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Sibling names for 'Lalchandralal' (Please check and change above options to get desired result)
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AarikaIndianAdmired for looksGirl
AkalkaIndianFree from impurity; Moon lightGirl
AkalkaIndianFree from impurity; MoonlightGirl
AkshataIndianRice; offered as a sacred substance during puja (worship)Girl
AmritrashmiIndianMoon LightGirl
AnchitaIndianHonored; WorshippedGirl
AngarikaIndianFlame colored flower; Flame of the forestGirl
AngarikaIndianFlame colored flower; Palash; Flame of the forestGirl
AnkitaIndianConquered; Signet; Symbol; Distinguished; Marked by the lord; DedicateGirl
AnkitaIndianConquered; A Signet; SymbolGirl
AnkitaIndianConquered; Signet; SymbolGirl
AnulaIndianNon wild; Gentle; Cultured; AgreeableGirl
AnulaIndianNon wild; Gentle; CulturedGirl
ArunimaIndianGlow of dawn; Red glow of dawnGirl
ArushiIndianDawn; Red sky in the early morning; First ray of SunGirl
ArushiIndianDawn; Red sky in the early morning; First rays of the sunGirl
AryaIndianHonored; Noble; Goddess Parvati; Goddess DurgaGirl
AryaIndianHonored; Noble; Beautiful goddess; From a high raceGirl
AsurakshayamkariIndianReducer of the number of demonsGirl
BasantiIndianSpring season; Yellow ColoredGirl
BelIndianSacred wood Apple treeGirl
BelIndianSacred wood-apple treeGirl
BilvaIndianAuspicious Fruit - Bael; A sacred leafGirl
BilwaIndianAuspicious Fruit - Bael; A sacred leafGirl
BrynIndianStrong; Vigilant; HonoredGirl
ChaandvikaIndianBeautiful moonGirl
ChairavaliIndianFull moon of Chaitra monthGirl
ChakoriIndianA bird enamored of the moonGirl
ChakoriIndianA bird enamored of the moon; AlertGirl
ChandaIndianMoon; Cool like the moon; Goddess LaxmiGirl
ChandaIndianCool like the moon; Goddess LakshmiGirl
ChandaniIndianA River; Moon lightGirl
ChandaniIndianMoon light; A riverGirl
ChandaniIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandiniIndianMoon light; A riverGirl
ChandiniIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandniIndianMoon light; A riverGirl
ChandniIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandraIndianMoon; Hindu goddess of moon and starsGirl
ChandraaneeIndianWife of the moon godGirl
ChandrabhaIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandrabinduIndianCrescent moonGirl
ChandrajaIndianDaughter of the moonGirl
ChandrajaIndianDaughter of moonGirl
ChandrajyotiIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandrakalaIndianMoon beamGirl
ChandrakaliIndian1/16th of the moonGirl
ChandrakaliIndian1/16 th of the moonGirl
ChandrakaliIndianOf the moonGirl
ChandrakantaIndianWife of the moon (Night)Girl
ChandrakantiIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandralekhaIndianRay of the moonGirl
ChandralekhaIndianRay of moonGirl
ChandralekshaIndianRay of the moonGirl
ChandralekshaIndianA ray of the moonGirl
ChandralekshaIndianRay of moonGirl
ChandramaniIndianMoonstone; JewelGirl
ChandramathiIndianAs beautiful as the moonGirl
ChandramathiIndianAs beautiful as moonGirl
ChandramukhiIndianAs beautiful as moon; BeautifulGirl
ChandramukhiIndianAs beautiful as moonGirl
ChandramukhiIndianAs beautiful as the moonGirl
ChandraniIndianWife of moonGirl
ChandraniIndianWife of the moonGirl
ChandraprabhaIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandraprabhaIndianStar; Moon lightGirl
ChandrarupaIndianMoon Faced; Goddess LaxmiGirl
ChandrarupaIndianMoon Faced; Goddess LakshmiGirl
ChandrasahodariIndianSister of the moon; Goddess LakshmiGirl
ChandrasahodariIndianSister of the moon; Goddess LaxmiGirl
ChandraswaroopaIndianLike MoonGirl
ChandrataraIndianMoon and stars conjoinedGirl
ChandrataraIndianThe moon and the stars conjoinedGirl
ChandrataraIndianMoon and the stars conjoinedGirl
ChandravadanaIndianMoon Faced; Goddess LakshmiGirl
ChandravadanaIndianMoon Faced; Goddess LaxmiGirl
ChandravathiIndianLight of moonGirl
ChandravathiIndianLit by the moonGirl
ChandravispardimukhaIndianBeautiful like the moonGirl
ChandrikaIndianMoon lightGirl
ChandrikaIndianMoon; Moon lightGirl
ChandrimaIndianThe MoonGirl
GangaIndianSacred riverGirl
GangaIndianRiver Ganga; Sacred riverGirl
GangotriIndianSacred river of IndiaGirl
GaurangaIndianFair; Cow coloredGirl
GodavariIndianRiver Godavari; Sacred river of IndiaGirl
GodavariIndianSacred riverGirl
HarijathaIndianFair hairedGirl
HarijathaIndianFair haired; BlondeGirl
HiraIndianSacred caveGirl
IndrayaniIndianName of sacred riverGirl
IndrayaniIndianName of a sacred riverGirl
IndrayaniIndianThe name of a sacred riverGirl
InduIndianLord Chandra (Moon)Girl
IndujaIndianMoon's daughterGirl
IndujaIndianMoon's daughter; Narmada riverGirl
IndukalaIndianDigit of the moonGirl
IndukantaIndianWife of moon (Night)Girl
IndulalaIndianMoon lightGirl
IndulekhaIndianLord Chandra (Moon)Girl
IndulekshIndianThe MoonGirl
IndumatiIndianFull moonGirl
IndumauliIndianMoon crestedGirl
IndumukhiIndianMoon like faceGirl
IndumukhiIndianOne with a moon like faceGirl
IndumukhiIndianWith moonlike faceGirl
InduprabhaIndianMoon raysGirl
IndusheetalaIndianCool like the moonGirl
IylaIndianMoon lightGirl
JyotsanaIndianMoon light; Goddess DurgaGirl
JyotsanaIndianRadiant like flames; Goddess Durga; Moon lightGirl
JyotsnaIndianMoon lightGirl
JyotsnaIndianMoon light; Goddess DurgaGirl
JyotsnaIndianRadiant like flames; Goddess Durga; Moon lightGirl
KairaviIndianMoon lightGirl
KalaIndianArt; Phases of moonGirl
KalanidhiIndianTreasure of art; Moon; Lord ShivaGirl
KapilaIndianCelestial cow; Sacred cowGirl
KapilaIndianSacred cowGirl
KaumudiIndianFull moon; Moon lightGirl
KaumudiIndianMoon lightGirl
KaumudiIndianFull moonGirl
KeraniIndianSacred bellsGirl
KetakiIndianCream colored flowerGirl
KetakiIndianA cream colored flowerGirl
KumkumIndianVermilion; Sacred powder (red)Girl
KumkumIndianSacred powder; Red; VermilionGirl
KumkumIndianSacred powder; VermillionGirl
KumudiniIndianWhite Lotus; Moon LightGirl
LalimaIndianBeauty; Morning red in the skyGirl
LalimaIndianMorning red in the skyGirl
LohiniIndianRed skinnedGirl
LohitaIndianRed; RubyGirl
LohitaIndianRed; RubyGirl
MadhuchandaIndianMetrical composition; Honey moonGirl
MadhumathiIndianDelightful moonGirl
MadhumathiIndianDelight moonGirl
MahikaIndianEarth; Greatest; Related to the moonGirl
MahinIndianEarth; Greatest; Related to the moonGirl
MakaliIndianThe moonGirl
MaltiIndianMoon lightGirl
MaltiIndianMoonlight; Small fragrant flowerGirl
MaltiIndianSmall fragrant flower; MoonlightGirl
MangaiIndianCultured ladyGirl
ManisiIndianDesired by heartGirl
Mayoora PichhavalayaIndianWearer of peacock feathered banglesGirl
MrudulaIndianSoft naturedGirl
MruthulaIndianSoft naturedGirl
NangaiIndianCultured ladyGirl
NeeharikaIndianDew drop; Admired for looksGirl
NiharikaIndianNebula; A girl who is admired by looking itselfGirl
NiharikaIndianNebula; Admired for looksGirl
NiharikaIndianThe girl who is admired by looking itselfGirl
NikitaIndianVictorious; Unconquered; Earth; GangesGirl
NilaIndianEnchanting moonGirl
NilavoliIndianRay of light from the moonGirl
NiraimadhiIndianFull moonGirl
NiranjanaIndianName of a river; Goddess Durga; Night of full moonGirl
NiranjanaIndianName of a river; Goddess Durga; The night of the full moonGirl
NithaIndianCarried; RedGirl
NiveditaIndianOffered to god; One dedicated to service; SurrenderedGirl
NiveditaIndianDedicated to service; Surrendered; Offered to GodGirl
NiveditaIndianOffered to god; SurrenderedGirl
OmvatiIndianSacred; Having the power of OmGirl
PanyaIndianAdmired; Glorious; ExcellentGirl
ParvaniIndianFull moon; Festival; Special dayGirl
ParvaniIndianFull Moon; A Festival; A Special dayGirl
ParvaniIndianFull moon; A festival; Special dayGirl
PavanaIndianHoly; SacredGirl
PoonamIndianFull moonGirl
PoornimaIndianFull Moon; The night of the full moonGirl
PoornimaIndianFull moonGirl
PunamIndianFull moonGirl
PunomIndianFull moonGirl
PurnimaIndianFull Moon; The night of the full moonGirl
PurnimaIndianFull moonGirl
RaakaIndianFull MoonGirl
RakaIndianFull moonGirl
RatanjaliIndianRed sandal woodGirl
RishimaIndianMoon beamGirl
RohiniIndianStar; Lord Chandra (Moon)Girl
RohiniIndianStar; MoonGirl
SalenaIndianThe moonGirl
SamidhaIndianAn offering for a sacred fireGirl
SamidhaIndianOffering for a sacred fireGirl
SarasaIndianMoon; SwanGirl
SathaIndianDishonest; HundredGirl
SaumyiIndianMoon lightGirl
SauraIndianCelestial; Sacred to the sunGirl
SetuIndianSacred symbolGirl
ShashaIndianLord Chandra (Moon)Girl
ShashiIndianLord Chandra (Moon)Girl
ShashibalaIndianMoon lady; Moon like faceGirl
ShashibalaIndianThe moonGirl
ShashikalaIndianMoon Light; Brightness of Moon; Phases of moonGirl
ShashikalaIndianPhases of moonGirl
ShashiniIndianLord Chandra (Moon)Girl
ShashiprabhaIndianMoon lightGirl
ShashirekhaIndianMoon raysGirl
ShashirekhaIndianMoon's rayGirl
ShatakshiIndianOne with hundreds of eyes; Goddess ParvatiGirl
ShoniIndianOne of complexion of red lotusGirl
ShreyaIndianBeautiful; Auspicious; Better; To give credit to someoneGirl
ShrigeetaIndianSacred GeetaGirl

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