Numerology of name నైమిష |
Numerology: | Numerical for name నైమిష is 1 | Person with #1 as name numerical are Action oriented, pioneer, natural leader, independent, strong willed, positive, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, brave and innovative |
| As per Hindu Astrology for your name నైమిష |
Auspicious Color: | Red, Rust, Light Green | Auspicious Stones: | Topaz | Alternate Stones: | Apache Tear, Aquamarine, Coral, Obsidian | Auspicious Metal: | Copper | Ruling Hours: | 9pm ~ 11pm | Supportive Numbers: | 9, 5 | Lucky Days: | Sunday, Tuesday | Passion: | To Triumph | Life Pursuit: | To survive against all opposition | Vibration: | Resilient | Ruling Planet: | Pluto |
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