Meaning of Perozshah |
Name Perozshah generally means   or , and is a Masculine (or Boy) name, which means generally Men's or Boy's have this name. Name Perozshah has Indian origin and people with name Perozshah are mostly Parsi by religion. . |
| Show complete analysis of name Perozshah | Similar sounding names:
Paraag, Parag, Paras, Parash, Parees, Pareesa, Paresh, Paresha, Parija, Parik, Paris, Parisa, Pariza, Parris, Parsa, Parwez, Parwiz, Pearce, Peers, Perce, Percy
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Meaning of name 'Perozshah' in different Region (Origin)
Origin |
In Local |
Perozshah means |
Gender |
Indian |
Boy |
Meaning of name 'Perozshah' in different Religion (Caste)
Religion |
Perozshah means |
Gender |
Parsi |
Boy |
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