are SplendidBoy
JagatpalIndianCaretaker of the worldBoy
JanhithaIndianOne who thinks of the welfare of menGirl
JaraahIndianSurgeon; Name of tabareeBoy
JasperEnglishTreasure bearerBoy
JasperIndianTreasure bearerBoy
JesperDanishTreasure BearerBoy
JewelFrenchRare ExcellenceGirl
KacperPolishTreasure BearerBoy
KalyanIndianGood; Well; Being; Auspicious; Welfare; FortuneBoy
KalyanIndianFortunate; WelfareBoy
KamalakshIndianOne whose eyes are beautiful like lotusesBoy
KamalakshiIndianOne whose eyes are beautiful like lotusGirl
KamalakshiIndianOne whose eyes are beautiful like lotusesGirl
KasparGermanTreasure BearerBoy
KasperEnglishTreasure bearerBoy
KasperIndianTreasure bearerBoy
KasperPolishTreasure BearerBoy
KesterScottishChrist BearerBoy
KhabirIndianOne of 99 names of god; Wisdom; One who is awareBoy
KhristophorosGreekChrist BearerBoy
KitEnglishChrist bearer; PureUnisex
KitIndianChrist bearer; PureUnisex
Kristina  (Кристина)BulgarianChrist BearerGirl
KristofCzech & SlovakChrist BearerBoy
KristofHungarianChrist BearerBoy
KristofferFinnishChrist BearerBoy
KristofferNorwegianChrist bearerBoy
KristopherEnglishChrist bearerBoy
KristopherIndianChrist bearerBoy
KristynaCzech & SlovakFollower of Christ; Christ BearerGirl
KrisztianHungarianChrist BearerBoy
KrystofCzech & SlovakFollower of Christ; Christ BearerBoy
KrzysPolishChrist BearerBoy
KrzysztofPolishChrist BearerBoy
KsemaIndianSafety; Security; Welfare; TranquilityGirl
KshemendraIndianLord of welfareBoy
KshemyaIndianGoddess Durga; Goddess of welfareGirl
LambakarnaIndianLarge eared LordBoy
LiatHebrewYou are mainGirl
MastveerIndianCare free and braveBoy
Mayoora PichhavalayaIndianWearer of peacock feathered banglesGirl
MillardFrenchCaretaker of the millBoy
MurgatroydEnglishThe clearing belonging to MargaretBoy
MurgatroydIndianThe clearing belonging to MargaretBoy
MusaddiqIndianOne who declares for true
NaadirIndianDear; RareBoy
NaderIranian (Persian)RareBoy
NaderehIranian (Persian)RareGirl
Nadir  (نادر)ArabianRare; Dearly LovedBoy
NadirIndianDear; Rare; Precious; PinnacleBoy
NadiraIndianDear; Rare; Precious; PinnacleGirl
NadirahIndianDear; Rare; Precious; PinnacleGirl
NandyEnglishArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
NandyIndianArdent for peace; Journey preparedBoy
NayabIndianRare; PreciousBoy
NayyabIndianVery rare; ExclusiveGirl
NazaireFrenchFrom NazarethBoy
Nazar  (Назар)RussianFrom NazarethBoy
Nazar  (Назар)UkrainianFrom NazarethBoy
NazarioItalianFrom NazarethBoy
NazarioSpanishFrom NazarethBoy
NazariusLatinOf NazarethBoy
Nazariy  (Назарий)RussianFrom NazarethBoy
Nazariy  (Назарій)UkrainianFrom NazarethBoy
NeemaEgyptianBorn to Wealthy ParentsGirl
Nikephoros  (Νικηφόρος)GreekBearer of victory; VictoriousUnisex
Nikifor  (Никифор)BulgarianBearer Of VictoryBoy
NikiforPolishBearer of VictoryBoy
NikiforRussianBearer of victoryBoy
NwannekaAfricanMy Siblings Are SupremeGirl
OlufunkeAfricanGod Has Cared ForUnisex
OtetianiNative AmericanHe is preparedBoy
PadmamaladharaIndianWearer of lotus garlandGirl
ParampalIndianGod; CaretakerBoy
PashaIndianBond; Net; SnareGirl
PosalaNative AmericanFarewell to Spring flowersGirl
PrempalIndianGod; Loving caretakerBoy
PresthaIndianDearest; BelovedGirl
PritpalIndianGod; Loving caretakerBoy
PriyankIndianDearest husbandBoy
PryderiWelshCare; WorryBoy
QaseemIndianShare; PortionBoy
Rada  (Рада)BulgarianCare; HappyGirl
Radka  (Радка)BulgarianCare; HappyGirl
Radko  (Радко)BulgarianCare; HappyBoy
RaghadIndianPleasant; Carefree; ComfortableGirl
Raisa  (Раиса)RussianMore Relaxed; Easy; PreparedGirl
Raisa  (רֵײזָא)YiddishRose; Easy; PreparedGirl
Raisel  (רֵײזֶעל)YiddishRose; Easy; PreparedGirl
Rayko  (Райко)BulgarianCare; HappyBoy
Rayno  (Райно)BulgarianCare; HappyBoy
RebecaPortugueseOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeccaEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeccaHebrewCaptivating; One who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeccaIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeccahEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeccahIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeccanneEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeccanneIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeckaEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeckaIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeckahEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebeckahIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebekaHungarianOne Who Snares or TrapsGirl
RebekahEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebekahIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RebekkaDanishOne who Snares or TrapsGirl
RebekkaNorwegianOne who snares or trapsGirl
RevaEnglishOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RevaIndianOne who snares; TrapsGirl
RipleyEnglishCleared strip of landUnisex
RipleyIndianCleared strip of landUnisex
RistoFinnishChrist BearerBoy
RivkaHebrewCaptivating; One who snares; TrapsGirl
SamanIndianHome; WelfareBoy
SamanIranian (Persian)Home; WelfareBoy
SanjeevananagahatreIndianBearer of Sanjeevini mountBoy
SanjeevananagahatreIndianBearer of sanjeevini mountainBoy
SevaIndianWorship; Service; Attendance; CareGirl
ShiveshvarIndianLord of welfareBoy
ShiveshvarIndianGod of welfareBoy
ShoorpakarnaIndianLarge eared lordBoy
StandishEnglishCareful; ThoughtfulBoy
StandishIndianCareful; ThoughtfulBoy
SuvithaIndianWelfare; ProsperityGirl
TaborHebrewA Landmark Mountain near NazarethBoy
TafadzwaAfricanWe are PleasedUnisex
TaongaAfricanWe are ThankfulUnisex
Taras  (Тарас)RussianOf TarentumBoy
Taras  (Тарас)UkrainianFrom Taras; Of TarentumBoy
Tarasios  (Ταράσιος)GreekOf TarentumBoy
TareefIndianRare; UncommonBoy
TareefaIndianRare; UncommonGirl
ThanmayuIndianAbsorbed; CarefulGirl
TinhVietnameseMindful; AwareBoy
TopherEnglishChrist bearerBoy
TopherIndianChrist bearerBoy
Toru  ()JapanesePenetrating; WayfarerBoy
UkaleqNative AmericanHareGirl
VasudhariniIndianBearer of the earthGirl
ViralIndianPriceless; Valuable; Rare; PreciousBoy
ViraliIndianPriceless; Valuable; Rare; PreciousGirl
VirgilijusLithuanianStaff bearerBoy
VirgilioItalianPossibly Staff BearerBoy
VirgilioPortugueseStaff bearerBoy
VividayudhadharaIndianBearer of various weaponsGirl
WemilatNative AmericanOf wealthy parentsBoy
WorkneshAfricanYou Are Like GoldGirl
YuvarajIndianPrince; Heir apparentBoy
YuvrajIndianPrince; heir apparentBoy
Zhen  (; ; )ChinesePrecious; Rare; Chaste; PureGirl

List of Surnames that means 'Are'
 Surname Origin In Local Meaning
AlfieriItalian Standard bearer; Mounted fighter; Knight
BannatyneScottish Where fires are kindled
BannermanScottish Standard bearer
CorlissEnglish Carefree
DriscollIrish Son of the messenger; News bearer
FosterEnglish Foster parent; Forester; Shearer
HarlanEnglish Hare's Land
MurgatroydEnglish The clearing belonging to margaret
RipleyEnglish Cleared strip of land

Also See ...
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»   Analysis of different names
»   Numerical Characteristic of different names
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»   Rashi of different names
»   Similar Name Calculator
»   Variants of different name
»   Origin of different names
»   Gender of different names
»   Religion of different names
»   Sibling Name Generator
»   Baby Name Generator (from parents name)
»   Surname Info (meaning, origin, mother-tongue, religion)
»   Surname Origin (region of origin)
»   Partner Compatibility by Zodiac
»   Baby Growth calculator
»   Pregnancy Due Date calculator
»   Safe Period calculator (Birth control)
»   Fertile Period calculator
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»   Calculate Calorie burned in different activity
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»   Calculate Ideal Weight
»   Weight Management (gain or loose weight)

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