Name Dawlahben generally means Wealth or Authority of state or Riches or Happiness, and is a Feminine (or Girl) name, which means generally Women's or Girl's have this name. Name Dawlahben has Indian origin and people with name Dawlahben are mostly Muslim by religion. . |
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Meaning: | Wealth, Authority of state, Riches, Happiness | Origin: | Indian | Religion: | Muslim | Gender: | Feminine (Girl name) | Supportive Numbers: | 3, 7, 9 | Auspicious Color: | Yellow, White, Light Green | Auspicious Metal: | Bronze | Auspicious Stones: | Bloodstone | Alternate Stones: | Aquamarine, Jade, Rock Crystal, Sapphire | Lucky Days: | Monday, Thursday | Ruling Hours: | 5am ~ 7am | Ruling Planet: | Neptune | Vibration: | Erratic Energy levels | Passion: | To live their dreams and turn fantasies into realities | Life Pursuit: | To avoid feeling alone and instead feel connected to others and the world at large | Suffixed Name: | Dawlahben, Dawlahbano, Dawlahbegum |
Meaning of name 'Dawlahben' in different Region (Origin)
Meaning of name 'Dawlahben' in different Religion (Caste)
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