Auspicious Stone for Donat |
Auspicious stone(s) for name Donat as per Hindu Astrology is Bloodstone and alternate stones is/are Aquamarine, Jade, Rock Crystal, Sapphire. A prefered stone(s) as per Chinese astrology is Sapphire
| Show more information of name Donat | Similar sounding names:
Danata, Daunte, Donata, Dantae, Deonte, Danit, Danat, Danta, Dante, Danute, Donieta, Dionte, Danita, Donato, Danuta, Daneet
| Find compatibility of name Donat with different names |
| | | | | Bloodstone | Aquamarine | Jade | Rock Crystal | Sapphire | | | | | | | | | | |
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