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 Name In Local Meaning Gender
Phanibhusan Lord ShivaBoy
Phaninath Lord of serpentsBoy
Phanindra King of godsBoy
Phanindranath Lord VishnuBoy
Phanishwar King of serpentsBoy
Phenil FoamyBoy
Phoolendu Full moonBoy
Pinak Shiva's BowBoy
PinakiपिनाकीLord KrishnaBoy
Pinakin Lord ShivaBoy
Pingal Respected sageBoy
Pingalaksha Pink eyedBoy
Pitambar Lord Vishnu, Yellow robedBoy
Pitambara One who has yellow colored bodyBoy
Pody  Boy
Ponmala Sabari hillBoy
Ponnan PreciousBoy
Poojit WorshippedBoy
Poonish Lord of piousBoy
Poornachandra Full moonBoy
Poornanand Complete joyBoy
Poorv EastBoy
Poorvaj Elder, AncestorsBoy
Prabhanjan Dust stormBoy
Prabhatparth  Boy
Prabhav EffectBoy
Prabhava Popular lordBoy
Prabhave Popular lord, Lord HanumanBoy
Prabir Hero, Brave oneBoy
Prabodhप्रबोधSound adviceBoy
Prabodhan KnowledgeBoy
Prachet Lord VarunBoy
Pracheta Varun, WiseBoy
Prachetas EnergyBoy
Pradarsh Appearance, OrderBoy
Pradeepप्रदीपLight, ShineBoy
Pradhi IntelligentBoy
Pradnesh Lord of wisdomBoy
Pradosh DuskBoy
Pradyot LusterBoy
Pradyumna CupidBoy
Pradyun RadiantBoy
Prafullaप्रफुल्लPleasant, CheerfulBoy
Pragun Straight, HonestBoy
Prahallad Son of HiranyakasipaBoy
Prahasit  Boy
Prahladप्रहलादExcess of joyBoy
Prajapatiप्रजापतिKing, BrahmaBoy
Prajeet VictoriousBoy
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