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 Sibling names for Shatrujitanna

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Sibling names for 'Shatrujitanna' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AbhijitaIndianVictorious womanGirl
AnishkaIndianOne who has no enemiesGirl
AnishkaIndianOne who has only friends and no enemiesGirl
AnishkaIndianWho has friends; No enemies.Girl
BhaktavatsalaIndianLover of devoteesGirl
BhayanashiniIndianRemover of fearGirl
BhuvanamohanaIndianBeauty over entire earthGirl
Daridriya DhwamsiniIndianDestroyer of poverty; Goddess LaxmiGirl
Daridriya DhwamsiniIndianDestroyer of poverty; Goddess LakshmiGirl
DaridriyanashiniIndianRemover of poverty; Goddess LakshmiGirl
DaridriyanashiniIndianRemover of poverty; Goddess LaxmiGirl
GitaliIndianLover of song; MelodiousGirl
GitaliIndianMelodious; Lover of songGirl
GitaliIndianLover of songGirl
HarshalIndianGlad; LoverGirl
JaimathiIndianVictorious mindGirl
JayaIndianVictory; Victorious; Goddess DurgaGirl
JayalalitaIndianVictorious; Goddess DurgaGirl
JayalalitaIndianVictorious goddess DurgaGirl
JayantiIndianVictorious; Goddess ParvatiGirl
JayashreeIndianGoddess of victory; Victorious womanGirl
JayashreeIndianVictorious; Goddess of victoryGirl
JayashriIndianVictorious; Goddess of victoryGirl
JayasreeIndianVictorious; Goddess of victoryGirl
JayitaIndianVictorious; ConquerorGirl
JayitriIndianVictorious; ConquerorGirl
JayshreeIndianVictorious; ConquerorGirl
JayshriIndianVictorious; Goddess of victoryGirl
JaysreeIndianVictorious; Goddess of victoryGirl
KanakpriyaIndianLover of goldGirl
LakashokavinashiniIndianRemover of universal agoniesGirl
NikitaIndianVictorious; Unconquered; Earth; GangesGirl
NipaIndianOne who watches overGirl
OniIndianShelter; CoverGirl
PadmapriyaIndianLover of lotusGirl
PadmapriyaIndianLover of lotus; Goddess LakshmiGirl
PadmapriyaIndianLover of lotus; Goddess LaxmiGirl
RadhaIndianKrishna's lover; ProsperityGirl
RadhaIndianLord Krishna's loverGirl
RadhaIndianLover of lord Krishna; ProsperityGirl
RadhikaIndianRadha; Successful; Lover of lord KrishnaGirl
RajataIndianSilver; Courage; SovereigntyGirl
RatnapriyaIndianLover of JewelsGirl
VallabhaIndianLover; BelovedGirl
VijayaIndianConqueror; VictoriousGirl
VijayantiIndianVictorious; A Bramhi medicineGirl
YashasviIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YashasviniIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YashaswiIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YashawanthiIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YashawiniIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YashiIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YashomatiIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YashviIndianVictorious; Glorious; Famous; SuccessfulGirl
YoginiIndianOne who can control senses; Lover of YogasGirl

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