Lucky Number for Ashai |
| As per Hindu Astrology for your name Ashai |
Lucky Numbers: | 2, 5, 6, 8, 14, 23 | Lucky Color: | Green, Yellow, Peach, Apricot | Lucky Stones: | Sapphire | Alternate Stones: | Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate, Blue Sapphire | Lucky Metal: | Bronze | Ruling Hours: | 5pm ~ 7pm | Lucky Days: | Wednesday, Friday | Passion: | To love and be loved in return | Life Pursuit: | To do the right thing | Vibration: | Compassionate and caring | Ruling Planet: | Mercury |
Numerology: | Numerical for name Ashai is 2 | Person with #2 as name numerical are Cooperative, adaptable, excellent partner, kind, balance, friendly, tactful and diplomatic |
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