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 Name Meaning Gender
WynBlessed, Fair, WhiteBoy
WyotHardy WarriorBoy
WystanBattle stoneBoy
XanDefender of mankindBoy
XavierA New houseBoy
XaviorA New houseBoy
XzavierA New houseBoy
YahvehExisting oneBoy
YahwehExisting oneBoy
YanceyEnglishman, YankeeBoy
YancyEnglishman, YankeeBoy
YannicGod is graciousUnisex
YannickGod is graciousUnisex
YarwoodHandsome LordBoy
YehowahExisting oneBoy
YorathHandsome LordBoy
YorickFarm worker, FarmerBoy
YorkFrom YorkBoy
YoukahainenGreat, LargeBoy
YwainWell bornBoy
ZabdiThe gift of JehovahBoy
ZaccaiClean, InnocentBoy
ZachWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZachariahWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZacharyWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZacheryWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZackWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZackaryWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZackeryWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZadokJust, RighteousBoy
ZakWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZanderDefender of mankindBoy
ZavierNew houseBoy
ZebadiahThe gift of JehovahBoy
ZebedeeMy giftBoy
ZechariahWhom Jehovah rememberedBoy
ZedRighteousness of the lordBoy
ZedekiahRighteousness of the lordBoy
ZefaniaHidden by God, Protected by GodBoy
ZekeGod will strengthenBoy
ZelophehadFirst Rupture, Fracture, First BornBoy
ZephGod has hiddenBoy
ZephaniaHidden by God, Protected by GodBoy
ZephaniahHidden by God, Protected by GodBoy
ZibeonVersi ColoredBoy
ZidkijahRighteousness of the lordBoy
ZimriCelebrated in songBoy
ZionSunny, Parched placeBoy
ZophaiFlow, OverflowBoy
ZuphFlow, OverflowBoy
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